Каталог Index of First Lines - F, G, H, I, K, L, M
Fame is a bee. см.сборник 7
Fame is a fickle food см.сборник 7
Fame is the one that does см.сборник 7
Flowers – Well - if anybody см.сборник 1
Forever – is composed of Nows - см.сборник 7
Frequently the woods см.сборник 9
From Blank to Blank см.сборник 15
From Cocoon forth a Butterfly см.сборник 15
“Faith” is a fine invention см.сборник 2
Glass was the Street - см.сборник 5
Going to Him! Happy letter! см.сборник 15
Growth of Man см.сборник 3
Had I not see the Sun см.сборник 4
He ate and drank the precious Words см.сборник 15
Heart! We will forget him! см.сборник 15
Hope is a subtle Glutton см.сборник 5
“Hope” is the thing with feathers см.сборник 1
How happy I was if I could forget см.сборник 15
How happy is the little Stone см.сборник 2
How many times these low feet см.сборник 7
How the old Mountains drip with Sunset см.сборник 15
I am afraid to own a Body см.сборник 4
I am alive см.сборник 3
I cannot live with You см.сборник 15
I can wade Grief см.сборник 14
I cautious, scanned my little life см.сборник 15
I could bring You Jewels—had I a mind to сборник 15
I didn’t reach Thee см.сборник 4
I died for Beauty см.сборник 6
I dreaded that first Robin см.сборник 3
I dwell in Possibility см.сборник 7
I felt a Funeral, см.сборник 7
I gave myself to Him см.сборник 15
I had been hungry см.сборник 3
I had no time to Hate - сборник 17
I have a Bird in spring см.сборник 9
I have never seen “Volcanoes” см.сборник 4
I heard a Fly buzz см.сборник 2
I hide myself within my flower, сборник 17
I know that Hi exists. см.сборник 7
I like a look of Agony, см.сборник 15
I like to see it lap the Miles см.сборник 7
I measure every Grief I meet см.сборник 15
I never hear that one is dead см.сборник 7
I never hear the word “escape” см.сборник 7
I never saw a Moor см.сборник 5
I prayed, at first, a little Girl см.сборник 7
I read my sentence – steadily см.сборник 1
I reason Earth is short см.сборник 6
I saw no Way—The Heavens were stitched см. сборник 16
I started Early – Took my Dog см.сборник 8
I taste a liquor never brewed см.сборник 7
I think I was enchanted см.сборник 4
I tie my Hat - I crease my Shawl см.сборник 14
I watched the Moon around the House см.сборник 4
I would not paint см.сборник 8
I Years had been from Home, см. сборник 16
If ever the lid gets off my head см.сборник 16
If I can stop one Heart from breaking см. сборник 16
If I should die, см.сборник 4
If those I loved were lost см. сборник 16
If you were coming in the Fall, см. сборник 17
In this short Life см.сборник 8
Is Heaven a Physician? см.сборник 5
It came at last, but prompter Death см.сборник 2
It sifts from Leaden Sieves см.сборник 8
It tossed – and tossed см.сборник 12
It was not Death, см.сборник 7
I’ll tell you how the Sun rose см.сборник 15
I’m Nobody! Who are you? см.сборник 3
I’m “wife” см.сборник 4
Jesus! thy Crucifix см.сборник 16
Knock with tremor - These are Caesars - см.сборник 1
Knows how to forget! см. сборник 16
Left it – with a Feathers см.сборник 6
Let down the Bars, Oh Death см.сборник 5
Let me not thirst см.сборник 8
Lightly stepped a yellow star см.сборник 3
Long Years apart—can make no см.сборник 2
Love - is anterior to Life см.сборник 3
Meeting by Accident см.сборник 2
Mine - by the Right of White Election см.сборник 2
Much Madness is divinest Sense – см.сборник 2
My Garden - like the Beach - см.сборник 14
My Life had stood см.сборник 8
My life closed twice before its close см. сборник 16
My River runs to thee см. сборник 16
My Triumph lasted still см.сборник 4
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