with every f n breath

…and then a man trespasses like a thief
to steal your soul, your heart and your belief
he makes you see how signs turn into threats
he gives you fake embrace and real regrets

oh no
forgive me for the truth I said that day
I wanted both of us to know the way

he knew his way
he left the bed and left my life

oh what a shitty way that was to say goodbye

he let me stay, he let me be, he let me cry

and so I stayed and was and cried until I died

the fire died
the lust still undefined

I cared too much
I sacrificed my pride

I lost control
I lost my sacred right

to be myself
give up this useless fight

…and then a man appears, if only just a friend
he wants you here, he cares, he gives a hand

and so it is
no fight, no fear, no stress

and you let go
with every fucking breath

3–4 июня
