Liliputins in German- 5301
Hannah Arendt
Liliputins. What, the heck, is this ?
etwas in Abrede stellen (Deutsch)
Wortart: Redewendung
1) etwas fuer unwahr oder nicht vorhanden erklaeren
1) abstreiten, leugnen, zurueckweisen
1) „Und bis heute stellt seine Regierung den tuerkischen Voelkermord an den Armeniern Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs in Abrede.“
Englisch: 1) deny;
Faeser zu AfD-Treffen
"Weckt Erinnerungen an Wannseekonferenz"
20.01.2024 | 13:31
Innenministerin Faeser r;ckt das Geheimtreffen der AfD mit Rechtsextremen in die N;he der Wannseekonferenz. Ein AfD-Verbotsverfahren sieht sie weiterhin skeptisch.
Nancy Faeser
Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser hat sich zu einem Treffen ge;u;ert, an dem AfD-Politiker laut Correctiv mit dem bekanntesten Vertreter der rechtsextremen Identit;ren Bewegung zusammenkamen.
Quelle: dpa
Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) f;hlt sich durch das k;rzlich bekannt gewordene Treffen von AfD und Rechtsradikalen in Potsdam an die Wannseekonferenz der Nationalsozialisten erinnert.
"Das weckt unwillk;rlich Erinnerungen an die furchtbare Wannseekonferenz", sagte die SPD-Politikerin der Funke Mediengruppe. Sie wolle beides nicht miteinander gleichsetzen.
Aber was hinter harmlos klingenden Begriffen wie "Remigration" versteckt wird, ist die Vorstellung, Menschen wegen ihrer ethnischen Herkunft oder ihrer politischen Haltung massenhaft zu vertreiben und zu deportieren.
Nancy Faeser, Bundesinnenministerin
"Die Teilnehmer, zu denen auch AfD-Politiker geh;rten, wollen einen v;lkisch-nationalistischen Staat!, sagte Faeser weiter. "Die Sicherheitsbeh;rden sind stark unterwegs, um solche Umtriebe aufzudecken."
Beim Geheimtreffen von AfD und Neonazis sei u. a. "die Vertreibung deutscher Staatsb;rger mit Migrationshintergrund" besprochen worden, so "Correctiv"-Reporter Marcus Bensmann.
11.01.2024 | 5:03 min
Treffen von Rechtsradikalen im November 2023
Damit bezog Faeser sich auf Berichte des Medienhauses Correctiv ;ber ein Treffen Rechtsradikaler am 25. November in Potsdam, an dem mehrere Politiker der AfD sowie einzelne Mitglieder der CDU und der sehr konservativen Werteunion teilgenommen hatten.
Der fr;here Kopf der rechtsextremen Identit;ren Bewegung in ;sterreich, Martin Sellner, hatte dort nach eigenen Angaben ;ber "Remigration" gesprochen.
Schon seit Anfang 2023 der Jury als Unwort vorgeschlagen, hat der Ausdruck "Remigration" als besch;nigender, rechter Kampfbegriff zuletzt neue Aufmerksamkeit bekommen.
16.01.2024 | 2:06 min
Wenn Rechtsextremisten diesen Begriff verwenden, meinen sie in der Regel, dass eine gro;e Zahl von Menschen ausl;ndischer Herkunft das Land verlassen soll - auch unter Zwang. Bei der Wannseekonferenz schmiedeten die Nazis 1942 Pl;ne zur Vernichtung der j;dischen Bev;lkerung Europas.
Warum der Populismus im Aufwind ist
Warum die AfD keine konservative Partei ist
AfD, FP; und die Gefahr der "Identit;ren"
Faeser sieht AfD-Verbotsverfahren skeptisch
Die Demokratie werde angegriffen und stehe vor gro;en Herausforderungen, sagte die SPD-Politikerin weiter. "Wir m;ssen sie aktiv verteidigen", forderte sie. "Es stimmt mich sehr positiv, dass so viele Menschen in den vergangenen Tagen f;r die Demokratie auf die Stra;e gegangen sind", betonte Faeser.
Ein AfD-Verbotsverfahren sieht Faeser indes skeptisch. "Unsere Verfassung sieht dieses sch;rfste Instrument der wehrhaften Demokratie zu Recht als Ultima Ratio vor." Es gebe sehr hohe H;rden. Bei entsprechender Sachlage k;nne dies niemand ausschlie;en.
In der politischen Auseinandersetzung sei dies jedoch kein Mittel, so Faeser.
Wenn sich Menschen einer solchen Partei zuwenden, m;ssen wir daf;r werben, dass diese Menschen zu den demokratischen Parteien zur;ckkommen.
Nancy Faeser, Bundesinnenministerin
Kann die AfD verboten werden? Kann der Staat Bj;rn H;cke die Grundrechte entziehen? Sarah Tacke, ZDF-Rechtsexpertin, gibt dazu bei "maybrit illner" eine Einsch;tzung.
The Wannsee Conference as a meeting of senior government officials of Nazi Germany and Schutzstaffel (SS) leaders, held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee on 20 January 1942. The purpose of the conference, called by the director of the Reich Security Main Office SS-Obergruppenf;hrer Reinhard Heydrich, was to ensure the co-operation of administrative leaders of various government departments in the implementation of the Final Solution to the Jewish Question, whereby most of the Jews of German-occupied Europe would be deported to occupied Poland and murdered. Conference participants included representatives from several government ministries, including state secretaries from the Foreign Office, the justice, interior, and state ministries, and representatives from the SS. In the course of the meeting, Heydrich outlined how European Jews would be rounded up and sent to extermination camps in the General Government (the occupied part of Poland), where they would be killed.
Discrimination against Jews began immediately after the Nazi seizure of power on 30 January 1933. Violence and economic pressure were used by the Nazi regime to encourage Jews to voluntarily leave the country. After the invasion of Poland in September 1939, the extermination of European Jews began, first through mobile death squads like the Einsatzgruppen, and the killings continued and accelerated after the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941. On 31 July 1941, Hermann G;ring gave written authorization to Heydrich to prepare and submit a plan for a "total solution of the Jewish question" in territories under German control and to coordinate the participation of all involved government organizations. At the Wannsee Conference, Heydrich emphasized that once the deportation process was complete, the fate of the deportees would become an internal matter under the purview of the SS. A secondary goal was to arrive at a definition of who was Jewish.
One copy of the Protocol with circulated minutes of the meeting survived the war. It was found by Robert Kempner in March 1947 among files that had been seized from the German Foreign Office. It was used as evidence in the subsequent Nuremberg trials. The Wannsee House, site of the conference, is now a Holocaust memorial.
Conspiracy is a 2001 made-for-television drama film that dramatises the 1942 Wannsee Conference. Using the authentic script taken from the only surviving transcript recorded during the meeting, the film delves into the psychology of Nazi officials involved in the "Final Solution of the Jewish question" during World War II.
The film was written by Loring Mandel and directed by Frank Pierson. Its ensemble cast includes Kenneth Branagh, Stanley Tucci, Colin Firth and David Threlfall. Branagh won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor, and Tucci was awarded a Golden Globe Award for his supporting role.
On 20 January 1942, Nazi officials hold a conference at a villa in Wannsee, a wealthy district on the outskirts of Berlin, to determine the method by which they will make Germany's territory free of Jews, including the occupied countries of Poland, Reichskommissariat Ostland, Czechoslovakia and France.
Chairing the meeting is Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the Reich Security Main Office, who states he has been given a mandate in the form of a directive from Reichsmarschall Hermann G;ring to achieve a "complete solution of the Jewish question." Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger responds that the meeting is pointless and that the Jewish question has already been settled. Heydrich announces that the government's policy will change from emigration to "evacuation", and Fascist Italy will be forced to cooperate. There is consternation over the use of euphemisms from several of the participants, and Heydrich insinuates a policy of genocide that will become more explicit as the meeting progresses.
The men discuss sterilisation and exemptions for mixed-race Jews who have one or more non-Jewish grandparents. Heydrich's willingness to entertain various competing ideas suggests the ultimate fate of the Jews has not been decided. As the discussion continues, however, it becomes evident to the participants that the purpose of the meeting is not to formulate policy but to receive direction from the SS. Heydrich calls a break in the proceedings, and after praising Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart, a lawyer in the Reich Ministry for the Interior, takes Stuckart aside to warn him about the consequences of his stubbornness. On reconvening, Heydrich reveals in frank detail the policy that had already been decided before the meeting convened: the wholesale extermination of Europe's Jewish population using gas chambers and ovens to incinerate the bodies.
SS-Obersturmbannf;hrer Adolf Eichmann then reveals that the SS has been building extermination camps at Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka, and making preparations for the "Final Solution" under the noses of Germany's civilian bureaucrats. Eichmann describes the method that will be used: asphyxiation of Jews in gas chambers built at locations such as Auschwitz.
Throughout the meeting and over refreshments attendees raise other side issues, reflecting the interests of their respective work areas, including concerns that cholera and typhus could break out from the overpopulated ghettos in Poland. A break is called and this time it is Kritzinger's turn to be taken aside and intimidated by Heydrich. Kritzinger realizes that any hopes he had of assuring livable conditions for the Jewish population are unrealistic. In return, he tells Heydrich a cautionary tale about a man consumed by hatred of his father, so much so that his life loses its meaning once his father dies. Heydrich later interprets this as a warning that a similar fate awaits them after the Jews are exterminated, though he rejects the warning, telling M;ller and Eichmann that he will not miss the Jews.
Heydrich then recalls and concludes the meeting. He also asks for explicit assent and support from each official, one by one. After giving careful instructions on the secrecy of the minutes and notes of the meeting, they adjourn and begin to depart.
As the officials depart, a brief account of the fate of each one is given. Most of the members either died during the war or were arrested immediately after; two, Josef B;hler and Karl Eberhard Schongarth, are convicted by Allied military tribunals and executed, and the others acquitted to live a peaceful life in postwar West Germany. Heydrich would be assassinated by Czechoslovak partisans for his brutal rule in Bohemia and Moravia within six months, while Eichmann would flee to Buenos Aires but be captured, tried and sentenced to death by Israel in the 1960s. The film ends with the house tidied up and all records of the meeting destroyed as if it had never happened. The final card before the credits reveals that Luther's copy of the Wannsee minutes, recovered by the US Army in the archives of the German Foreign Office in 1947, was the only record of the conference to survive.
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