Каталог Index of First Lines - U, V, W, Y, curr
Valentine week см.сборник 1
Victory comes late - сборник 17
Volcanos be in Sicily см.сборник 4
Water makes many Beds - сборник 17
We grow accustomed см.сборник 4
We introduce ourselves см.сборник 3
We outgrow love, like other things - сборник 17
What mystery pervades a well! см.сборник 4
While we were fearing it, it came см.сборник 2
Whose cheek is this? - сборник 17
“Why do I love” You, Sir? см.сборник 4
Wild Nights – Wild Nights см.сборник 8
Witchcraft was hung, in History, см.сборник 3
Wonder—is not precisely Knowing см.сборник 3
You cannot make Remembrance grow см.сборник 1
You left me – Sire - см.сборник 9
Your Riches — taught me — Poverty. - сборник 17
You’re right – “the way is narrow” см.сборник 7
'Tis not that Dying hurts us so — - сборник 17
‘Twas a long Parting - but the time см.сборник 1
‘Twas here my summer paused см.сборник 5
‘Twas later when the summer went см.сборник 1
‘Twas the old – road - through pain - см.сборник 14
'Twas warm — at first — like Us — - сборник 17
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