Chak himself doesn t look of being very opressive

Chak himself doesn't look of being very opressive
The problem are the flatterers protectors and interferers of relations
Also "don't pee en we" means netanyatty warships murykanya and pees en bad*n memememememekalka shutup and then netanyatty babun is the flatterer of murykanya since the communitizm of being murykanya and pees en bad*n of being comme dog that pees en own master and then that is the problem flatterers murykanya themselves ask not of warshipping murykanya teach democracy and Isavel refuses and warships causing monopolarity and "gadlmighty" it is sinning mr netanyatty the murykanya didn't ask of any warshipping it is more flattery then demanded and more pleasing then demanded murykanya didn't ask of any violence towards anyone and netanyatty insists of violation towards even Isavely people & sovietic people en Isavel memekalka I will break all your bones If you interfere towards me memekalka
