I had a dream last night

I had a dream last night, you mind me sharing?
I need an ear to ramble into, you got one.
When searching for life’s ultimate Absurd,
a talk with strangers best gets that work done.

I floated in an ocean of regret and pain,
black waves of doubt kept crashing 'round me.
And in that darkness, anywhere I’d turn
I’d see eyes scorched by their own torment.
Was someone pulling down on me? I felt their weight,
but still, I tirelessly resisted pushing upwards.
Up, up – I floated up, and soon their eyes
were staring at me from the depths of envy.
Or was that envy? Some, I swear, were cheering,
and for a moment hesitation crept in thiefly.

But then, above my head I saw the stars –
bright, distant stars I have not seen before.
And teardrops started running down my face,
for I knew then there was no coming back.

The light more beautiful than I can put in words,
how could I stop myself from striving there towards?
