Каталог Index of First Lines - N, O, P, R, S, T cu
Nobody knows this little Rose - см.сборник 7
No Rack can torture me см.сборник 1
Not knowing when см.сборник 3
Not to discover weakness is см.сборник 1
Now I knew I lost her - см.сборник 8
Of Glory not a Beam is left см.сборник 8
One Day is there of the Series сборник 16
One crown that no one seeks см.сборник 5
One dignity delays for all см.сборник 1
One need not be a Chamber - to be Haunted сборник 16
On this wondrous sea см.сборник 9
Our journey had advanced см.сборник 1
Pain - has an Element of Blank см.сборник 1
Pink – small – and punctual см.сборник 3
Publication – is the Auction см.сборник 7
Remorse – is Memory – awake - см.сборник 7
Renunciation – is a piercing Virtue - см.сборник 3
Safe in their Alabaster Chambers см.сборник 5
She rose to His Requirement – dropt см.сборник 6
Some keep the Sabbath going to Church см.сборник 1
Some Rainbow—coming from the Fair! сборник 16
Sometimes with the Heart см.сборник 5
Struck, was I, nor yet by Lightning см.сборник 1
September’s Baccalaureate см.сборник 1
"Sic transit gloria mundi" см.сборник 2
Snow flakes см.сборник 8
So give me back to Death см.сборник 2
Silence is all we dread. см.сборник 2
Split the Lark – and you’ll find см.сборник 6
Success is counted sweetest см.сборник 5
Surgeons must be very см.сборник 8
Tell all the truth см.сборник 8
That it will never come again сборник 16
The Brain, within its Groove сборник 17
The Brain — is wider than the Sky сборник 16
The Cricket sang – сборник 16
The Lightning is a yellow Fork – сборник 16
The Past is such a curious Creature – сборник 16
The Trees like Tassels—hit—and swung сборник 16
The Wind - tapped like a tired Man – сборник 16
That Love is all there is см.сборник 3
The Bustle in a House см.сборник 6
The distance that the dead have gone см.сборник 2
The earth has many keys см.сборник 9
The face I carry with me см.сборник 9
The Face we choose to miss см.сборник 9
The feet of people walking home см.сборник 9
The Fingers of the Light см.сборник 9
The first Day’s Night has come см.сборник 9
The first Day that I was a Life см.сборник 9
The Flower must not blame the Bee см.сборник 9
The Future - never spoke - см.сборник 9
The Gentians weaves her fringes см.сборник 9
The going from the world we know см.сборник 9
The good Will of a Flower см.сборник 9
The Grace – Myself – might not obtain см.сборник 9
The grave my little cottage is см.сборник 10
The Grass so little has to do см.сборник 9
The Guest is gold and crimson см.сборник 10
The hallowing of Pain см.сборник 1
The Heart asks Pleasure см.сборник 6
The Heart has narrow Banks см.сборник 10
The Heaven vests for Each см.сборник 10
The Hills erect their Purple Heads см.сборник 10
The Hills in Purple syllables см.сборник 10
The Himmaleh was known to stoop см.сборник 10
The Hollows round His eager Eyes см.сборник 10
The inundation of the Spring см.сборник 10
The Judge is like the Owl см.сборник 10
The Juggler’s Hat her Country is см.сборник 10
The Lady feeds Her little Bird см.сборник 10
The Lamp burns sure – within см.сборник 10
The last Night that She lived см.сборник 10
The Leaves like Women interchange см.сборник 10
The Loneliness One dare not sound см.сборник 10
The lonesome for they know not What см.сборник 10
The Love a Life can show Below см.сборник 10
The Luxury to apprehend см.сборник 10
The Malay took the Pearl см.сборник 10
The Manner of its Death см.сборник 11
The Martyr Poets – did not tell см.сборник 11
The Missing All – prevented Me см.сборник 11
The Months have ends – the Years см.сборник 11
The Moon was but a Chin of Gold см.сборник 11
The Morning after Woe см.сборник 11
The Mountain sat upon the Plain см.сборник 11
The Mountains - grow unnoticed - см.сборник 11
The Moon is distant from the Sea см.сборник 8
The morns are meeker than they were см.сборник 8
The Mountains stood in Haze, см.сборник 1
The Murmur of a Bee см.сборник 11
The Mushroom is the Elf см.сборник 8
The name - of it - is “Autumn” см.сборник 11
The nearest Dream recedes см.сборник 11
The Night was wide см.сборник 11
The Notice that is called the Spring см.сборник 11
The One who could repeat см.сборник 11
The only Ghost I ever saw см.сборник 11
The Only News I know см.сборник 11
The Outer – from the Inner см.сборник 11
The pedigree of Honey см.сборник 11
The power to be true to You см.сборник 11
The Poets light but Lamps см.сборник 8
The Products of my Farm см.сборник 5
The Props assists the House см.сборник 8
The Province of the Saved см.сборник 11
The rainbow never tells me см.сборник 12
The Red – Blaze – is the Morning см.сборник 12
The reticent volcano keeps см.сборник 12
The Road was lit with Moon and star см.сборник 1
The Robin for the Crumb см.сборник 12
The Robin is the One см.сборник 12
The Robin’s my Criterion for Tune см.сборник 12
The Rose did caper on her cheek см.сборник 12
The saddest noise, the sweetest noise см.сборник 4
The Savior must have been см.сборник 12
The Sea said ‘Come’ to the Brook см.сборник 12
The Service without Hope см.сборник 12
The Show is not the Show см.сборник 12
The Skies can’t keep their secret! см.сборник 12
The Sky is low - the Clouds are mean, см.сборник 12
The Snow that never drifts - см.сборник 13
The Soul has Bandaged moments см.сборник 5
The Soul selects her own Society см.сборник 6
The Spider as an Artist см.сборник 2
The Tint I cannot take см.сборник 2
The Wind begun (first version + second) см.сборник 4
There came a Day at Summer's full, сборник 17
There came a Wind like a Bugle - сборник 17
There is a pain — so utter — сборник 17
There’s a certain Slant of light см.сборник 7
There's been a Death, in the Opposite House, сб. 17
There is a solitude of space см.сборник 4
There is a Zone whose even Years см.сборник 6
There is another sky, см.сборник 2
There is no Frigate см.сборник 8
These Strangers, in a foreign World см.сборник 2
They shut me up см.сборник 8
This is my letter to the World - сборник 17
This World is not Conclusion см.сборник 8
Those – dying then см.сборник 4
Through the strait pass of suffering см.сборник 1
To fight aloud, is very brave см.сборник 5
To hear an Oriole sing см.сборник 5
To know just how He suffered— сборник 17
To lose thee - sweeter than to gain сборник 17
To my quick ears the Leaves - см.сборник 6
Too happy Time dissolves itself сборник 17
Two Butterflies went out at Noon - - сборник 17
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