A man who couldn t show off

There was a man who couldn't show off,
Who's good at skating ice, as well as smart, is strong.
He lived in Russia then, and didn't know about
What passion will he gain, what will touch him throughout.

His mission is unpacking senses and discover mysteries,
I wonder, does he have to know Egypt history?
And every film turnes having hidden secrets,
It means that nothing is forever discreet.

He also has sometimes to charge
With interfering us to know much.
He now have proved a lot about hints of such,
About a man who sang and wrote too much.

He doesn't have a million of followers,
But those of us who are, can read, becoming senses' growers.
That will be end of my straightforward poem
About a man who's truly multi-layered.

Dedicated to Andrei Bannikov
