
Most people don't distinguish between the words country and government.
In any language.
It's a stylistic trap.
It will make all future conclusions wrong
And cost lives in the end.
What are you, Confucius and you've taken to correcting names?
Or are you heavenly Lao Ji and busy exhorting barbarians?
No, I'm like that one millimeter shift in the angle of view of half the earth's inhabitants.
Half the people on earth are fools, they won't even know what you're talking about.
No Ouija, I don't want to believe it, I just don't want to believe it.

The principle of the structure of the state was formed thousands of years ago.
Thousands? Maybe yesterday.
I'm asking you to leave humanity alone with your proposals for moral and ethical solutions.
And mind your own business.
Yes, sir.
You got a lot of competition in this field.
Yeah, but they're all out of focus.
This stylistic error is fundamental.
Probably some of them are still blind in both eyes.
You want them to put your head in their head?
I'll tell you, that's a tyrant's attitude.
“everyone wants to be the F;hrer”?

Are you a phenomenologist or not?
Then get this German and read “learn to think” again.
The “sh” in his name is German philosopher follower of Husserl I forget.
Oh, your head's in crossword mode.
Are you still insulting me?
Not until you learn, but until you memorize it verbatim.
Leave them alone and work or we won't have enough to buy whiskey and CDs.
Yes, sir.

But the fact that I'm listening to my time-honored ancient CD player right now.
is a direct consequence of this morphological speech error I didn't make.
Country and power are different words.
But you've got excellent sound now, it's a blessing in disguise.
I was almost satisfied with the compressed sound quickly and for free.
And you even have an alternative to listen to music on the site of majors of the kgb.
Leave them alone. Get busy.
You can't put a donkey in a plow.
He'll plow in the wrong direction.
Mind your own business.

These social issues are eating us shyly, bit by bit.
They're eating you alive.
Piranhas? Put your foot in that pond.
You know, Bukowski didn't go after Selin himself.
He was too smart for that.
and only wanted to master his style.
You're copying him?
Then you have to add dashes to the lines of dialog.
And you could add movement to the characters.
Why the hell, Ouiji, I've been sitting in a chair for a year, and you're just being, I'm sorry, an old keyboard.

Carlos to the rescue, I'm not a writer, and I'm getting sucked into this swamp of words!
Don't try? Boxer?
I'm not a boxer. It's definitely a rough sport of martial arts.
What do you mean, don't even start or first time without a second try?
You want me to show you Muramasa Dono's swords?
He didn't put dates on it.
That demon didn't stamp time.
What's with the afterlife voice? It's ridiculous.
Oh, thank you, great dead.
Hullo, pulp persona!


Tell me, do we have your whole pantheon of gods here?
I think a revision is necessary because some of the big statues we forgot to put up.
Ouija, you've got a ritualistic streak, don't you?
Yes, sir, of course.
I'll put up all the idols and sweep all the rooms.
these statues will still need to be painted.
and burn incense and a paper horse for each of us.
Ouija, we can have a dangerous conversation from here.
We're standing with our heels above the abyss. Is that all right with you?


Talk about falling into the abyss?
It's always a conversation about weight. Alice, a feather and a jam jar will fall at the same speed down half a rabbit hole. That's really awesome.
Your Ouija holes are not rabbit holes, they're rat holes and half of them are traps.
You're welcome anytime.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
