Tell me what is the best hobby?

Yesterday we were at school,
Figuring out what's truly cool.
Who’s interested in what?
What is good and what is not?

Will and Joni - numismatics,
Foster Brothers - acrobatics.
Isaac Goldman is a pianist,
Brian Taft's a philatelist.

My friend Michelle collects so well,
Amazing, very rare seashells.
My desk mate MacDonald James,
Glues ships, and tanks, and planes

Mom writes poetry and sings,
My пrandfather made big wings.
Deep-sea diving is for Dad,
Neighbor collects cowboy hats.

Bike-obsessed is Uncle Max,
Aunt Candy plays the sax.
Dances cousin Lisa Richards
Grandma draws micro-pictures.

But I love to sing and play
With my funny puppy, Bobby.
Always looking for new ways!
Tell me what is the best hobby?

Уточненная интерпретация по мотивам детского стихотворения
Надя Краун
