New outlook on taxonomy and systematics
(South-Eastern Kazakhstan, Central Asia)
Elena G. Kordikova, 2024
Abstract. New outlook on taxonomy and classification of the endemic fauna of mammals from the Early Miocene of the Aktau Mountains, Dzhungarian Alatau (South-Eastern Kazakhstan, Central Asia) based on Kordikova et al.’ investigations is given. As a result of it new taxa (species, subgenus, genera, tribe, subfamily) were produced. These are: erinaceids Aktaugalerix iliensis type n. gen. et type n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2000/2024 and Aktaugalerix major n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024, plesiosoricids Plesiosorex aydarlensis n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2000 and Parvosorex ziegleri n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024, cricetids belonging to Aktaumyinae new subfamily KORDIKOVA 2024 with Aktaumys dzhungaricus type n. gen. et type n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 and Amroaktaumys kordikbruijni n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024, democricetodontines with Karydomys dzerzhinskii n. sp. KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001, Karydomys academicus n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024, tachyoryctoidines with Kordikbruijnia kasachstanica n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024, dipodid Aktausminthus wangi n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024, ctenodactylid Sayimys kordikbruijni n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024, and castorid Asiacastor tschuladyrensis n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024, as well as amphicyonids (daphoenines) belonging to Aktaucyonini new tribe KORDIKOVA et al. 2000 with Aktaucyon brachifacialis type n. gen. et type n. sp. KORDIKOVA et al. 2000, ursids (hemicyonines) belonging to Cinctocyon new subgenus KORDIKOVA et al. 2000 Phoberocyon GINSBURG 1955 with Phoberocyon (Cinctocyon new subgenus) akhmetievi n. sp. KORDIKOVA et al. 2000, and mustelid Vonmustela kordikheizmanni n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024.
In: Kordikova, E.G. & Mavrin, A.V. 1996. Stratigraphy and Oligocene-Miocene mammalian biochronology of the Aktau Mountains, Dzhungarian Alatau Range, Kazakhstan. - Palaeovertebrata, 25, 2-4: 141-174; Montpellier. ---
In: 1. Kordikova, E.G. 2000. Insectivora (Mammalia) from the Lower Miocene of the Aktau Mountains, South-Eastern Kazakhstan. - Senckenbergiana Lethaea, 80, 1: 67-79. [Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments]
In: 2. Kordikova, E.G. & Bruijn, de, H. 2001. Early Miocene rodents from the Aktau Mountains (South-Eastern Kazakhstan). - Senckenbergiana Lethaea, 81, 2: 391-405.
In: 3. Kordikova, E.G. & Heizmann, E.P.J. 1999. Early Miocene Carnivora of Aktau Mountains, Dzhungarian Alatau, Kazakhstan. - J. Vertebrate Paleontology, 19, 3, Suppl., 57A; Lawrence.
In: 4. Kordikova, E.G., Heizmann, E. & Mavrin, A.V. 2000. Early Middle Miocene Carnivora of Aktau Mountains, South-Eastern Kazakhstan. - Palaeontol. Zeitschrift, 74, 1/2: 195-204.
In: 5. Kordikova, E.G. & Mavrin, A.V. 1996. Stratigraphy and Oligocene-Miocene mammalian biochronology of the Aktau Mountains, Dzhungarian Alatau Range, Kazakhstan. - Palaeovertebrata, 25, 2-4: 141-174; Montpellier. ---
I. Order Insectivora BOWDICH 1821
Family Erinaceidae FISCHER VON WALDHEIM 1817
Subfamily Echinosoricinae CABRERA 1925
Tribe Galericini POMEL 1848
Genus Schizogalerix ENGESSER 1980
Subgenus Aktaugalerix n. subgen. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=«Schizogalerix» iliensis n. sp. in KORDIKOVA 2000]
Aktaugalerix iliensis n. subgen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2000, 2024 [=«Schizogalerix» iliensis n. sp. in KORDIKOVA 2000].
Aktaugalerix iliensis n. subgen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2000, 2024 [=«Schizogalerix» iliensis n. sp. in KORDIKOVA 2000]. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. 1. P3/ dext. (KE-AktI-154). 2. P4/ dext. (KE-AktI-158). 3. M1/ sin. (KE-AktI-231). 4. M2/ dext. (KE-AktI-233). 5. M2/ dext. (KE-AktI-236). 6. M2/ dext. (KE-AktI-239). 7. M2/ sin. (KE-AktI-237). 8. M3/ sin. (KE-AktI-175). All figures are x 25.
Aktaugalerix iliensis n. subgen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2000, 2024 [=«Schizogalerix» iliensis n. sp. in KORDIKOVA 2000]. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. 1. P/3 sin. (KE-AktI-341). 2. M/2 sin. (KE-AktI-367). 3. M/2 dext. (KE-AktI-362). 4. D3/ dext. (KE-AktI-141). All figures are x 25.
Aktaugalerix major n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=«Schizogalerix» sp. in KORDIKOVA 2000]
Derivatio nominis. Aktaugalerix of large size.
Aktaugalerix major n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=«Schizogalerix» sp. in KORDIKOVA 2000]
2024 [=«Schizogalerix» sp. and «Schizogalerix» iliensis (part.) in KORDIKOVA 2000]. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. 1. P/4 sin. (KE-AktI-141). 2. M/2 sin. (KE-AktI-363). 2. M/1 dext. (KE-AktI-438). All figures are x 25.
Family Plesiosoricidae WINGE 1917
Plesiosorex POMEL 1848
Plesiosorex aydarlensis n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2000
Plesiosorex aydarlensis n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2000. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. 1. M/2 sin. (KE-AktI-366). 2. M/3 sin. (KE-AktI-361). 3. M1/ dext. (KE-AktI-232). 4. M3/ sin. (KE-AktI-173). All figures are x 25.
Parvosorex n. gen. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=Soricidae indet. in KORDIKOVA 2000]
Type species. Parvosorex ziegleri n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=Soricidae indet. in KORDIKOVA 2000]
Derivatio nominis. Small genus of soricids is named in honour of Dr. R. ZIEGLER, a German paleontologist, SMNH.
Parvosorex ziegleri n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=Soricidae indet. in KORDIKOVA 2000]. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. 1. M/2 dext. (KE-AktI-481). 2. M/2 dext. (KE-AktI-482). 3. M/2 dext. (KE-AktI-483). 4. M2/ sin. (KE-AktI-441). All figures are x 25.
II. Order Rodentia BOWDICH 1821
Family Cricetidae ROCHEBRUNE 1883
Aktaumyinae new subfamily KORDIKOVA 2024 [=Subfamily insertae sedis in KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001]
Composition: Aktaumys type n. gen. KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001, Amroaktaumys new genus KORDIKOVA 2024
Aktaumys type n. gen. KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001, KORDIKOVA 2024
Aktaumys dzhungaricus type n. sp. KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001, KORDIKOVA 2024
Aktaumys dzhungaricus type n. gen. et type n. sp. KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001, KORDIKOVA 2024. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. 1. M1/ sin. 2,3. M/1 sin. 4. M2/ sin. 5-7. M/2 sin. 8. M3/ sin. 9,10. M/3 sin. All figures are x 40.
Amroaktaumys new genus KORDIKOVA 2024
Derivatio nominis. Genus Amroaktaumys is named after AMRO Bank.
Amroaktaumys kordikbruijni n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024
Derivatio nominis. Species is named in honour of Dr. Hans DE BRUIJN, the Dutch paleontologist, the Utrecht University, and in honour of Mr. Georg. Platon (=Kraft) KORDIKOV, a Russian linguist, philologist and professional translator.
Amroaktaumys kordikbruijni n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. 1,2. М1/ sin. 3. M/1 sin. 4,5. M2/ sin. 6,7. M3/ sin. All figures are x 40.
Democricetodontinae LINDSAY 1987
Karydomys dzerzhinskii n. sp. KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001
Karydomys dzerzhinskii n. sp. KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. 1,2. M1/ sin. 3,4. M2/ sin. 5. M/2 sin.
Karydomys academicus n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [Karydomys dzerzhinskii n. sp. (part.) in KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001]
Derivatio nominis. Species is named after the former Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Republics.
Karydomys academicus n. sp. KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. 1. M1/ sin. 2,3. M/1 sin. 4. M2/ sin. 5,6. M3/ sin. 7,8. M/3 sin. All figures are x 40.
Tachyoryctoidinae SCHAUB 1957
Kordikbruijnia n. gen. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=Genus A, species 1 in KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001]
Derivatio nominis. Genus is named in honour of Dr. Hans DE BRUIJN, the Dutch paleontologist, the Utrecht University, and in honour of Mr. Georg. Platon (=Kraft) KORDIKOV, a Russian linguist, philologist and professional translator.
Kordikbruijnia kasachstanica n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=Genus A, species 1 n. sp. in KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001]
Derivatio nominis. Species is named after Kazakhstan.
Kordikbruijnia kasachstanica n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=Genus A, species 1 n. sp. In KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001]. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. 1. M1/ sin. 2. M3/ sin. 3. M/3 sin. All figures are x 40.
Dipodidae WATERHOUSE 1842
Aktausminthus n. gen. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=?Sinosminthus sp. indet. in KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001]
Aktausminthus wangi n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=?Sinosminthus sp. Indet. in KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001].
Derivatio nominis. Species is named in honour of WANG, the Chinese paleontologist.
Aktausminthus wangi n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=?Sinosminthus sp. indet. in KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001]. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene.
1. M2/ dext. 2. M/1 dext. All figures are x 40.
Ctenodactylidae ZITTEL 1893
Sayimys WOOD 1937
Sayimys kordikbruijni n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=Sayimys aff. obliquidens (BOHLIN 1946) in KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001]
Derivatio nominis. Species is named in honour of Dr. Hans DE BRUIJN, the Dutch paleontologist, the Utrecht University, and in honour of Mr. Georg. Platon (=Kraft) KORDIKOV, a Russian linguist, philologist and professional translator.
Sayimys kordikbruijni n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=Sayimys aff. obliquidens (BOHLIN 1946) in KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001]. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. 1. D4/ sin. 2. M1/ sin. 3. M3/ sin. 4. M/1 sin. 5. M/2 sin. All figures are x 40.
Sayimys aff. obliquidens (BOHLIN 1946) in KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001.
Sayimys aff. obliquidens (BOHLIN 1946) in KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. 1. d/4 sin. All figures are x 40.
Castoridae GILL 1872
Asiacastor LYCHEV 1971
Asiacastor tschuladyrensis n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=Asiacastor aff. baschanovi LYCHEV 1971, in KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001]
Derivatio nominis. Species is named after the Chul’adyr geological fossiliferous Formation.
Asiacastor tschuladyrensis n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=Asiacastor aff. baschanovi LYCHEV 1971, in KORDIKOVA et DEBRUIJN 2001]. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. 1. A fragment of right mandible with P/4-M/2. 2. M/1 sin., M/2 sin. of same specimen reversed. All figures are x 40.
III. Order Carnivora BOWDICH 1821
Family Amphicyonidae TROUESSART 1885
Subfamily Daphoeninae HOUGH 1948
Aktaucyonini new tribe KORDIKOVA et al. 2000
Aktaucyon n. gen. KORDIKOVA et al. 2000
Aktaucyon brachifacialis n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA et al. 2000
Aktaucyon brachifacialis n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA et al. 2000. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. - Holotype (KE-Akt95-III-1). Left maxillary fragment with P4/-M2/ and alveoles from C-P3/: 1. external view; b: occlusial view. Scale = 1 cm.
Aktaucyon brachifacialis n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA et al. 2000. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene: a,b - Holotype (KE-Akt95-III-1). Left maxillary fragment with P4/-M2/ (a. occlusial view; b. external view). c. fragment of ? upper canine (KE-Akt95-III-2). d. left M1/ (KE-Akt95-II-1), occlusial view. Scale = 1 cm.
Family Ursidae FISCHER VON WALDHEIM 1817
Subfamily Hemicyoninae FRICK 1926
Tribe Phoberocyonini GINSBURG & MORALES 1995
Genus Phoberocyon GINSBURG 1955
Cinctocyon new subgenus KORDIKOVA et al. 2000
Phoberocyon (Cinctocyon new subgenus) akhmetievi n. sp. KORDIKOVA et al. 2000
Phoberocyon (Cinctocyon new subgenus) akhmetievi n. sp. KORDIKOVA et al. 2000. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. - Holotype (KE-Akt95-II-2). Fragment of left mandibula with with P/4, M/2 and roots of M/1: a. labial view; b: occlusial view; c. lingual view. Scale = 2 cm.
Family Mustelidae FISCHER VON WALDHEIM 1817
Vonmustela new genus KORDIKOVA 2024 [=Mustelidae indet in KORDIKOVA et al. 2000]
Derivatio nominis. Closer to Mustela species.
Vonmustela kordikheizmanni n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024 [=Mustelidae gen. et sp. indet. in KORDIKOVA et al. 2000]
Derivatio nominis. Species is named in honour of Dr. Elmar P.J. HEIZMANN, the German paleontologist, SMNH, and in honour of Mr. Georg. Platon (=Kraft) KORDIKOV, a Russian linguist, philologist and professional translator.
Vonmustela kordikheizmanni n. gen. et n. sp. KORDIKOVA 2024. Middle member of the Chul’adyr Fm., Lower Miocene. P4/ left (KGE-Akt97-I-1): a. occlusial view, b. labial view. App. 8,5 mm x app. 6,4 mm. Scale = 1 cm.
1. Elena G. Kordikova, 2000:
Insectivora (Mammalia) from the Lower Miocene of the Aktau Mountains, South-Eastern Kazakhstan.
Abstract. Recently a new association of isolated teeth of small mammals including rodents (cricetids,
ctenodactylids, sciurids, zapodids), insectivores and lagomorphs was collected from the middle
member of the Chul'adyr Formation but about 5 m above the main fossiliferous horizon that has
yielded large mammals (KORDIKOVA & MAVRIN 1996b), Among the small mammal teeth at least 85
isolated teeth belong to insectivores- an echinosoricine “Schizogalerix” iliensis n. sp. (71%), a
plesiosoricid Plesiosorex aydarlensis n. sp. (5 %), species referred to Talpidae indet. (2 %) and
Soricidae indet. (9 %). The insectivores show affinities with taxa known from the Early to early Late Miocene age
localities of Asia Minor and Europe. “Schizogalerix” iliensis n. sp. shares some characters with Sch.
pasalarensis ENGESSER 1980 described from the Lower Miocene deposits of Anatolia (Turkey) but it
has a more primitive morphology of upper molars. Plesiosorex aydarlensis n. sp. shows similarities
with species known from the Orleanian deposits of Western Europe. An Early Miocene age (MN4-5) is
tentatively given to the insectivores from the Chul'adyr Formation.
Keywords: Erinaceidae, Plesiosoricidae, Early Miocene, South-Eastern Kazakhstan.
2. Elena G. Kordikova & Hans de Bruijn, 2001:
Early Miocene Rodents from the Aktau Mountains (South-Eastern Kazakhstan).
Abstract. The rodent assemblage from the Middle Members of the Chul'adyr Formation contains seven species that belong to six (sub)families. The dominant Cricetidae are represented by a new genus and species: Aktaumys dzhungaricus and by a new species of Karydomys: K. dzerzhinskii. Each of the other rodent species: ?Sinosminthus gen. et sp. indet., Sayimys aff. obliquidens, Asiacastor aff. baschanovi and Tachyoryctoidinae gen. A, sp. 1, is represented by a few cheek teeth only (altogether 8% of the specimens). The composition of the assemblage resembles Oligo-Miocene material from Anatolia, but the closest relatives of most of the species are found in Central Asia. The stage of evolution of Karydomvs dzerzhinskii, Sayimys aff. obliquidens and the tachyoryctoidine suggests an Early Miocene (MN4 rather than MN3) age for the assemblage.
Keywords: Mammalia, rodents, Cricetidae, Tertiary, Early Miocene, Kazakhstan, Aktau Mts.
3-4. Kordikova, E.G. & Heizmann, E.P.J. 1999; Elena G. Kordikova et al., 2000:
Early Miocene Carnivora of Aktau Mountains, South Eastern Kazakhstan.
Abstract. New material is described of Aktaucyon brachifacialis n. gen., n. sp. (Amphicyonidae, Daphoeninae), Phoberocyon (Cinctocyon n. subgen.) akhmetievi n. sp. (Ursidae, Hemicyoninae), and Mustelidae indet, from the lower Miocene deposits of the middle Member of the Chul'adyr Formation in the Aktau Mountains, Ili Basin, SE Kazakhstan. Daphoenine remnants are reported from Asia for the first time. They are assigned to the new tribe Aktaucyonini, which are middle to large-sized amphicyonids with a shortened facial region; a reduced P/1; enlarged upper canines; an enlarged P4/ with a welldeveloped protocone, paracone and parastyle blade; enlarged M1/ and M2/, which have conical protocones, symmetrical talons, and reduced hypoconules; and an M2/ that is transversely widened with a greatly reduced metacone. The phoberocyonine described here is the first reported from Kazakhstan and for the whole western part of Central Asia. The composition of the carnivore fauna resembles that from Shanwang, eastern China (MN 4-5).
5. Elena G. Kordikova & Alexander V. Mavrin, 1996:
Stratigraphy and Oligocene-Miocene mammalian biochronology of the Aktau Mountains, Dzhungarian Alatau Range, Kazakhstan.
Abstract. Stratigraphic studies in the Aktau Mountains bordering the Dzhungarian Alatau Range in southeastern Kazakhstan have included mapping of Tertiary lithostratigraphic units, documentation of fossiIiferous deposits, correlation of sections, etc. These investigations have led in turn to revised interpretation of the Tertiary geology of the area. The Tertiary sequence in the Aktau Mountains is represented by three Iithostratigraphic units (in ascending order): (I) the middle Eocene Akbulak Formation; (2) the Oligocene Aktau Formation with a lower member including white quartz sands that contain fassi1 mammals, and an upper member including red-colored clays and sands tones, brick red clays, an anhydrite and gypsum clayey horizon, and bright brown-red clays; and (3) the upper OIigocene-Miocene ChuI'adyr Fornlation with a lower member of greenish and yellowish conglomerates and gritstones, a middle member including grayish and yellowish sands and gritstones, and an upper member including brown and red clays and carbonate- and anhydrite-rich clays. The Aktau and ChuI'adyr Formations represent separate cycles of sedimentation. Mammalian biostratigraphy and biochronology of the three vertebrate faunas in Aktau Mountains are reviewed. The mammalian fauna from white sands of the lower Aktau Formation is small but includes Ardynia and is thought to be early Oligocene in age. The mammalian fauna from conglomerates and gritstones of the lower member of the Chul'adyr Formation is also small but includes Paraceratherium and is thought to be late Oligocene in age. The rnamma1ian fauna from sands of the middle member of the Chul'adyr Fomlation is extensive, with micro- and macrofauna attributed to Neogene mammal zones MN4 to MN6 indicating a latest early Miocene to earliest middle Miocene age (Orleanian-Astaracian). Most genera of middle Chul'adyr mammals are known from the middle Miocene Shanwang faunas of China and from the Castelnau-d'Arbieu faunal assemblage (MN4-MN6) of southwestern France.
Keywords: Stratigraphy, Lithologic correlation, Mammalian biochronology, Oligocene, Miocene.
Dzhungarian Alatau, Kazakhstan.
In: Kordikova, E.G. & Mavrin, A.V. 1996. Stratigraphy and Oligocene-Miocene mammalian biochronology of the Aktau Mountains, Dzhungarian Alatau Range, Kazakhstan. - Palaeovertebrata, 25, 2-4: 141-174; Montpellier. ---
1. Kordikova, E.G. 2000. Insectivora (Mammalia) from the Lower Miocene of the Aktau Mountains, South-Eastern Kazakhstan. - Senckenbergiana Lethaea, 80, 1: 67-79. [Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments]
2. Kordikova, E.G. & Bruijn, de, H. 2001. Early Miocene rodents from the Aktau Mountains (South-Eastern Kazakhstan). - Senckenbergiana Lethaea, 81, 2: 391-405.
3. Kordikova, E.G. & Heizmann, E.P.J. 1999. Early Miocene Carnivora of Aktau Mountains, Dzhungarian Alatau, Kazakhstan. - J. Vertebrate Paleontology, 19, 3, Suppl., 57A; Lawrence.
4. Kordikova, E.G., Heizmann, E. & Mavrin, A.V. 2000. Early Middle Miocene Carnivora of Aktau Mountains, South-Eastern Kazakhstan. - Palaeontol. Zeitschrift, 74, 1/2: 195-204.
5. Kordikova, E.G. & Mavrin, A.V. 1996. Stratigraphy and Oligocene-Miocene mammalian biochronology of the Aktau Mountains, Dzhungarian Alatau Range, Kazakhstan. - Palaeovertebrata, 25, 2-4: 141-174; Montpellier. ---
6. Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht.
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