
I want to show you the night: 
its clouds wrap around, 
lull, and weigh down 
these high-rise roofs.

The ocean shore 
is licked by waves, 
like a young lover,
keen to be 
hungrily licks you.

Desperate seagulls 
in the port at night 
swallow fish 
with scales and bones. 
They could’ve lived on 
in sweet oblivion,

unfamiliar with grief, 
fishermen’s hands, 
the scrape of boat hulls, 
or the scent of their own 
insides –
they’re swallowed whole, 
no hesitation, 
no choking.

Like a young lover, 
keen to be unforgettable, 
swallows it all, 
eyes locked on yours.

We walk by the water: 
a bridge, a tide, 
dawn barely breaking. 
The earth is slightly 
irritated by our steps.
