I can only trust you

I'm feeling you
Watching over me
In the darkness
When I am alone.
I'm feeling you
Watching over me
In the light of
What I should do.

Stars are shining above my head.
You are with me, I've heard
The words that you've said.
I trust you and maybe sometimes I can feel
That pain was designed with the purpose to heal.

You are guiding me
Walking through the loss.
You know I'm afraid,
You know all of my flaws.
I can only trust you
Walking through the dark,
Doing the right thing
And feeling your spark.

Stars are shining above my head.
You are with me, I've heard
The words that you've said.
I trust you and maybe sometimes I can feel
That pain was designed with the purpose to heal.


В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →