study just

need a india guru now
Cuz I’m discern here it the work a Gods Shiwa
I ant’t know nothing about his
Except that he one hand broken other builnd
(for excuse about crookly speech please stand in line)
So and it Shiwa holding has an destroy big project.
we can see only that what already has in us.
and nothing others
lock circle .
a Guru could't know likewise.
pelevin sure know
he writ the world
we with his will be asked.
it dont Shiwa here both hand asynhronized.
shiwa would broken and buil synhronly
how much ewen he has a hands?
you write off pelevin?
ofcourse there has full a paragraf.
a shame.
as matter to me indefferent that i say.
deferently i dont't say about that me indeferently about thought likewice.
yes it would be a outrageous and offensive
for the temple of reason!
the temple was burn.
there still praying.
it sect has a lot of followers.
They're all unfortunately insane.
well stand on a candlers too
for a excuse ofcourse
it too more outrageous
every see only that yet has already. it the law.
a mind was lost in the words.
and ant't surprice not at all
