From Heaven Eng

You came as if from heaven
Glowing with a strange color
You were from the garden of Eden
Covered with a black cover

It's like you are a big Buddha
Piercing with the wisdom of sunlight
I’m drowning in triangles of Bermuda
Let’s turn to Atlantis this night

Or we were born in Shangrila
Were living for thousands of years
I’d take these strongest pills of
This dream. And never have fucking fears

Your energy is made of crystal
I feel I’ve already seen it!
At least in the project of astral
Let's split the body a bit

Connection is going to happen
And universe gonna explode
You are absolutely from heaven
Error in the matrix code


В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →