Р. Гамзатов Бывает в жизни всё наоборот - перевод

Life gives us things, done in the backward ways,
Convinced more than once by that, I see this link:
It's raining, when the fields wait for sunrays,
Heat's burning, when the fields want so much to drink.

Not in its time, incoming comes anew.
Evil’s a sudden comer, mercy’s the same.
I didn’t wait, I couldn't wait for you,
On that day, when into my own life you came.

And all at once in other way did please,
To differ in life, thoughts, songs, I was ready,
That all in life could happen just like this,
I haven’t believed for two tens already.

Sometimes a fate plays evil tricks on us.
And what about me? I’m just lucky thus.

14-15 September, 2024


Фото с марки: № 3074. 100 лет со дня рождения Р. Г. Гамзатова (1923–2003), поэта
Photo from the stamp: No. 3074. 100 years since the birth of R. G. Gamzatov (1923-2003), poet
Дата: 7 июня 2023 г. Date: 7 June 2023
Источник: Викисклад Source: Wikimedia Commons,
Автор: М. Подобед Author: M. Podobed
