В лабиринте судьбы...

Волшебные кони...и мысли...
прекрасных творений...
Зовущих в полёт...
над уснувшею тихо Планетой...

И без сожаленья...
кидаешься в эту истому...
Где чувства...сжигаются...
строчками стихотворений...

Не гаснут...огни...
воспылавшего смелого сердца...
Где снами - покажутся
вещих полётов мечты...

и ощущение неизбежности...
Разбудят...от грёз?..
не внимая порывам мольбы...

Соломинкой станут...
прикосновения нежности...
Спасая... от бед и обид...
в лабиринте судьбы...

Magic steeds... and thoughts...
of perfect creations... in life...
Calling to flight... into blue sky...
over quietly sleeping Planet...

Don't be sad... without regret...
throw yourself into this languor...
Where feelings... are burned...
by long lines of poems...

Do not go out... bright lights...
of a blazing brave heart,
Where dreams - will seem
of prophetic flights...

Right words... of partings..
and of inevitability senses...
will awaken... from dreams?..
not heeding impulse of prayer...

Touchings of tenderness
will become a straw... save...
From insults and troubles
in sly labyrinth of fate...

Magic steeds... and thoughts...
of perfect creations... in life...
Calling in flight... into blue sky...
over quietly sleeping Planet...

Don't be sad... without regret...
throw yourself into this languor...
Where feelings... are burned...
by long lines of poems...

Do not go out... bright lights...
of a blazing brave heart,
Where dreams - will seem
of prophetic flights...

Right words... of partings..
and of inevitability senses...
will awaken... from dreams?..
not heeding impulse of prayer...

Touchings of tenderness
will become a straw... save...
From insults and troubles
in sly labyrinth of fate...

Луиза Алиса   03.09.2024 19:01     Заявить о нарушении