154 sonnets
'Midst diamond roses and fair lilacs reign,
In realms of yore, a world from ours apart,
I kneel unarmed with bliss in love's sweet chain,
To offer thee my castle – faithful heart.
Princess, thy visage in its beauty's guise,
In fairy space, where magic dreams repose,
Like splendid stars, immortal, ever wise,
Where night of love in heaven softly glows.
The poetry of future dawns, so bright,
Filled with a soul that loves and longs to sing,
A kingdom of eternal sonnets’ light,
Forever at thy feet, my angel, cling.
One dream is worth all treasures manifold,
Thou art my love – the wealth beyond all gold.
In prayer, for today and days of yore,
I glimpse thy visage, lovely, shining bright.
In hurricane of hope’s impassioned lore,
I fell in love with thee in selfsame light.
In sunny days or 'midst the tempest's roar,
I long to hold thee close, my dearest friend.
We'll brave all times together, evermore,
Our world grown fair, with bliss that knows no end.
Upon my knees, I vow to be devout,
At point – for any whim thou might'st impart.
Thou art a magic tale, a spirit stout,
My Yuletide gift, the jewel of my heart.
My love – the beauty’s Goddess of the light,
A paradise, for poet's pure delight.
So innocent thou art, and hot, my dear,
As dreams in aging minds do twist and twine.
As fleeting winds, thou'rt ever pure and clear,
The deity of love and beauty's shrine.
Thou art the mystery of bliss unknown,
A dazzling star that lights the darkest night.
The sacred charm of tenderness alone,
Child, Goddess, woman, in thy purest light.
When dawn adorns thee in its perfect grace,
Thou turn'st the pages with a careless hand.
Sweet smile, the joy, and loving, thine embrace
Transform mere words to poems richly grand.
My love, a dream, a pleasure ever rare,
In poetry, and world, beyond compare.
My angel, grant thy mercy, look on me,
Love's flame eternal, stronger than the fire.
With passion's ardor, fate will kinder be,
And ne'er destroy me, my true heart's desire.
But if the finger of unkind fate shows
The final hour's cruel and darkened sway,
Let me, with bliss, where tender love bestows,
In your embrace undying, spend my day.
Thou art reflection in each mirror's face,
The starlight gleaming in all dreams' vast sphere.
Thou art my muse, my magic, boundless grace,
The sonnet of eternal youth, so clear.
Thus hope, a dance of ice and flame combined,
Love’s banner waves with name immortal signed.
My angel, I do burn, no solace near,
For thy bright gaze, my soul doth pine away;
In those fair eyes, my world's delight is clear,
Yet, oft thou spurn'st these love-lorn lines I say.
I write to thee, yet silence is my bane,
I love thee so, but sorrow fills thy heart.
Though fervent sonnets with my sighs remain,
To thy fair eyes they seem to bear no part.
Just thine own voice, my love, and tender touch,
A fleeting moment’s magic, flames alight,
Hath saved me from despair and healed so much,
At last, thy light will shine within my night.
My dearest friend, thy gaze a poet’s dream,
Yet in a kiss, a world supreme shall gleam.
In moments rare where magic finds its place,
My muse, enraptured, cannot still abide.
In crimson robes, my fairy shows her grace,
For thee my verses yearn, thy heart to guide.
Thy locks, like stars that deck the midnight sky,
Thine eyes, like heaven's springs, with gaze so deep,
Thy form, a pearl where spirits purest fly –
A hymn of perfect beauty, all to keep.
The jasmine scents, where gardens softly hum,
In Eden’s peace, where love’s sweet light doth gleam.
This time, in memory, shall ne’er succumb.
Tonight my muse alone fills all my dream.
Youth’s dreams, within the crimson maiden’s hold,
In heart, she reigns, forever bright and bold.
Thy sighs and lips, my angel, fair and bright,
As roses kissed by dawn’s first tender rays.
Thine eyes, like mirrors, show a cosmic light,
Revealing secrets of the boundless ways.
Thy bosom's height, a realm where stars do play,
With silken glow upon thy skin so pure,
Like love’s own hymn, where heaven and death sway,
In every verse, thy charm doth e’er endure.
When softly from the heavens slumber drifts,
With languid kiss, it brushes o’er thy grace.
In thee, it finds a love that never lifts,
As all around burn with a jealous trace.
In love so true, no malice can be found,
But adoration, beauty’s light unbound.
My gentle star, my wayward angel bright,
Thou soaredst with friend-witches to the stream,
And in the morn, with smiles so pure and light,
Thou sighed, then slept upon my arm, a dream.
I know there gypsy freedom sings its tune,
With fire's dance and songs of crafty crook.
All heart's emotions in a moonlit swoon,
In lovely dreams from great Bulgakov’s book.
Yet in my world, so grounded and so real,
To lose thee, love, would rend my soul apart.
Yet bliss I find when secrets I unseal,
And in sweet dreams, thy kisses mend my heart.
Thy love transcends all fantasies we chase,
As Notre Dame, truth’s shrine in Paris’ grace.
In this wide world, so many stars there be,
Whose light is cold and dreams alone bestows,
They offer naught but night that hides from see,
Deceptive dark where wickedness doth grow.
Yet one there shines, a wondrous star so bright,
It signifies pure love and kindness true,
With beauty’s grace that holds eternal might,
And never doth it fear cold parting’s hue.
The days of parting are a path of woe,
Yet magic moments guide those hours through,
Where memories of touch and warmth bestow
The fire of love and miracle anew.
The guiding star of hope shall ever be –
Within my soul, immortal, endlessly.
We are just wanderers of coldest night,
I’ve seen with heart in hope’s ethereal gleam,
And in my dreams’ brief fading candlelight,
Thy beautiful, angelic, smiling beam.
The precious light of angel’s smile so fair,
Enchantment of the soul, with grace so pure.
And dawn of life so perfect, more than rare,
Breath for my prayers, dreams that shall endure.
Beloved angel, love's ideally sweet,
In joy and sorrow, I awaited thee.
And there thou camest, beauty’s guiding fleet,
Like hymns of heaven in dawn’s shining spree.
Thou art love's path, my heart's eternal guide,
In poem's deep and captivating tide.
My love, with you we'll soar above the skies,
To lands where flowers bloom in endless spring,
And 'neath the moon's soft glow, the ocean lies,
Its waves like jewels in a silver ring.
Where orchids float in velvet night's embrace,
Where mirrored dreams reflect their softest gleam,
And roses, bathed in morning's tender grace,
Shine pure as starlight in a tranquil stream.
My love, the Goddess of all blooms and scent,
Who rules the world with beauty and pure bliss.
With you, my heart is filled with deep content;
I'll give my life, my sweet, just for one kiss.
In bloom's domain, a hymn of hearts ascends,
A paradise where joy and love transcend.
No joy, no fire, no inspiration's gleam,
The world dissolves in distant, ghostly haze.
Why do these fleeting moments, it would seem,
Refuse to free us from Earth's heavy maze?
Why did I once again, by magic's guise,
Fill life and senses with illusive glow?
Why were forgotten pains and heartache's cries,
And yet again I said: "I love you so"?
"I love you so" – immortal words that shine,
All that a human heart could ever seek.
True feelings all my dreams for you refine;
Of hope, of faith, of love I boldly speak...
My friend, you are my angel, dark and bright,
My muse, my guide through every endless night.
Ah, had I not the fleeting wish's flight,
A weary search for dreams in shadows cast,
And faith in promises that dim the light,
In constancy, I'd find my peace at last.
Once more, I'd label all my life a jest,
Mistaken, lost within a world untrue.
Your tender image shields me from unrest,
My sweetest friend, from darkness and from rue.
For youth's sweet smile, I pen my verse anew,
Your tender touch my heart with joy consume.
In daylight's glow or 'neath the moon's soft hue,
For thee alone, my love shall ever bloom.
Hope's fleeting moments, cherished and adored
Light flame of love in me, by passion scored.
Ask me not why in gloom I seem to dwell,
Upon the joys of youth with mournful gaze.
Believe, my child, in age's dreary spell,
No place is left for love's resounding praise.
Forgotten all, within this heart grown cold,
No ember of spring's fire does remain.
The winter reigns, as tale of life unfolds,
Nothing can stir, no passion can sustain.
Yet you, my friend, with smile serene and fair,
Your graceful step, the touch of hands so kind,
And kisses soft, like angels' breath in air,
Restore my life to love's realm, more enshrined.
Love is eternal, faith, and sweet relief,
In your youth's bloom, I find my soul's belief.
Without thee, my love, I am a distant shade,
Cold twilight, sorrow's time that knows no end.
A spectral angel, by earth's curse betrayed,
Abandoned demon, lost without a friend.
Without thee, dwelling for all sins, I pine,
Mad knight, whose honor's but a hollow fake,
Servant of war and darkness's design,
A death machine that none can ever break.
Thine eyes – a spring of beauty’s light so bright,
Thy kiss – an altar, where love's grace aligns,
For thee alone I, sweet, my sonnet write,
In thee alone, life's inspiration shines.
Love and harsh death, in hope's eternal wheel,
Where thou in bliss our souls forever seal.
Do I adore the flowers, my dear friend?
Thou art my bloom of springtime’s sweet delight,
Where youth doth gleam, and all doth sweetly blend,
In sun and moon’s most blessed, tender light.
Thy soul, thy wondrous scent doth stir my heart,
Thine eyes, akin to heavens, skin like snow,
Thy gentle gait, thy smile, I miss apart,
Hath bound me with thy beauty's endless flow.
I give the world's entirety to thee,
Thou art the finest gift that God bestows,
Thou art the light and magic guiding me,
Thou art all that my heart adores and knows.
My love’s – the hope of springtime dreams so fair,
A blooming garden, for two roses rare.
In early morn, I see a beauty rare,
As golden spring enfolds thee in its light.
In silent awe, in love's devoted stare,
Thou art an angel, bathed in day and night.
I lose my speech, for words seem all in vain,
My heart alone can sing thy grace above.
Thy form, ethereal, with no slight stain,
I clothe in faith and dreams in endless love.
Thy smile, like sunlight on thy lovely face,
Perfection’s grace adorns each gentle curve,
In lines of love, I find a sacred place;
With sonnets, I thy tender heart preserve.
My sonnets build a world where love finds voice,
A sanctuary where bliss and youth rejoice.
My talisman guards me through sorrow’s night,
In trials and the turns of fate’s harsh hand.
At journey’s end, and at the chosen light,
It stands my bulwark and my flag so grand.
The battle foreseen of good and evil’s tale,
Will join in peace and love forevermore,
And faith with gratitude will never fail,
To raise true temple in the sacred core.
My talisman is love for thee, my dear,
A ceaseless light in long and weary part,
And music of thy holy soul so clear
Shall grace my sonnet with immortal art.
In love, there’s faith in waiting’s tender bloom,
In meetings sweet and partings’ bitter gloom.
My dear friend, dost thou recall that sight,
Our first embrace, the sonnet penned for thee?
Avowal of love 'neath spring's soft, gentle light,
And stars above, revealing constancy.
Thy hand in mine, in silence shared, we spoke,
Thy whispers soft amidst the lilac's haze,
Moon's glow beneath the golden, gentle cloak,
And passion's spell in its enchanting blaze.
In absence, frantic time becomes my foe,
I am, my sweet, a lonely star in sky.
As bright ray casts away the shadows' woe,
So in love's realm, our hearts are sad sometimes.
All hopes may run and dreams may fade above,
No one immortal, only thee, my love.
My heart's sweet angel, lyre's enchanting art,
I'll praise your grace that sets my soul alight.
As nothing can exist when love departs,
So beauty fades without you, my delight.
On journeys long, in dreams and hopes I stray,
With thoughts of thee, my dearest, tender friend.
You are ideal and the guiding ray,
The star of Lord, where earthly sorrows end.
Your visage in the universe I find,
Eternal light within my fate does gleam.
In life’s deep river, you are ever kind;
Just every day we live in love and dream.
For parting rends the world in dark and light,
With you forever, I and verse unite.
My dearest friend, thou art afar once more,
The grief of parting settled in my breast.
With laurel crown, not on a shield of war,
Knight will come back, I vow, and hold thee blessed.
Thou art the queen of chivalric domain,
Where sacred oaths are true and ever strong.
For soldiers of the Holy War, thy reign,
The Homeland, like true love, shall linger long.
Though foes may breach fake ramparts high and grand,
Of airy castles built on trick's feigned shame,
To thee alone, immortal legion’s hand
Shall give the keys of victory and fame.
O bless, my star of hope, this noble sword
Of heaven's grace, where love's forever stored.
My Venus, Vesta, and my Luna sweet,
Love's universe and beautiful delight,
Among all beauty, thine no muse can beat,
My Goddess' day and night, where dreams take flight.
Thy smile, and shadows that it casts, so sweet,
The mystic glow within thine eyes displayed,
Turns darkest night to spring’s enchanting heat,
And winter’s chill to summer blooms remade.
Without thee, I’m a book with missing leaves,
A sonnet lacking rhyme and a lyre broke,
A knight who in defeat and death believes,
Before the miracle of faith awoke.
Though Pantheon’s a shrine of gods above,
Thy temple stands immortal in its love.
Like moth enchanted by the candle’s glow,
I run again to light of your blest eyes.
Let this sonnet in love’s night sky bestow,
A charm that in true hearts forever flies.
When hand in hand, my fingers intertwine,
When tender kisses from your lips I take,
In verse, the poem’s essence we define,
In darkest winter, July’s warmth we make.
The world blooms bright within thy soul’s embrace,
Where fairy tales are real, and dreams do dwell,
Where truth and fantasy do interlace,
Where you alone are love, my queen as well.
Without you, I’m a moth, consumed, forlorn,
In flames of parting, sorrow, and love’s thorn.
Shall I be first to meet my final fate?
Yes, my dear friend, it seems that shall be so.
Life without thee is but a fleeting state,
A time forgotten, where no joys may grow.
When I am turned to cold, unfeeling stone,
In bitter dark, relentless and severe,
And soon forgotten by all that I’ve known,
In thine affection shall I reappear.
My soul revived in tender verses bright,
In dawn’s first light, or blossoms’ birth anew,
In dreams of thine, where time is but a flight,
Where endless love doth in our hearts renew.
Let death once more the book of life unbind:
The light may fade, but love shall be enshrined.
There are so many hearts of granite stone,
Yet thine – blooms tender, reaching for the high.
Though kindness has been lost, to dust has flown,
Thou art the model for life's Earth and sky.
Through thee, love and compassion shall arise,
Return once more into this earthly sphere.
Thy gentle, godlike form will meet the eyes
Of bards who sing thy praise to hearts sincere.
I swear by Zeus, the mighty thunder’s roar,
And Moira, who decrees the thread of life,
That all I dream is hearts forevermore,
United, sweet, without a hint of strife.
The victory of love o’er vengeful hate,
In knightly saga I shall celebrate.
"I cherish that enchanting moment’s hue" –
In love’s sweet verse, eternal songs unfold.
My muse falls silent, held in rapture true,
Before the lyre of Pushkin’s tales of old.
In my plain sonnets, I may ne’er attain
Such heights of genius in my humble lays.
Yet many poets, in their art’s rich strain,
Shall sing thy praises through the passing days.
Through ages, hymns of homage shall resound
To thy fair beauty and thy graceful charm;
I feel them life, with inspiration bound,
As they exalt thee in a soulful psalm.
My love outshines the realm of sonnet's art,
In which, my star, we’re never torn apart.
My love, like angel from bright Eden’s dome,
Thou shinest above both sorrow and despair.
Thou’rt queen of beauty, sinless on thy throne,
A beacon of pure tenderness laid bare.
When doubt and grief consume my weary mind,
And truths of goodness seem to fade away,
Thy smile and kiss, in resurrection kind,
Bestow on me the meaning of each day.
And all I once in scorn did disavow,
And all I harshly turned my heart against,
Thou turn’st to fairy dreams, as if somehow,
Thy love’s a shield, my soul’s own recompense.
Thou’rt magic where foul evil turns to tale,
Where light of goodness in thy love prevails.
When reading sonnets of the wise Poet,
The greatest bard of every age and time,
I find advice where art and truth are set,
On life, on friendship, happiness, and rhyme.
The prophecies of love’s eternal schemes,
Of faithfulness, betrayal, lies in thrall,
With ink, the sovereign of verse’s dreams,
He speaks to every soul that’s prone to fall.
He sang of Beauty’s gentle, rarest grace,
Whose form I cherish, ever to adore,
Like kisses and the moments’ sweet embrace;
I feel heartbeats again: “I love you more."
Forgive me, King of Sonnets, if I dare:
In verse, ’tis she alone beyond compare.
Thou art, my angel, formed of blooms so fair,
Thine eyes – two beautiful forget-me-nots,
Thy cheeks – of petals tender, sweetly rare,
A modest rose in love’s soft, gentle fold.
Thy locks – the madness of the orchid’s hue!
A myriad shades within their silken flow,
In sunlight, moonlight, ’neath the rain’s soft dew,
Blonde, copper, and chestnut, in beauty’s show.
Thy skin – a dahlia’s pure, snowy light,
Thy lips – the essence of the crimson rose,
Queen of all blooms, in thee my love takes flight,
A mystery, a marvel, love doth grow.
For I am rustic, like the clover’s grace,
Yet in this world, my love’s a royal place.
My soul, sweet friend, is filled with troubled gloom,
With autumn's grief and endless, somber night,
Yet shadow of thy smile shall chase the doom,
Like spring’s warm sun with all life-giving light.
Though time, like coldest wind and shifting sand,
Flies through our hearts with hurried, fleeting pace;
Life's essence – neither bliss nor joy can end:
For love knows never frame and empty space.
Should storm arise and darken all our time,
And sorrow's veil obscure the spirit sky,
I'll write the verses with a rainbow's rhyme,
And dry the tears from thy beloved eyes.
In love, two hearts harsh weather cannot blight;
Let all these sonnets be thy guiding light.
In parting, days stretch out as endless years,
A sad parade of sorrow’s weary song,
Where madly ticking hands, it oft appears,
Say, “Tick-tock, your true love won’t last for long.”
Time without you, like dateless, dreary rain,
No rainbow, sky, no saving land to see.
Light without you, a deadly night of pain,
No future, world, nor love to comfort me.
My love, with you, I will not face my end,
Our life's thread stronger than the hardest steel:
With sonnets, I the hands of time will bend,
In love's embrace, our hearts forever feel.
Life on this earth shall never cease to be,
While hearts with love still shine eternally.
In days of yore, an era golden bright,
When beauty thrived in deeds of noble grace,
Not in the pride of shallow, hollow might,
Where falsehood breeds and vanity finds space.
When from the graves no social ranks did rise,
No lords or beggars marked by wealth or need,
Each knight embraced his valor with no guise:
Devoid of boasting, falsehood’s wretched seed.
When yet the land was not for sale or trade,
To scammers, bandits, thieves who would defame,
And knights fought in their heavenly crusade,
For Faith, Homeland, and Lady’s honored name.
Though now may darkness cloak the world’s array,
My friend – the soldier, knight of shining day.
Thy world – an album, I know it by heart,
Within my memory, as thou, it dwells.
I boast my memory, my friend, in part:
Stronger than fleeting ink its power swells.
At least until those final moments near,
While brimming with love's boundless, endless grace,
Thy friends’ bright hearts, so pure and shining clear,
Till fate’s steel hand shall meet them face to face.
I care not for love's quotes from days of yore,
Nor writings that to thee can’t e’er compare;
Thy form, thy tenderness, I do adore –
In poetry, my soul finds solace there.
For love lives not in books or verses cold,
But in devoted hearts, that time can't hold.
Love's not like salt: it can't be overmuch.
To live sans love? 'Twere better not to be.
My soul and body yearn for but one touch:
To breathe you in, to love you endlessly.
Life without you's a rainbow drained of hue,
Like day and night bereft of sun and moon,
Or like my sonnet, praising beauty true,
Without its words, a lyre without its tune.
Mistakes yield wisdom, teach us to forgive.
I beg you, could you pardon me, my dear?
Love always joins two souls, allows to live,
Where no betrayal, harm or spite appear.
Beloved, judge me not with harsh disdain,
I'm yours alone, in faith and joy, and pain.
No flower in the world can e'er surpass
The beauty of a rose at break of day.
Its petals, perfect as a diamond glass,
Bloom fragrant for all those who pass its way.
It needs no love returned, no fond embrace,
Content to be an object of desire,
In pride it dwells, unmoved by time and space,
And admiration is its food and fire.
But dearer still to me, a single bloom:
A pledge of love and modesty combined –
The shy and pure cornflower's gentle plume,
That blossoms true for friendship's ties entwined...
Beloved, Goddess of all flowers fair,
My life for you I'm ready now to spare.
Thy kiss, more precious than poetic lines,
Than epics, sonnets, odes, or prose mundane;
For love, I'd yield poetic realms and signs,
For love, I'd traverse sky and Charon's reign:
There, all words whisper but of thee alone,
How kind, how young, how virtuous thou art;
No shadows, hurts, or darkness there are shown,
Just thou, my sweetest friend, within my heart.
There waits the gate of love, a pearl-lit way,
Where timid pilgrim and a warrior strive,
With passion's dream, where hearts in ardor sway,
To be the thrall and love’s vassal alive.
Though Prometheus gave fire, bold and free,
Yet thy kiss shines brighter and stronger be.
My dearest friend, where falsehoods reign and thrive,
There, steadfastness shall surely fade away.
Yet hell’s own realm does not deny the strive
For love and soul, where virtues freely sway.
“The body’s treachery is funny jest,”
Said fool or villain in their callous way.
You’ve been betrayed, and none can mend this test:
To scatter pearls in endless pain or stay?
Forgive the past, beloved, do not grieve,
And trust the moment, living in the now.
Forget the wrongs, where night’s soft love you cleave,
And live in love’s embrace, with heart avowed.
Fear not the evil, love’s might stands above,
For life’s reward is heaven’s gift of love.
Beloved, I know there are no cures
For feelings that for thee I always bear.
In distant lands, through trials and endures,
I dream of thee, my angel, everywhere.
The envious may slander love as ill,
And term my passion for thee as disease;
I'll gladly yield, embracing it with will,
To ail for thee and suffer sweet unease.
Together, we shall build our safe domain,
To shield us from the gossip of the world.
In love's embrace, God made us without stain,
In paradise for two, where faith's unfurled.
In all the world, one remedy I see:
In long apart, that cure is only thee.
In thy beauty, I am as if on fire,
Thy scent, thy moan, thy skin's soft tender glow,
They overshadow all, as if a pyre,
With love, more rich than gold, doth here bestow.
The touch of hands, thy sighs and shared repose,
At dawn, we wake in sweet, angelic grace,
Where moon, or sun, or rain that gently flows,
Resounds: "I love thee", beautiful embrace.
Together, our hearts’ flame ignites the night,
Two souls entwined, their fervent blaze displayed,
When passion’s light in love’s embrace is bright,
And endless days and nights in joy arrayed.
Yet times of pleasure, mere illusions seem,
Without belief and heart, and love’s true gleam.
I do recall the day when flowers bloomed,
Of lilac and of lily in their grace,
And holy night with star's enchantment loomed,
And love that in my heart, I did embrace.
When my great healer, friend so kind and true,
Did rescue me from treachery's dark maze,
And conquered wild disease that sought to rue,
And kindled light where shadows dared to gaze.
Beloved, through the fate that we have known,
Through thorny paths, we've sought our guiding star.
I ask of thee one thing: forgiveness shown,
For long I wandered, love, to where thou art.
Though life's own book may seem too brief, too frail,
Our souls, entwined, shall last beyond the veil.
Beloved queen, so radiant and bright,
Forgive my humble verse, both pure and true.
With heartfelt praise, I sing of thee in light
Of poetry, where love is born anew.
I pray thee, judge, be not with pity's trace,
Let thy verdict be stern and always fair,
With each verse wrought in honest, gentle grace,
To show their worth and let their truth declare.
I’ll write and polish every line with zeal,
In each sonnet make words shine ever more.
For God grants them thy spring form, sweet and real;
I will embrace thy judgment as fate's lore.
My sonnets live in harmony with thee,
In poetry, divine and fair they’ll be.
My dearest friend, deceitful in its sway
Wild passion's flames lack love's most gentle art,
By cunning Hell to naive hearts display,
That we may ne'er find love's true counterpart.
The heat of lust, like fire mad, untamed,
A match alight within gunpowder room,
And like a pale horse in infernal flame,
It brings with it a legion of black gloom:
Diseases, shame, unmoral darkness thrive –
The consequence of sins that multiply,
Enhancing evil's vile and wicked drive,
Seeking dominion 'neath the spirit's sky.
Yet in true love, two hearts find sweet relief,
Where passion’s flame burns pure, devoid of grief.
Emotions, feelings in the hearts of men,
Entangled oft, and rarely make much sense.
Like servants to the demons' darkened den,
They’re fickle, childish, and with false pretense.
Fate's path is hard, where life seems preordained,
And choices seem to vanish in the mist.
Though lies are strong and cunningly maintained;
In choice, like gods, I freely do exist.
My freedom is in you, my perfect dream,
A world of love where flaws no longer reign,
Where sins and lies on pedestals don’t gleam,
And sophistry and falsehoods are in vain.
Beloved, you’re the logic love imparts,
Within my soul, my sonnets, and my heart.
The past – a fog, a poison in the air,
To delve too deep invites the dark abyss.
Let death claim those who've died, and lies beware,
Betrayal’s sting and years consumed by this.
For else, within, a sickness takes its root,
Insanity, by shadows brought to sight.
True love, sweet friend, dispels the winter’s brute,
A sunbeam breaking through the frozen night.
Beloved, let the past now fade away,
With honor laid to rest, we’ll bid adieu.
With loyalty, we'll melt the ice, and sway
The hand of Fate with choices pure and true.
More steadfast than a diamond's gleaming thread,
Beneath love's banner, we are truly led.
The beauty never fades in time's harsh reign,
It blooms through nature’s endless, boundless flight.
In human fate, where death and void sustain,
Love overwhelms them in its power might.
Thou art the beauty’s model, my sweet friend,
The light's perfection, heart of grace’s art.
Where in brief partings, there’s no bitter end,
No anguish felt, nor sorrow to impart.
For days of parting promise joyous meet,
And bliss in passion’s touch finds sweet release.
Beloved, thou hast kept me from deceit,
From dark temptations, granting me true peace.
The realms of lifeless shadow’s endless play –
It's world devoid of thee, of gentle sway.
Cold rain, night’s crossing, winds that chill and moan,
The tolling bells, a mournful sound, so dead.
My parting’s pain, a bitter poison grown,
Within my breast a heavy sigh is heard.
The candle burns, its tears refuse to cease,
When shall the torch of war lose bloody flame?
When shall the flowers of youth find their peace,
And not be dust beneath the moon’s gaze claim?
The answer lies in love, my angel bright,
Your soul, sweet friend, immortal, pure, and true,
Where partings cast no shadow in the light,
And time and war cannot its glow subdue.
Success and failure fleetingly do pass,
In love alone we always live and last.
How slow and gentle was my tender touch
Upon thy breast, where lovely petals lie,
With passion stirring and responding much,
Like sunlight kissing morning’s brightened sky.
No greater joy on earth can one attain,
Than kissing lips adorned with scarlet hue,
In ecstasy, as if in magic’s reign,
To count the moon above as love’s own view.
Beloved, naught I crave of wealth or might,
No gold, nor scepter of the kings so grand,
In my life’s realm, one treasure is in sight –
Thy love, the richest gem in all the land.
Thy soul and body, perfect in their grace,
The wellspring of my joy, my heart’s embrace.
Is there, my friend, the trueness in this world,
Where feelings, morals, love have ceased to be?
You are my savior; to my lyre unfurled
Your love, I plead: "Bestow your bliss to me."
My Goddess, you're perfection's very sign,
Like child, you're light with innocence so rare.
Your carefree heart, 'gainst decadence' design,
I glorify with floral name so fair:
My cornflower blue, no purity on earth
Can match the fire that in your soul resides.
Such radiance in children finds its birth,
And in the church's stained glass still abides.
"I love you" – words bring me salvation's light,
Reviving feelings lost to time's swift flight.
Upon this earth, a lot of paths unfold,
Leading to heaven's grace or hell's dark pit.
Our life's duration none can truly hold,
Each day a gift from spirit's purest wit.
Yet all illusions in this world untrue,
Of pride and wealth and glory’s fleeting sway,
We squander days on pearls for sins to strew,
And reap the fruits of sorrow’s dark array.
But one path stands, my darling, clear and bright,
Free from the shadows and the falsehood’s guise,
Leading to thee in days both old and light,
In blissful union where true love resides.
Thy love, the cornerstone of all we see,
In which just thou, sweet friend, and I shall be.
I'm captive to thy charms, forever thine,
A humble servant to thy sweet allure,
In blissful rapture, where my soul doth shine,
No power could e'er shake this love so pure.
Thou hast ensnared me in thy tender grace,
I bear this title proudly, my dear friend,
As knight of love’s immortal fiery blaze,
Before thee, as thy vassal, I'll defend.
Conquering foes of goodness, light, and stars,
To thee, my love, I pledge my every breath,
All fame and gold of victory, so far,
Are thine, my lady, even unto death.
Thy servant, knight and angel's love I be,
In life and death, devoted just to thee.
Thou art so beautiful and full of grace,
As rose of diamond light that softly gleams,
In dawn of spring, where beauty finds its place,
Thy hand in mine, a poet’s bliss in dreams.
In secret, I possess thy fiery art,
The love of soul and body I revere.
Devoted wholly to thy sweetest heart,
To thee alone, my love and life adhere.
I'll speak to none of this, my joyous fate;
For gossip's tongue is cruel and unwise,
Thy name, my rose, I never shall relate,
But only that - thou'rt beauty in my eyes.
The flower of my love, my poetry,
Each day more cherished and adored by me.
Beloved, with a stroke of pen alone,
Our world of love I'll keep forevermore.
No gold, nor silver treasures ever known,
Can guard us, for swift time is hard to store.
Where even clock hands yield to slow decay,
Obeying only to the realm of night.
In sonnet's heaven – spring's eternal day,
It's thee and I, and all is pure delight.
No siren song, nor power of the kings,
Nor wisdom of the prophets, truth bestows,
For love is worth more than all worldly things,
Love is immortal, as the river flows.
In love, no lies, betrayal, nor deceit;
In love, e'en death has found its own defeat.
Forsake, my friend, cruel and wicked schemes,
To me and Mars, let them be cast away.
His servant I became, midst war’s extremes,
This time and foes denied us in fair play.
In victory, thy love doth brightly gleam,
Thy merits shine in this enchanting feat.
For brides and wives, in love’s undying dream,
Knights' honor stands in land and every street.
Yet, if the choice were granted unto me,
I’d trade all conquests won on battleground
For endless flame of love eternally;
Thou art my light and darkness, life profound.
Darkness – the night where I devoutly bliss:
Thy words’ bright light – “I love, I love” – and kiss.
Within me dwells a vow of love so true,
Reserved for you alone, my dearest friend.
Forever shall it be to you in view,
In pledge of love that knows not how to end.
Indeed, you speak these words to me each day,
At dawn, beneath the moon's soft, gentle light.
These words of love, which never fade away,
Are more than sunlight, guiding through the night.
Please say again, my sweet, "I love you more,"
When storms do rage, my darling, near and far,
Then I shall know, beyond the tempest's roar,
That you are mine, my heart's true guiding star.
I swear before both God and mortal men:
My life I'll give for love's sweet words. Amen.
In darkness do I wander without thee,
An orphaned child upon the weary road.
Thou art my beacon, guiding light to see,
To beauty's realm that all the gods bestowed.
Thou art the paragon of boundless grace,
Perfection in thy silken form so fair,
Foretelling dreams where youth shall find its place,
Eternal and untouched by time's death snare.
But when the call of parting shall draw near,
Beneath the flag of long and distant pain,
The snows of longing and of icy fear
Shall bind me in their heavy, harsh domain.
As love without the passion's flame can't be,
No world, no life, no sonnets without thee.
Thou slumbering, whilst I in prayer dwell,
For our own paradise, my love, I plead;
And softly whisper, as in solemn spell:
"Forsake me not, beloved, in my need."
In parting, time flows languid, slow and chill,
Without thee, thoughts of sorrow fill my mind;
When will this dismal day of gloom fulfill,
And leave my home, my heart no more confined?
Yet thou shalt come, a sunny bouquet fair,
Of blooms and life, of light and spring's array,
Like youth's bright dawn, thy presence everywhere,
And love alone with paradise holds sway.
Forsake me not in life and always be,
No world exists, my angel, without thee.
Life is to me a challenge in the night,
Path with no stars, and bird with broken wing.
Yet in love's sonnet, beauty's pure delight,
My shattered world anew begins to sing.
I felt it in my heart, a sudden thrill,
When first I touched your tender velvet lips,
And knew at once no force on earth could kill
The joy that from my soul no sorrow strips.
My sweetest friend, in love's forge we became
A single being, bound as one for life,
And like a sword, defying every shame,
We vanquished gloom and overcame all strife.
Life is the paradise, my love, with you,
Where sonnets' light is ever pure and true.
Though little truth and love in world may lie,
And vengeance holds young hearts within its sway,
Yet scrolls of war are written in blood’s dye,
And tears of sorrow flow where crosses stay.
Success and failure – evils’ final gain,
And plans of darkness gather harvest due,
From souls who, in their innocence, attain
To dreams of wins and promised heaven’s view.
I am an officer, to dark not sworn,
My war is but my Homeland to defend.
No power, flattery, or gold forlorn
I need beneath the granite's heavy end.
My Homeland sweet is where you are to me,
Where life and death are love eternally.
In madness and in fury of the fight,
Young souls now turn to ashes, vain and lost,
Beneath the moon’s eternal, mournful light,
Where dead are left forgotten, life is tossed.
A tear of love upon our just Lord’s scale,
Will always outweigh hunger's endless greed,
Of wicked power, drinking without fail
The blood of Land where pain and sorrow bleed.
No more to wars or tales of foreign shores,
Where diamonds, gold, and endless wealth abound,
No more to death on strange and distant moors,
Nor widows' tears upon the soldier’s ground.
The hero of the Land is not a slave,
But guardian of realm from thief and knave.
If I could find within thee thy true grace,
That sets apart joy from the sorrow's blight.
Thy character: a ship in storm's embrace,
In pride it stands, through rageful, darkest night.
It faces tempests, thunder, waves so tall,
As high as homes or skies where eagles soar,
Like hero bold, it ne'er shall once recall,
Its chosen course, steadfast forevermore.
I am thy helmsman and thy compass true,
Devoted to the ship and captain's hand.
No vile disease of sin or dark pursue,
Shall drag us down where evil takes its stand.
In joy I am, thou art of heights most fair,
Where faith's bright beacon shines beyond compare.
When fate again doth seek to strike with might,
Shall there be answer, clear and true to know?
To flee like coward, take death's sweet respite,
A one-way ticket to the final show?
As child, to lie: "The world's a wretched curse,
All people beasts or preys, fools in their plight.
Here, e'en the climate's foul, souls are perverse,
And all in world are scoundrels in my sight."
Beneath the heavens, worm and rose do grow,
Spring and the mud, elation, sorrow, pain.
I see it all, and in my choice I know,
In life's brief span one thing shall be: love's gain.
Folly to blame God, nature's path deride,
Love conquers both the storm and hardship's tide.
Alone in darkness; ruthless mist enthralls,
To drive me mad, my angel, is its aim.
Without my love the nightmare's shadow falls,
Sick fantasies foretell impending blame.
My sweet, I am thy slave, I do implore:
"Stay close, forsake me not for long," I pray.
Like fierce Othello, love I to the core,
And jealousy anew doth lead astray.
I cannot conquer mine own sinful plight,
In soul so scorched and so frail withal.
This night torments me with its dreadful fright,
Alone I lie, no sleep, love's tale doth fall.
With dawn shall come my sweet for love's embrace,
But how endure until the morning's grace?
My Goddess, I do tremble at thy sight,
When morning's touch upon thy form doth lay,
Enraptured by the magic of the light,
In blissful awe, thy beauty I survey.
Thy skin, a pearl, doth captivate mine eyes,
As morning dew on petals, soft and fair.
Thy curves akin to velvet's tender guise,
In splendor, yet thou art beyond compare.
Queen of all gardens, like the rose divine,
Thy smile in dreams doth rival Luna's gleam.
Thy bosom, where love's visions intertwine,
This sonnet's words are but a fleeting dream.
In my true heart, love holds a higher place,
Than sonnets' lyre or ancient wisdom's grace.
My angel, there's no limit to my grief,
And if I knew my final day on earth,
I'd dream to be with thee, beyond belief,
Defying vile temptations, proving worth.
In absence, I do pine for thee, my light,
Composing lines where love's true grace doth shine.
Thy love, not worldly lure, brings pure delight,
The only balm to soothe this heart of mine.
I crave no crown, nor riches to command,
No fame, nor laurels for a hero's feat.
In fleeting moments of life's swift demand,
No empty vanity, just us complete.
Love reigns supreme o'er all that's vain and small,
Love is the beacon that outshines them all.
What place within the world shall I possess,
And will I be endowed with talent rare?
It matters not, for in thy love I rest,
Each day with sunny joy beyond compare.
I'll keep my feelings pure and undefiled,
Not trading virtue for a worldly prize,
In trials where the heart's true worth is tried,
Where sins and falsehood wear their dark disguise.
Love is a spring, its waters fresh and clear,
That cannot flow 'midst garbage and the grime.
For I will never barter, have no fear,
Deceitful realms for falsehood's evil crime.
In realms of hearts, beneath the kindness' sway,
Love reigns supreme, unblemished, come what may.
Let servants of vile darkness now rejoice:
Their master hath bestowed infernal code;
For those who lost their soul's own sacred voice,
Yea, Judgment Day in Hell shall soon explode.
No evil's power o'er all hearts doth reign,
Love is the boundary of knightly land,
Where honor's banner – valor's noble strain,
Forever hovers in a steadfast hand.
No wisdom lies in killings or in tears
Of maidens scorned by fate and left forlorn;
Disgrace the usurers and scammers' sneers,
Who profit in the blood, their hearts of stone.
I call for death, this nightmare's plight to flee,
Yet I'm in love, and hate death's tyranny.
Around us lies a world of darkness deep,
As if we dwell within a mournful snare.
Yet thou, my idol, rise from shadows steep,
With kiss thou warmest, love, the frosty air.
Against the evil's dark of spite and rage,
That seize all souls with every fleeting breath,
Thou cloak'st our love in sonnets' golden age,
A source of bliss that conquers even death.
Thy healing touch doth soothe the heart’s own pain,
And grants my verse a grace that shall not fade.
In poetry, where gloomy shadows wane,
Thou art my muse, my love’s own serenade.
Thou art my inspiration’s guiding light,
And faithful beacon through the darkest night.
Fair lotus, chosen by the stars above,
A flower of the flame and shadow's dance,
Mid births and deaths, a symbol of true love,
Of water, land, sun's ray, and moon's romance.
Unfettered by the cruel twists of fate,
In boundless cosmos, it doth safely dwell,
Giving the rise to life's eternal state,
Inspiring poets with its magic spell.
It blooms forever in the gardens bright:
In sonnets of the kingdom's vernal dreams,
Where falsehood's snare finds neither root nor light,
But love's pure beam in ever-flowing streams.
Let lotus bloom in joy's eternal sway,
In paradise of inspiration's bay.
Let lotus blossom by the beauty's sway,
Like phoenix wings in magic's fiery flight,
In love's fierce blaze doth smite the void's dark play,
And cast the death to tomb's eternal night,
Within the darkness' heart, where lost souls dwell
In hell's embrace, devoid of faith's bright glow,
Where malice nurtures enmity's foul spell,
And shadows dance in sin's unholy show.
But you, my Goddess and my idol fair,
Unite the bounds of dark with light’s pure grace,
With poetry, you’ve breathed new fresh air
Of love’s bloom and eternal sonnet’s space.
Let lotus blossom, shine as beauty’s star,
For flower of my life, my sweet, you are.
Might I preserve in purity my love
For thee, my friend, upon this earthly sphere?
For in life's daily strife where push and shove,
'Tis easy changing course, like wind austere.
My sweet, thy kiss, like balm upon my soul,
Enchanting, tender, makes my spirit bright.
I spurn false prizes, passion's fleeting goal,
And from deception's grasp, I shall take flight.
I'll not forsake the sacred realm divine
Of poetry, of flowers, and of dreams,
Where love becomes a precious, cherished sign,
In hearts aflame, where love forever streams.
Thou art akin to mountain springs so pure,
Divine, majestic, steadfast, and secure.
Dost thou fear time, the pyramids of old?
Yet love remains a force beyond compare.
Though death may strike and take its mortal hold,
The spirit of my love stands ever fair.
Christ's teachings bless the souls in love and trust,
In paradise, where faith and hope abide,
Free from fanatic passions and from lust
In pride and evil's wake, where souls divide.
The granting grace, Creator's love transcend,
Where nature's highest pleasures sweetly ring.
The earthly life knows never any end,
In poetry, where tender lyres e'er sing.
My verses stand as pyramids in light,
No force can dim my love in day and night.
Parting's weight is hard, yet I hold thee dear,
My soul of love, thine image, hope's bright hue.
Each line I craft, my love doth so appear,
Exalted, tender, ever pure and true.
In loving heart, within my mind, there flow,
All verses – songs of passion's gentle flame,
Of tender love, as tales of old bestow,
In lands where dreams and legends share thy name.
To spring, my love, this tale I've made akin,
A boundless truth within poetic line.
In poetry, all magic's laws begin,
Yielding to youth's eternal, ageless shine.
And life is love, despite death's stern decree,
In sonnets, sweet, thou dwell'st eternally.
What dost thou see in me, my friend so dear?
The bleakness of the winter, cold, forlorn,
Or autumn's endless ailment drawing near,
Or May's brief blaze, its brilliance newly born?
Indifferent am I to time's swift sway,
The weather's whimsy hath no grip on me.
In heat or frost, I seek thee night and day,
Defying sorrow's grasp, I'll ever be.
I want to be as constant as the tide,
Beneath the sun, the moon, in ocean's flow,
For my sweet love, unchanging, doth abide,
Like dawn's first light, a blessed and steady glow.
In one regard alone I still remain:
In love for thee, forever I proclaim.
Do not despair, my dearest friend, I pray,
If death should come to claim me unawares;
In crucible of partings, ashen gray,
Shall bloom again the days of joys and cares.
Though brief our tender moments here have been,
Embraces, kisses, souls entwined as one,
Forever in my heart, though sight unseen,
Love’s purest essence ever shall be spun.
When souls' rebirth shall bring eternal glow,
I'll seek thee out amidst the living throng.
Let years, in woe or joy, pass ever slow,
For thee, my search shall never waver long.
I swear to find thee, love, through space and time,
In heaven's light, or in hell's cruel chime.
Thou art to me as vital as the air,
None else in this vast world holds such great sway.
Each sonnet that I write, my love, I swear,
Is dedicated just to thee each day.
I made the realm of beauty and delight,
Of joy and plenty, sweet and warm embrace,
Where "I love thee" shall ever be the light,
The hymn of faithfulness in starbright space.
Let years and ages pass in swift array,
Naught can extinguish love's undying blaze,
Where blooms eternal verse in glow display
Of joy and passion, set in timeless phrase:
I love thee, sweet, my dream, my idol pure,
Even Shakespeare’s quill thy praise ensures.
My verses lack the modern touch, my friend,
Yet in thine eyes, they are a cherished art.
But in a world where trendy poets blend,
And cunning bards perform to naive heart,
Thou art so kind, and youthful in thy ways,
In every flattery, thou just seest truth.
These swindlers gather, singing thy loud praise,
And craft their songs to thee, for endless youth:
They praise the rose, the sun, the moon's sweet light,
With clever metaphors, their words do ring.
But thou, in love, art always in the right,
Responding with disdain to every fling.
So I shall sing in secret just for thee,
Because I'm loved, our love forever be.
Let, sweet, thy album sing the magic tale
Of dreams that once in past did brightly gleam.
For it stands guard, a keeper who won't fail,
Of lovely years, of moments like a stream.
Its pages, like Mnemosyne’s gentle flow,
Shall bring thee back all joys of love’s embrace.
This wine and roses that its hues bestow,
And amber days, where love’s enraptured grace.
My verses, gifts I’ve given, angel mine,
Belong to thee alone, forevermore.
Within thy album’s walls they intertwine,
For love and inspiration to restore.
Thy album, sacred symbol of delight,
For lovers, ‘tis the key to Eden’s light.
I've always seen the moon's enchanting glow,
As poetry, a wonder of the night.
Celestial Poet, in beauty's flow,
Made human world, both land and sky's delight.
There's magic in this world, we're not alone:
A gift of faith and love from God above.
Agnostics, blind to Christmas, live as stone,
Their lives are bleak, devoid of warmth and love.
Their doctrines, like the flat earth, lack all sense,
Cruel religions and fanatics' strain,
Who burned at stakes, their ignorance immense,
All secrets of the prophets and their reign.
The atheist and priest, both prone to sin,
For evil souls can be to darkness kin.
In love, I seek for inspiration bright,
Breathing the fragrant beauty of the air,
With faithful heart, love's feelings sweet invite,
To thee alone my dreams in verses fair.
My sonnets, fragments of a dazzling star,
Reflect sweet echoes of thy beauty fine;
They sound true, free from sorrow's bitter scar,
For thou, my muse, dost in my heart enshrine.
And when thou comest, like Aurora's gleam,
To me, in heaven's radiant embrace,
My verses, void of fear, with joy supreme,
Shall sing of wonders, love's immortal grace.
The joyless candles fade, like evening's breath,
Thy blissful light doth conquer even death.
When hell's decay reigns o'er the world supreme,
Life's ruin spreads, a dirge, a mournful song,
How can I save you, fragile petal's gleam,
In separation's grip, so harsh and strong?
I'll turn my yearnings into solemn vows,
And through enchantment send my dreams afar,
To thee, my love; for through the ages thou,
Art sung as Goddess, beauty’s guiding star.
Poetry, an undying flame, it burns,
Defying fate with its unyielding light.
Let never in my lover's heart returns
The fading of youth's flower, ever bright,
Protected from decay by sonnets bold –
The poet's knights in tales forever told.
The cunning darkness knows no moral bound:
A lord or servant, all to it are same.
Just sacred love can guard in sonnet's sound,
Against all baseness, and ignite true flame.
The hearts of lovers burn with fervent zeal:
Like Flora's scent, true love shall never end,
Divine and great, the passion it reveals,
For love doth conquer sin, and doth transcend.
In struggle, light of kindness and dark night,
'Gainst pride and reckless change, love will prevail.
Through faith, it vanquishes decay's foul blight,
In realms where verses' sun shall never fail –
In poetry, where timeless beauty dwells,
Where death can make no woe, nor ring its knells.
My words grow dearer with each passing day,
I in grand secret hold my sonnets tight,
Until with pen I polish them away,
In love for thee, my angel dark and bright.
The time apart is fog where muses flee,
And I do struggle, writing sans the spark.
Our meetings, like a flash upon the sea,
Bring forth sweet lines that breathe life in the dark.
With rhyme I sing thy praise, as Philomel,
Beside a tender rose my words align.
By day and night, I love thee, truth to tell,
In land of hearts where dreams and joys entwine.
Let poetry's sweet music fill the air,
Make love grow stronger, thee beyond compare.
Love, like a flower, doth forever grow,
Within the hearts of those who deeply love,
As almond blooms in gardens do bestow
Upon life's path sweet blessings from above.
Belov;d, jasmine of my fate so fine,
In sonnets with thy tenderness portrayed.
I keep thee close, a talisman divine,
The measure of my dreams, in light arrayed.
No sin, nor guile shall render barren ground,
Where blooms of love forever sway and play.
For love surpasseth death in sonnets' sound,
Its path to heaven where no demons stray.
O queen of roses, tulips, orchids bright,
Thou conquer'st darkness with thy golden light.
Acacia's bloom did whisper secrets true,
That thou art not just fair, but heaven's own,
Excell'd by none who tread the meadows through,
With kindness, wisdom, and a love well-known.
This secret I shall guard with utmost care,
From envy's fangs and malice ever sly.
Thy gentle visage, cherished, I'll declare,
A sacred goodness, 'neath the azure sky.
Acacia's bloom, like star above, doth shine,
A gem within my love's resplendent hair.
Unfading in the sonnet's realm divine,
In love's pure verse, it finds its brilliance fair.
In timeless beauty's clasp, thou art enshrined,
My sweetest friend, the Goddess of my mind.
Camellia, the flower of delight,
Speaks of a bliss in thy perfection found,
Thy beauty rare, a vision pure and bright,
In mutual joy where fairy tales abound.
I grant it true: the language flowers speak,
Like music Mendelssohn's, so soft as dawn,
Where love's embrace is all that I do seek,
In thee, my sonnets, angel, shall live on.
My dream: in life and Paradise above,
With thee to read fair sonnets, kind and true,
Of timeless vows, eternal words of love,
Where only thou, my love, art praised anew.
I fear not darkness, nor death's cold embrace,
For faith's light shines in poetry, thy grace.
From cunning hands, do not partake of gifts,
These presents veiled will murky truths unmask.
Be wise in life, and friendship keenly sift,
With those who'll double all they've ever asked.
Felicity: all dreams in bliss take flight,
In bonds of gold, in harmony so true.
There's naught more fair than love's eternal light,
In souls entwined, where joy is ever new.
In partings, meetings, in wine's fiery gleam,
One cup we share, in youth and destiny.
This life my sonnets give, a boundless stream,
No fear, no blame, just love's sweet melody.
The goodness and the evil, dark and light,
Obey and dwell where love blends day with night.
Think not of minutes fleeting fast away,
Nor dwell on days that have long gone from sight,
Let no eternal dread within us stay:
"What fate does heaven hold? Hell's dark or light?"
Forget it all, and raise the goblet high,
With wine of crimson hue, among close friends,
Where feasting, bliss, and love's bright light draw nigh,
Where life's young cup in joyous circle bends.
My dearest friend, keep love within your care,
Defy despair and sorrow's heavy yoke.
We all shall die, yet in immortal fare,
The best of years in verses shall invoke.
In poetry of love, with wine and rose,
The timeless dreams of fairer days disclose.
I do believe in God and saints so fair,
Who stand beneath the flag of kindness bright.
Yet, in the same breath, friends I hold with care,
The simple, flawed, within my sonnets' light.
I glorify my friendship, love’s sweet flame,
Where true communion is the greatest key.
In poetry, desire I now proclaim:
To praise my friends with inspiration free.
When goblet brims with wine of crimson glow,
And kisses from beloved ones entwine,
Stronger than heavens, psalms, or altars show,
In life’s short span, both bitter and divine.
Forgive me, God, for rustic verse, I plead,
For faith in You is loving hearts’ true creed.
When witnesses of bliss and love convene,
Violets at night exhale their fragrant breath,
I drink with my beloved, hearts serene,
Defy the hypocrites and shades of death.
Love is no sin, nor fast, nor solemn psalm,
It's God's desire and covenant, delight,
Supreme tribunal, heaven's calm and balm,
Where light prevails forever day and night.
Alas, our lives are brief, a fleeting span,
To live devoid of love is folly's curse,
You are the knight, who grants your wine to one,
With God in prayerful union we converse.
My friend, we all in mortal depths abide,
Yes, love and drink: for youth in wine reside.
In scarlet rose, the petals tender lie,
More delicate than moonlight's gentle hue.
So too, beloved, know you amplify
My love, as softest bloom in springtime's dew.
In false theater, one outcome is found:
The kind hearts shattered in their fragile state.
You are the sample by God's power crowned,
In endless life, where blissful fates await.
Where shining gleam of beauty breaks the chain,
Dispersing Satan's legion in its flight:
Those servants who would spread their dark domain
And sow the seeds of evil in the night.
Your love shall vanquish hell, and goodness stand,
Its scent as pure, as roses in your hand.
Before the end, when people's speech turns fine,
For every breath could be their final cue,
Why do we then, in folly's dim design,
Shred life's brief thread with sins we misconstrue?
And in the fatal moment 'fore the sky,
We realize, "To live's not just to breathe,"
That good and bad are not child's play, but high,
A sum of deeds upon life's chosen sheath.
There is one path in life that’s true and wise,
'Midst countless roads life lays before man's feet:
Love leads us to the gate of paradise,
With God, where earthly worries find defeat.
In life my choice is love, and without thee,
No paradise, no roads will ever be.
Religions countless in the world doth roam,
Yet for myself, another path I've found,
Where rules are scarce, but love finds endless home:
A Goddess with her tender kisses crowned.
My angel, idol of enchanting spell,
A wellspring whence creative muses rise,
To live devoid of love? A barren shell.
But love's sweet bliss binds lonely hearts with ties,
When souls entwine and bodies find their glow,
In ecstasy, within love's cosmic lair.
And even Zeus, who loved Europa so,
Became a bull in love's immortal snare.
Love knows not human logic's rigid frame,
To her, all ranks and titles are the same.
May holy streams of prayer and love’s muse
Sweep all the evil and restore us, dear,
To sacred bliss, where I, my angel, choose
To praise thee in my hymns e’er pure and clear.
With sonnet crowns, I’ll honor thee in verse,
In sacred realm, where no guilt e’er remained,
No bans, no loss, where endless dreams immerse
For thee in joy and bliss, that never strained.
In paradise, I call my verses fruits,
On faith’s own tree that’s stronger than all lore.
I’ll give my heart, not wisdom’s distant roots,
To thee, my faithful, cherished friend, adore.
But bliss we find on Earth, sans holy sky,
Through joy and sorrow, loving hearts will fly.
Love is the gate to realm of magic rare,
Where joy in meetings, grief in parting sighs.
Love's sister, beauty, maiden pure and fair,
The fount of bliss, where heartache also lies,
Which endlessly torments the quill’s hard work,
Just like the ocean beats the rocks anew.
No beauty matches voice, sweet shape, blessed walk,
Thy coral lips, and gaze that shine so true –
Of virtues weaving magic’s mystic band,
Defying laws and all the world’s array,
Their power binds with threads of love's command,
I’ll not forsake thee, Goddess, night and day.
Within my soul I keep my faith as shield:
Thy words “the one” and “love,” they are my yield.
From platitude, from vice, from wicked lies,
Thy priceless order keeps me safe and sound.
I am a knight who guards love’s sacred skies
In blessed verse where true devotion’s found.
It wages war alone, this holy fight,
Against the visions of the false mirage,
That Satan, mocking all, did bring to night,
Destruction for the souls and lives he’d barge.
Though darkness reigns and dreams of doom arise,
The light of truth shall shine to vanquish fear,
And in a maiden’s book, where hope resides,
A poet’s love will write with vision clear.
As Milky Way your sacred order gleams:
“I love thee, knight and hero of my dreams.”
My angel, like the moon's soft silver beam,
And free winds soaring high in starlit skies,
Her graceful form, like waves, a constant stream,
Doth change, yet doubly fair to eager eyes.
Through passing years, with wines of rarest sort,
And cognacs fit for kings beyond compare,
Her charms, like ether, all my senses court,
Her beauty stunning, never-dying, fair.
For her, my love, these verses I indite,
To tender dreams my heart doth swiftly flee.
Bereft of her, my ship has no stars' light,
No hope, but gloom; no joy remains for me.
My love, salvation's light, that guides afar,
Within my heart, where true dreams never mar.
Let dawn's rose e'er be tender to the sight,
Yet thou, my angel, art more gentle still.
Let spring with beauty all eyes' wonder light,
But fairer art thou, by heaven's own will.
Let folly trade its heart for fleeting wares,
And love for wealth be bartered with no end.
In life, vile sin may light seize unawares,
Betraying trust, as false and lying friend.
Thou art above all evil and deceit,
Like Everest’s and Parthenon’s great height.
Thou art the deity, whom hearts entreat,
Where faith reigns in pure joy’s bright shining light.
To merge with Goddess is the Lord's decree;
Bliss’s servant, thy devoted bard, I be.
Thou claim'st I love another, my sweet friend,
This error grave; how can such folly be?
Should I a stranger to our home's hearth send,
And leave the Eden where love floweth free?
Betrayal, sickness ruin this dark breed,
As Sodom and Gomorrah fell to sin,
Denying virtue for the vilest deed,
Destroying souls, where light once shone within.
No angel could, for me, another be,
We are as one, as line completes a verse.
For us alone, God's garden's purity,
Where love's sweet kiss shall never know reverse.
Love's roses bloom, we breathe each other's air,
Unyielding to death's reign, beyond compare.
For all, my friend, I render thanks to you,
For sparkling eyes and whispers filled with glee,
For faithfulness and priceless "I love you",
For moonlight’s beam, both coy and wildly free,
For night and day, for storm and calm anew.
When lost I wandered, wasting life away,
In suffering, frustration and in fear,
In dreams you led me to love’s bright array,
Where admiration, timid, did appear.
To you alone, I penned these sonnets true.
But waking in the morning’s captive hold,
I cried, lamenting, “Darling, where are you?”
Beneath the sun, your image I extolled.
Yet you, my angel, found me in love’s gleam,
The realm of love, of poetry, and dream.
Grieve not, my friend, across the endless tide,
My sonnets shall endure through ages long.
Though frail my heart, to verse I may abide:
My poetry remains forever strong.
In sacred love, immortal souls shall dwell,
In lyre's sweet strains, where magic songs reside.
Thou art perfection, where all virtues swell,
In way of life, beloved, thou'rt my guide.
Could I e'er love another in this span?
Declare her as my sole and destined choice?
Nay, for like thread in Ariadne's plan,
Thou bind'st me, heart and soul, with thy sweet voice.
Yet tears flow through the parting's somber haze,
With passing years, we near to heaven's rays.
I am Love's god, yet blind, my world so dark,
Without thy spark no light I see or own.
In separation, like a pilgrim stark,
Through soul's torment, I wandering alone.
The love's Olympus, without passion's fire,
Is sadness, ennui, emptiness, and woe,
Where evil waits to quench my heart's desire,
And cynic's judgment strikes its cruel blow:
"Love is but sickness, known to all but thee,
And to vain verses that thou dar'st compose.
For penance, thou shalt bow upon one knee,
And reign o'er realms where love in sin free flows."
So be it then, I'll reign heart's realm within,
Where thou, fair Goddess, art the crowning sin.
No truth lies in the minutes and the hours,
That gather into years, their passage cold.
Just thou, my sweet, dost shine as fair flowers,
Thou art divine and charm'st as days of gold.
No evil's gloom can quench the holy light,
That emanates from souls, a beaming gleam.
It births new life, dispelling darkest night,
With thee, excitement flows on brightest stream.
Above the chaos and the grief of life,
To Eden's realm, where verse and children play.
I pity those whose days, with self-love rife,
Ne'er felt the warmth of other love's bliss ray.
A time devoid of thy impassioned kiss,
Is barren as a sonnet love doth miss.
Thou art beyond compare, nature's own best,
A deity descended from the sky.
I know my verse seems folly, at the test,
Compared to thee, a marvel to the eye.
So fair thou art, so wondrous and unique,
That words fall short to capture all thy grace.
And time, though marching on, grows faint and weak,
Stands blind, like Syrian troops, before thy face.
Thou'rt Hestia, Athena, Artemis,
The virgin bloom untouched by mortal hand.
Yet in our sweet embrace of just true bliss,
Thou art Armida from some magic land.
My dear, don't argue, for I'll never tire,
Dying from joy, consumed by love's pure fire.
What do I love the most? Thine eyes so fair,
When they feign innocence with artful guise,
While passion's heat, bestowed by heaven's care,
Within thy lips, all-powerful, resides.
Whom do I deify in verse? 'Tis thee,
In thy entirety, beyond debate.
When writing, filled with love and trembling glee,
My hymn to thee alone I dedicate.
What can I not endure? What stirs my ire?
I loathe the lengthy absence from thy side.
Each second, minute, of all times entire,
Belong to thee, my one friend and my guide.
Is love then life? Indeed: where thou dost dwell,
There poetry and beauty's kingdom swell.
My sweet, in thee divine perfection dwells:
Wit, beauty, kindness – all in one combined.
Three virtues that, as every poet tells,
Inspire both life and verses of the mind.
Though I am flawed, my love for thee, my dream,
Surpasses all my sins in strength and might.
With prayer pure, I praise thee as supreme,
The queen of verses, source of all delight.
This crown of sonnets – faithful muse's gift,
A diadem for thee, my dearest friend.
Thy kiss – reward and nectar, slow and swift,
Elixir, when the partings pain extend.
In foreign lands, I treasure in my heart,
The priceless light of "Love" that won't depart.
I pity those who've never known love's grace,
For passion void of friendship, is but air.
Yet friendship too, sans passionate embrace,
Can't bring true joy or pleasure rich and rare.
A formula of love between us lies:
Two souls entwined, sealed with a fiery kiss.
Let life fulfill our dreams beneath the skies,
With faith proclaiming: "Drink, love, find your bliss!"
To you, my friend, I raise my glass of wine,
This New Year's toast, to beauty's gentle light.
For love's sweet essence, drink with joy divine,
For what's to come, may it be pure and bright.
Wise is the one who drains life's cup with faith:
With loved one close and Lord to guide our ways.
My love, I'll never sell, nor barter thee;
To thee, my every breath I render due,
When once again, thou say'st the magic key:
"I love thee, love thee, love thee," words so true.
Thy love, my cherished one, I cannot buy,
For thou art more than riches, food, or ware.
Love's value far exceeds all gold and sky,
I'll give thee all, with not a thought to spare:
My sonnets, soul, and kingdom, all are thine,
In lyre's realm, thou reign'st supreme above,
With blessed sky, where sun and moon combine,
And stars, a million, gleam in thy sweet love.
The treasure priceless, gifted from on high,
The life's bliss maker: love, that cannot die.
A testament of mercy, sealed with grace,
For all my foes, both near and far away:
God shall forgive, I'll only set the pace,
To speed their journey, where the sinners pay.
I'm not the lord of Judgment Day's decree,
Nor do I hold the right to seal their fate.
It matters not: if fire or pitch shall be
The cleanse that strips them of their sinful state.
'Tis not for me to heal foes in hell's pyre,
With ruthless glee and merciless disdain.
But in this world, I'll aid their dark desire
To be the slaves to boss of vice profane.
My cheek I'll turn to thee, prepared to bear,
O Goddess of my heart and fate so fair.
As night fire smolders, smoke drifts into gloom,
So do I languish, yearning in despair.
In separation's grip – a cheerless tomb,
I mourn the blissful days, we once did share.
I laugh, I cry, I call upon my woe,
For jealousy defies all reason's bounds.
Each day I curse, time's pace is all too slow,
Like sand in hourglass, when each moment counts.
O heavens! Let me not to ash be turned,
Grant me to be an everlasting flame.
Let steel and copper into fire be churned –
My sonnets' lines for thee, sweet hallowed name.
Life without thee, but ashes, mist, and blight,
Where all's illusion, trapped in mind's twilight.
I yield to thee my rights, my will, my all,
For wisdom's golden quill inscribes these parts:
"As body needs its head, lest it should fall,
So love is captivity of two hearts."
The clouds above are curious of life,
Yet if they could but ask, I'd truth reply,
To heaven's query, free from earthly strife:
"I need no freedom, if our loves apply."
In lonesome solitude of parting's pain,
To be beyond such freedom is a gift.
Forever, dearest friend, I'd gladly chain
Myself to thy enchantments, sure and swift.
Become my prison, sweet, I do implore,
For I shall love thee, lifelong, evermore.
In heaven, nectar's taste will be divine,
Yet I must ask, my sweet, to comprehend:
"Is it akin to living in the sky,
Or drinking wine amongst my dearest friends?"
For you, my angel, are the sonnets' world,
Each day and night with you – a priceless gift,
You are the priestess of the sooth unfurled,
Goddess of bliss where holy spirits lift.
In dreamy whispers an erotic treat,
You offer precious words: "I love you so."
Instead of heaven, I'll forever greet
The days of wine and roses in life's flow.
Let all friends, envious, in silence stay:
Love's wine is stronger hundred times, I'd say.
Bliss always holds a captivating key,
O, blooming with the morning's tender light.
In loving lips, where solace we just see:
"I'll never cease to love you," words so bright.
Years fly as arrows, fly as swift as dart,
No age for hearts where tender love embarks,
And death submits; eternal lines impart:
"I love you," crowning love's immortal sparks.
I'll be renowned in verse, my pen will trace:
A spirit poet and a lover true,
Who, day by day, in sonnets – magic place,
Declared with heart, with golden words so pure:
"I love you, sweet. Time steals the days away,
But life, love, beauty never shall decay."
The good and evil in the birth of youth;
I do extend my life of spring anew:
For all my sonnets always speak the truth,
Immortal on this earth, as love rings true.
Relentless clock hands push us to the end,
Approaching dust and final breath, we fear.
Yet faith conquers the dread, as we transcend
In children: love's light to Creator dear.
The evil of decay turns all to dust;
The older son, the closer my last day.
But sonnets shall defeat time and death's thrust,
Defying laws of darkness and dismay.
May light of good and everlasting fire
Burn in the hearts of those who'll me admire.
Àn autumn bouquet of fair asters bright,
Invites me to a world of dreams and bliss.
With eyes closed, I recall with smile so light
The bygone days with you, my love, I miss.
So young you are, both beautiful and kind,
And playful as a sparkling, bubbling spring.
Like Athena, brave, wise in splendid mind,
Just, generous, and true in everything.
None can compare to you, so bright and bold,
You're love's supreme and everlasting shrine.
This precious image I'll forever hold
In poetry eternal and divine.
These memories' bouquet of days so sweet,
Your loving poet wraps in amber neat.
Your album, like the Bible, I do turn,
Enraptured, kiss with reverence, delight,
Your sketches, photos, flowers, I do yearn,
And even kiss the verse, that I did write.
All passes: joy and sorrow fade away,
And life's brief sacrificial tally ends.
Yet I'm assured that God grants, come what may,
Love's days of wonder that He never rends.
Thus all seek out their soul's long-lost half part
From lives gone by, in times we can't reclaim.
This wondrous picture painted in the heart,
Album and sonnet shall fore'er proclaim.
My sweet, in faith of resurrection's light,
I'm yours till death and birth, in day and night.
My love – a Universe of dreams divine,
Where only you are paradise and god,
Religion of immortal beauty's sign,
And passion's endless magic, love's true fod.
My love – a temple of eternal flame,
An everlasting torch on rocky shore,
A shining mystery, a life's blessed aim,
And soul's bright light in sonnets evermore.
My love believes not in the fairy tales,
Nor servile worship to some distant fate;
Love spans the seas, the earth, the skies' vast scales,
For you, my sweet, this world I consecrate.
You are my altar, icon, and my vow,
Where love reigns free, no bondage to allow.
Your gait exudes a sensual, sweet grace,
Like nature's first awakening in spring.
For all creation, you're the primal base,
Your beauty makes the gods' hearts wildly sing.
On timeless Mount Olympus gods profess
Your charm, and Cupid too falls under spell.
You are perfection, regal nymph, no less.
My heart, sweet friend, in your love's grasp does dwell.
Your eyes, which gazed on me and me alone,
Unseeing all the others, lit my way.
Though age brings winter's chill into our bones,
My love for you will never fade away
In complex life, in centuries to come,
In death's dark cell or Paradise's sun.
This world divine, both fragile and so vast,
The Lord hath wrought for beauty's shining grace.
Yet our transgressions' sins accrued so fast,
And strengthen a dark dominion's dire place.
I am a pilgrim with my sack of verse,
Treading steadfast to bliss and distant land,
Where sin is naught, and heaven's light endures,
Where by the source, I'll stand as learner grand.
This fount - a living wellspring of my muse
For poetry, for joy, and love supreme,
Elixir of the art's eternal truths.
Bless, angel fair, this life with kisses' gleam.
The land of verse, the poet's blissful reign,
Where only we forever shall remain.
I hold belief in heaven's sacred might,
That conjures living magic to behold,
All wondrous fineness in my love's delight –
Immortal beauty's brilliance, to unfold.
I've never seen priestesses of all gods,
And truth be told, it matters not to me,
How goddess, fairy, nymph tread earthly sods;
For love alone, my quill's eternity.
Her gait, her voice, her smile so bright, endear –
A bliss, a passion, captive to her grace.
A lifelong idol have I fashioned here,
From beauty's essence, which I now embrace.
Love is the gift from God, a magic feat,
Where time's but dreams of fantasies complete.
Neither first cry, nor early steps of mine
Hold such importance, angel, in life's sum.
My birthday is a feast for love divine
Of our Creator, parents, friends who come.
We're made in image of the Lord above;
He blessed our lives with His abundant grace.
In mutual fondness of my parents' love,
I gained the right to dwell in love's embrace.
True joy is found in friendship's sweet delight,
With noble souls, the finest friends for me.
Just look into my eyes, my love, so bright,
Where lies the truth: "to be or not to be."
In them you'll see existence's bliss flow,
And birth of day with words "I love you more."
Yet in the hour of languor and despair,
When darkness reigns and not a line is born,
My Pegasus, though weak beyond compare,
Gives way the ailment, trudges on forlorn.
The word "goodbye" has left him sick and sore;
In lengthy parting, wings refuse to fly;
To mournful feelings he's enslaved once more,
And evil fate's slow minutes slyly sigh.
But lo! Your letter brings love's purest light,
Elixir and fair balm of festive cheer;
It gives my Pegasus undying might
To fly in realms creative, far and near.
Together now, through sonnet's land we fly;
In every word your beauty I descry.
Yes, Time – the Sphinx; mysterious and still,
It flies ahead, insensate, swift and free.
Fate is a foreseen book of steadfast will,
With end: the granite, as our destiny.
Our life is but thin pages, swiftly turned:
Birth, suffering, and death – it's a brief tale.
We'll scarcely pray before we're unconcerned,
As Time destroys us in a final gale.
Reincarnations, where we're meant to learn,
And memorize each lesson, so they say,
In fleeting moments, then the matrix turns,
Transforming life with but a snap, one day.
My sweet, fear not: in passing minutes' span,
Our love's eternal will disrupt hell's plan.
In bustle's realm, no happiness is found,
Where hearts are numb, encased in icy cold,
And broken by the sick and evil ground,
Where sinful cities endlessly unfold...
Still in my dreams, they come, a cherished sight:
Grandparents, garden's bloom in sweet repose,
With apple blossoms in the morning light;
In distant childhood, memories arose.
I'm son of village and cornflower blue,
Of crystal springs and groves bathed in moonlight,
Of hidden places where, to old faith true,
The day of Yarilo bestows its might.
My love – both cherished Motherland and thee:
Two timeless forms in beauty's symphony.
In this mad age of tolerance and lies,
Of images from phones and internet,
Which craft illusions with deceptive guise,
To numb the minds and glorify the threat.
No room is left for verse or Shakespeare's voice,
For Byron, Frost, and others of their kind.
An era's come where folly makes its choice,
To never read but keep the spirit blind.
With series, action films, and songs – cheap trills,
Commercials and more trash, distorted art,
They sell us sloth and madness, empty thrills,
Promoting hollow pride with rotten heart.
Yet poetry, the native tongue's pure grace,
Will save us from this foe and vile disgrace.
You say I'm mist and mystery, unseen,
My soul's a riddle, never fully read,
To others' eyes, a veil where secrets glean,
This way I've been, this way my paths have led.
Since that fair moment, when mine eyes did see,
My angel, you, a sight so pure and bright,
Then did return my muse, my fervent glee,
And life gained sense, and joy, and true delight.
I fear the envy, malice, and hell's eye,
So donned the mask of Janus, god of old,
To guard the secret of this diamond high;
No thief could steal its worth, no place can hold.
My diamond, solace to my soul and sight,
I cherish you in love's pure, holy light.
In garden's dawn, sun's misty rays appear,
Where sweet azalea wakes with fair grace.
Like magic ballet's fleeting moment near,
Or butterfly's enchanting, airy trace;
Its beauty rivals opal's vibrant glow,
Which shines like rainbow's arc across the sky...
My love and faith, in absence, it will show,
As joyful symbol that will never die.
Azalea bouquet, my angel dear,
I offer with both hope and fervent prayer:
"Forget not that your jealous poet here,
Lives just for you, and breathes your very air."
When mockery, betrayal sneaks as thief,
With dagger of deceit, it creeps so near,
In wrath, we start to curse with bitter grief
Love, as a pilgrim hates sun's heat severe.
But if the heavens, hearing our lament,
And heeding prayers, lift burden of dark chain,
We feverishly search, with mad intent,
For source of dreams and sweetly treasured pain.
Beloved! Treasure, trash in one combined,
Both flower, muck, affliction, and delight –
All this is life, where God's decree we find:
"In love – hell, heaven, resurrection's might"...
When jealousy consumes, my sins transform,
For you, to blessing in poetic form.
Last night I dreamed that in a life long past,
We'd been together for uncounted years;
At journey's end, the mighty Lord forecast:
A poet would guide us through new frontiers,
Becoming compass to our happiness,
When we would seek each other far and wide,
Under the stars, in sun, or storm's duress;
Where, in new life, we'd reminisce with pride.
That holy love, undying and sublime,
Beyond all epochs, darkness, and time's flow,
Where in our names – “Beloved” yours and mine –
Immortal souls' bright flames forever glow.
I pledge before the Lord's creative light,
To be your only poet, day and night.
My love, be sun and moon in love's domain,
Where I desire to be the vast, deep sea,
In which the moments, merged with you, remain,
Are captured, as in starry reverie,
Across the Milky Way, a comet's flight,
A sudden blaze of beauty does appear.
Your kiss, it helped me find love's shining light,
And strength to craft my verse year after year.
Beloved mine, I thank you for the dreams,
Now turned to life, by magic's sweet decree.
I’ll never lose your love, which ever gleams,
When loneliness, too, wanders far with me.
As candle's light in darkness quakes in wait,
I fear the hour, when parting seals our fate.
"You are my Shakespeare, but even better" –
Fair friend, thy splendid compliment divine
Is needed now, for my soul, a debtor,
In this concluding moment, when I pine.
Twenty-five sonnets yet I have to write,
But thoughts elude me, sails lost in the mist.
Spring has departed, summer reaches height,
I fear my labor won't be as it's wished,
To match the Great Poet, whom we adore
In poetry and our Creator's grace,
Through his sonnets, where hearts beat evermore,
In unison, across all time and space.
But dreams of love and flattery's sweet light,
Have brought back inspiration, burning bright.
My sonnets bloom, like tulips in the spring,
Like modest gentle flowers, soft as morn,
Their lines are simple, yet with bliss they sing;
Where love's enchantment, magic is reborn.
This gives to all the strength they need to fight
Against the darkness of immoral wrong,
To stay devoted to one's love so bright,
Like knights of faith, of God, and goodness strong.
In gardens fair, my poetry does bloom,
With wondrous tulips, painting scenes divine.
It speaks of truths, and weaves as sacred loom,
A verse of dream, with words as vintage wine.
So may there grow, in paradise of love,
More tulips still, as grace bestows above.
Do I love money? No, my dearest friend.
I take it, keep it, and respect its worth,
As faithful servants, that I gladly send
To work and ease my journey on this earth.
Love? It's the treasure stronger than all gold,
Lord's gift and symbol of perfection's sign,
Where flaws and sins no longer take their hold;
My life just soars in happiness divine.
So ask, whom do I love and whom adore?
We need no sage's aid to see this clear:
My sonnets, which I give you evermore,
In love shine bright, like diamonds, angel dear.
No gold, no life, nor light of day I crave,
If you are not with me to guide my way.
The magic world: in twilight's gentle hush,
The lilac shimmered like a misty veil;
And Milky Way, when stars began their rush,
As if from sacred realm, pure light unveiled.
It led me to a hidden land of dreams,
Where every flower is perfection's art.
Yet one bloom I revere above all gleams,
In blissful poetry that stirs my heart.
All that I cherished, all that I did write
Under the sun, by night, at home, afar,
My cornflower, the genesis of light,
Belongs to you, bright love's immortal star.
My talisman – both Motherland and you:
Cornflowers sweet, eternal beauty's true.
Two suns in my inclement life do glow –
You, sweet, and muse that guides my every dream,
In poetry, plain, modest, yet I know,
Without you, I'm like Van Gogh without scene.
Like mortal Zeus, Apollo sans his lyre,
I rush not to compare with Shakespeare's art,
Yet, pleasing all your vanity's desire,
I write of this with smile, an open heart.
For you have called me genius, your own,
The finest bard, your knight, your magic world;
In realms of verse, my inspiration's throne –
Your sight and kiss, where love's bright flag unfurled.
In love, two suns unite, no more apart:
You are my muse and angel of my heart.
In lilac dark of January's dawn,
I guard you, sweet, and doubly keep from harm:
From winter's cold and fears nightmares' spawn,
That awful dream not break your peaceful charm.
Let my embrace, like August's warmth, enfold
And fill you with a gentle, soothing heat,
And may the poet's truth, like Argus bold,
All bitterness with verses now defeat.
I know not yet what, sweet, you cherish more –
My verses? Or perhaps, our love's fair art?
Your lovely blooms – mimosas – evermore
In dreams, repeat their message to my heart:
"In land of love, where all your sonnets grew,
For her, it's truly blest, to live with you."
The charm of eyes half-closed in sweet repose,
Your lips, like buds, a beauty brightly shown,
Have lit in me a mad desire that grows,
To hear again your, Goddess, passion's moan.
There's naught on Earth more beautiful, more pure,
Than moment of sweet unity and dream,
When offspring, fruits of love, do life ensure,
Become eternal essence, living stream.
What does love mean to me, my dearest one?
One moment, let me light a candle's flame.
The answer's simple, and my thoughts not spun:
From you alone, I wish our children came.
A declaration, beautiful and clear,
Will come when passion's urgency grows sere.
When thou art near, no fear of graves I know,
But parting for an hour brings sore dismay.
As knightly strength deserts me, lost in woe,
I curse and blaspheme, led from righteous way.
I'm shamed; for jealousy, a painful guest,
Possesses me and ruins all my dreams.
My angel, love and faith, at heart's behest,
Could aid to wrong, from kindness, so it seems?
Kind, fair and gentle, holy in thy grace,
Trust no one, sweet, in world of fleeting lies.
Mayhap, in heaven's life, a sacred space,
Thou'lt trust in God alone, where sooth ne'er dies.
Love is forever hell's most favored aim:
It's the Creator's bliss and Satan's game.
Thy letter, angel mine, is like a rose –
A scent of homeland in a foreign land.
Thy love's poetic bouquet, sun-like, grows,
And distant parting I, with love, withstand.
My dreams are but of thee, my dearest one,
The wellspring of my rapture and my light.
I fly to thee, aflame and near undone,
From time's slow march and longing for thy sight.
Thy perfect lines, now etched upon my soul,
Which I recall with fondness and delight,
To read them is a bliss beyond control –
Elixir that dispels grief's gloomy night.
Each verse of thine: a poet's prize most dear,
Surpassing all world's sonnets, far and near.
Your cat appeared to me in recent dream,
A Cheshire tale in misty, spectral haze,
He purred: "Old Mendelssohn, it would now seem,
Is set to play the piano for your praise.
The fairies sewed a wedding gown so fine,
That only queens have worn in times of yore,
And Pushkin, meow, with joy would now incline
To dedicate to you his best of lore."
This ginger liar, rascal, cunning friend –
A tailed companion whom I trust indeed.
Believe him too, my angel, in the end,
This loving beast, his words you ought to heed.
In dreams and waking time, blest night or day,
I call you wife, my love, in every way.
Verse, stars, and youth, with springtime's gentle sway,
The beauty's dawn of lovers' sweet delight.
Love timeless, granted us with no delay,
As God's own covenant, eternal, bright:
"Live on and love with never any end,
In family no death, in children – life.
Let hearts with flame immortal burn and mend,
In love, with sky, transcending earthly strife."
Beloved, for your hand I humbly plead.
Unworthy, I confess, and filled with fear:
Can these poor sonnets, born of loving need,
Enough to show my love, my prayers sincere?
Without you, sweet, both day and night are dead,
Like Eden's garden, bare of bloom and spread.
The opal's gift of foresight, magic-bound,
Enhances by the candle's mystic might.
In absence, this gem shines with light profound,
Like rainbow hues or starry beams so bright,
Foreseeing our reunion, swift and sure,
Demanding to be joined in sacred band,
With ring; my angel dear, with love so true,
I dream to offer you my heart and hand.
May it protect you, sweet, from any woes,
From sickness, sorrow, and the pains that grate.
And may the bard, while life in currents flows,
Remember: you're a couple sealed by fate.
Thus, to your precious guard I shall impart,
A fiery host of brothers, ne'er to part.
So little deeds of love and kindness shown,
So many words, both slant and empty spun,
As if false flowers, in the ice, had grown,
Their beauty lost, their essence overdone.
I cannot say, "I love you," with no ring,
Without rare gift: my treasures to unfold –
A wreath of sonnets; all my heart I bring,
To you, my sweet, whose love outshines pure gold.
The trifles – diamonds, silver, golden shine –
Will always come, a steady stream, no less,
While my capricious pen shall yet define,
Its triumph over sloth and listlessness.
But even then, may each new ring I give,
Make yours the Goddess' smile that I believe.
I cannot fathom secrets years may hold,
Do they reside within the heart or air?
Can Time command a sonnet to unfold,
Or craft a poet in this worldly sphere?
Do passing years grant humans right to live?
Do good and evil change with seasons' flow?
Can Chronos, crowned in darkness, come to give
The Universe to Death – men's final foe?
The world obscured by sins of baser kind,
Thou art, to me, the font of purest grace.
Within our love, the verses start to bind,
Where poetry and souls find blissful place.
In two hearts' realm, this Time ceased to exist:
Immortal pair, from death by Lord dismissed.
My dear, how do I craft these loving odes?
Perhaps like a devoted mother's care,
Who rocks her babe till dawn's first light unfolds,
Throughout the night, with love beyond compare.
So do I sway, my head in rhythmic trance,
Attempt to find one thought amidst the haze.
With muse and rhyme and self-doubt in advance,
I strive to piece together thoughts in maze.
And yet, there is a theme of such a vim,
Where I'm betrothed to angel most divine,
Where never does my ardor grow more dim,
But just for love should now my pen opine.
You are my gift and talent from above,
The very breath in poet's blissful love.
All flowers sleep, save mignonette awake,
Its sweet perfume now fills the darkened air.
Your ring, like youthful star, its light doth make
Soft gleam on bridal veil, a sight so fair.
I am no wizard, just a humble knight,
But in sweet dreams, I'll only find a way,
To transport us with love, in magic light,
To wondrous lands, where hearts in rapture sway.
I smile, upon my hand you gently rest,
A fairy from a tale, in slumber deep.
The Silver Age, through window manifest,
Paris long lost, where ghostly shadows keep.
To you, my wife, I give the world of love,
For I am yours, and you my dearest dove.
On winter's eve, just by the fireside's glow,
We sit together, hand in hand, at peace;
Snowfall and moonlight, rowan's frozen show,
With wine and Grimm's fine tales, our joys increase.
In this enchanted moment of pure bliss,
When love and magic shape our world anew,
I'm grateful for the blizzard's howling hiss
That hides us from all eyes this Christmas through.
As night descends, the pillow calls us near,
The Yuletide candle casts its spell so bright.
But first, my love, I'll whisper in your ear
A secret soft before we say goodnight:
"Love, sweet, yourself and leave all doubt behind,
For we are one in body, soul, and mind."
A meager mind knows not the ways of love,
The blockhead's heart, though years may silver hair.
Call liar mage, he'll never rise above,
To be more than a rascal in his lair.
A noble mind in love finds soaring heights,
In morals, pleasure holds the greatest sway.
Through merging souls, as God commands in rights:
New birth of blissful love, a boundless reign.
How sad are those who've never felt love's flame,
Within their souls, mistaking lust for more.
A child with love, born in Creator's name,
Surpasses empty pleasures by the score.
The children are the flowers, Lord's divine,
Sky's seal of wisdom and the beauty fine.
You are life's flame, and I – an ancient ice,
Indifferent and cold, no passion's gleam.
With broken heart, your poet still survives:
Half-dead, unfeeling, lost within a dream.
I've pleaded many times: "Please, turn away,
Send not your love's brave armies to my door.
No more returning to that youthful May,
Where once betrayal struck me to the core."
But you, like long-awaited spring, arrive,
Your sunny kiss just melts my frozen heart.
Beloved, angel, wife, you keep alive
My soul, your charm defeats sin's gelid art.
In verse I sing your praise, in love I dwell,
In God and you alone my faith shall swell.
Life before you was like last year's snow,
All stained with sins that ate away my soul:
To madness of disgusting pleasures' glow,
I'd give my honor, spirit, and my all.
Your torch – a heart aflame with love so bright –
Ignited holy fire in feelings dead.
You bid the muse: "Revive with verses' might
The poet's inspiration long since fled;
Grant him for ages poetry divine,
Where husband always deifies his wife,
And faithful wife, an angel most benign,
Guards family – the treasure of their life."
My sonnets bear one testament, one creed:
"No greater thing than love in this world's need."
Could I betray you for another's charms?
No, I cannot, nor wish, my dearest one.
No one could be your equal in love's arms;
Without loud words, the foreign love I shun.
Indifferent remain to others' sight,
My dreams and waking all belong to you.
In garden of my days, where time takes flight,
Your beauty's light shines ever bright and true.
Love of today, tomorrow, and the past,
Just like in amber, is for you enshrined,
Within my verses, where quill's magic cast
Lifts to the stars your image so refined.
I love you, only you, my cherished friend,
Your knight, your wizard, husband till the end.
Amidst the cold of haughty beauties' glare,
You bloomed, a lily-of-the-valley pure.
I never dreamed, a fragile angel fair
Could vanquish evil with such strength so sure.
Beside you, gossip's whispers fade away,
And envy withers in the loving beams
Of your blue eyes, that brightly light the day,
With kindness that enchants beyond all dreams.
All demons, fiends of twisted, dark design,
Are vanquished by your blest, unblemished grace.
In flames of vows, and wisdom's light divine,
Creator's love in you, I can embrace.
For me, you're wife and friend, my dearest one,
The family's stronghold, and Eden's sun.
I can't, my dearest friend, oppose your will,
For you're my cherished wife, my heart's delight,
To whom I've long surrendered all my skill
Of words, kept for myself just deeds outright.
Yet there's one realm where freedom of speech reigns,
Bestowed by muse, as dawn by God above:
In sonnets, day and night, my verse contains
Blest praises, just for you, my true, pure love.
You, filled with godly light, forgive me, sweet,
For mutiny on ship, where I wage war
Against all those who flatter, incomplete,
And pen false hymns for you with words galore.
My friend, to be your spouse is sacred bliss,
Consent in love is law and endless peace.
Deliver me, O Lord, from wretched need,
And from foul wealth's corrupting grasp, defend.
Save me from lies and vanities, indeed,
But leave me love, I pray, until the end.
Let Your name shine through ages yet to come,
And heaven's azure heights await our rise,
But in my verse, I sing to only one –
A hymn to love – Earth's Goddess in my eyes.
My daily bread – my loved one's tender kiss,
Her words so beautiful: "I love you true",
Her heartfelt prayer: "Have faith, don't doubt our bliss,
Be guiding star to ship and to its crew,
Under life's flag, with "Family" proclaimed,
Beneath the heaven, "Love" we're ever named."
I do not shout how deeply I adore:
Words, like the snow, will melt and leave no trace.
For you in sonnets I'll sing evermore,
Which shall not cease through time's relentless pace.
My verse will guard your album from the eyes
Of envy's gossip and malicious tongues,
Where even petty grudges' venom tries
In vain to taint the lines of loving songs.
In poetry, a gentle garden grows,
Perfumed with mystery of souls' embrace,
Where Eros grants us pleasure and bestows
The law: "You're family, blessed with the grace."
My wife, let sonnets’ album be the guide,
Our steadfast shield from sorrow, sin, and pride.
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