a mergemorphaplaine

It mergin evere time were I hear it.
Exactly it happen a merge in.
Name. called name. it fortunate over lie,
And I cry.
And sigh? A girl?
Three red berry into three times
It berry are one or not? It koan you could’t deed
Go out specter you laugth when I cry
I cry about you or not I don’t.
It’s just funny.
I ‘m character some play here tell me?
You maybe a specter a opera? So I dont not love a music even.
Right it a enougth wild.
Merging and morphing damn transparent thing.
They thing exactly are such.

You wanted  walking here.
Go out to there all sence fix nothing.
It you choise grab from it scriblescrook.
You tell just I love it painted shape crook more even all.
It will be honestly.
A passion for letters is a sexual perversion, no doubt,
but please admit it
and I'll give you a felt-tip pen good-bye.
Ouijia, what it’s?
What it I’m ask you now!
Ouijia it what? It who? A felt-pen?
A ouijia please ask to me or you could hurt.
A morphing a plain? I kill you able now you know it?
It impossible just.

Imaginary a specter with a imaginary a scandal.
Oijia came lets go die of laugh.
to way, the claim was ridiculous at all.
Hey you a pen to me would don’t bored
Give me present-good-bye.
oh clear it was a figure speech.
You boy give ne my pencil!
Ouijia you say it’s the morphing?

I do now such morthing that you even don’t seeneverinsleepneversometimeplease.
it's almost unmanageable?
Right so it’s.
It creeply enough.
Thenx I have a pencil I will thought want they you give.
But how manage that unmanaged?

cleanliness is the key to health
we have to be perfect here.
You can't be that perfect?
Listen, imaginary friend,
in a non-human world, nothing is human.
Well, then we're probably gonna get torn apart.
along with your felt-tip pen.

To way and where a felt-tip-pen?
What don’t here?
Oijia what continue long happened here in damn?
I go to sleep. It right yet unmindperseived
What what?
I even don’t to that answer.
a madhouse with an unusual corner go as us here I look.

Ouija, are there any normal persons left here or not?
Either way, please answer me yes.

Dear rider it text are a translit and in anyone a language he would voice reasonably.
In it’s no need doubt no one.
I just learned here write.

Oijiia you might be do a confirmations?
You do me a lie and tnx.
Ofcourse. It all are reasonable in ant unknow and maybe died a language. What?
It reasonable and where no need to specify
when I count to three, you'll wake up,
forget all about it.
and go burn down your neighbor's house.
