А. С. Пушкин Мне вас не жаль... перевод на англ
That had passed in the dreams by my love inspired, —
No pity for you, nights’ myths, of which sing
So heartily the sensual and sweet lyre:
No pity for you, friends, who'd treasons done,
The wreaths of feasts and the cups' circular whirls, —
No pity for you, young adulterous girls, —
I, being thoughtful, shy away from fun.
But where are you, minutes of tender passion,
Of young hopes, and heartfelt hush, and sharp swing?
Where are old heat and tears of inspiration?
Come again anew, the years of my spring!
1-2 October, 2024
Портрет: Пушкин Александр Сергеевич (1799-1837) Portrait: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837)
Автор: В. А. Тропинин Author: V. A. Tropinin
Надпись: Слева над плечом «В:Тропинин/1827» Inscription: On the left above the shoulder "In:Tropinin/1827"
Источник: Всероссийский музей А. С. Пушкина All-Russian Museum of A. S. Pushkin museumpushkin.ru
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