Snake Tamer

I’m the snake tamer, who knows nature of snakes
Pouring out my nymphomaniac song
Into eternal darkness, into the belly of the earth,
As long as the sickle of the young moon,
The slippery blade of the god Set
Will not reign above the sacred sycamore tree
Cutting off my head for the glory of the newborn light,
Sprouting like mushrooms through my body.
To give names to those who rise from the dust.
I invoke Renenut, the patroness of childbirth,
"Mistress of fertility", nourishing the flesh.
Endowing my snake with caresses,
Her sharp teeth and skillful cherishing tongue,
I flow with chrism to the foot of her tail,
Blessing the dance of the Woman and the Snake.
Letting go the energy of life
Sprouting like a flower stem in her arms
I will become her earthly gift,
Her fruit of the paradise.
