Dcccxxv 825 days aa for vnm alla op song

Когда вхожу в бескрайний мир огня,
Мир жара в сердце, и полёта духа...
Я знаю, ты сопутствуешь меня,
Моей груди дотрагиваясь ухом...
И тебе слышен громкий сердца стук,
Перед тобой раскрытые скрижали...
Их холод каменный коснулся твоих рук,
Они разбиты, руки их не удержали...

Но вновь мне тело содрогает дрожь,
Твоё тепло в себя душой внимаю...
Но к жертве снова прикоснулся нож,
Лишь через боль, я это понимаю...
Мой путь затерян среди острых скал,
Но знаю, что ведёт тропа к вершине...
И там найду я то, что я искал,
Когда бродил, по жизненной пустыне...

Велик сей мир, но я безумно мал,
И сердцем осознав твоё величие...
Против себя бороться я устал,
Устал искать я счастье в жизни личной...
Но мир огня, накаленный как ад,
Сжигает похоти во мне и страсти...
И знаю точно, нет пути назад,
Моя душа, расколота на части...

В каждой скрижали зиждется закон,
Закон всегда ведёт к повиновению...
А из груди наружу рвётся стон,
Страшится дух изгнанья и забвенья...
Но только ты, мой свет, моя свеча,
Влечёшь к вершинам, как влекла и прежде...
Звезда любви, горит в твоих очах,
Звезда, во тьме дающая надежду...

Бьёт колокол, над миром темноты,
И звук его, ко мне вернётся эхом...
И знаю я, что где-то рядом ты,
И очень скоро ты зальёшься смехом...
Среди пустынь, обтрёпана милоть,
И новой музыки, ждут перепонки уха...
Но вложена нам Богом в нашу плоть,
Божественно Святая Сила Духа!

O merciful God, be Thou unto me
A strong Tower of defence,
I humbly entreat Thee.
Give me grace to await the leisure,
And patiently to bear
What Thou doest unto me;
Nothing doubting or mistrusting
Thy goodness towards me;
For Thou knowest what is good for me
Better then I do.
Therefore do with me in all things
What Thy wilt;
Only arm me, I beseech Thee,
With Thine armor,
That I may stand fast;
Above all things taking to me
The shield of faith;
Praying always that I may
Refer myself wholly to Thy will,
Abiding Thy pleasure, and comforting myself
In those troubles which it shall please Thee
To send me, seeing such troubles are
Profitable for me; and I am
Assuredly persuaded that all Thou doest
Cannot but be well; and unto Thee
Be all honor and glory. Amen.

(Lady Jane Grey)

О милостивый Боже, будь Ты для меня
Крепкая защитная башня,
Смиренно умоляю Тебя.
Дай мне благодать дождаться досуга,
И терпеливо терпеть
Что Ты делаешь со мной;
Ничто не сомневается и не доверяет
Твоя доброта ко мне;
Ибо Ты знаешь, что для меня хорошо
Лучше, чем я.
Поэтому поступай со Мною во всем
Какова твоя воля;
Только вооружи меня, умоляю Тебя,
В доспехах Твоих,
Чтобы я мог стоять твердо;
Прежде всего, все, что меня касается
Щит веры;
Всегда молюсь, чтобы я мог
Предаюсь полностью Твоей воле,
Пребывая в Твоем удовольствии и утешая себя
В тех бедах, которые Тебе угодят
Послать меня, видя такие беды
Выгодно для меня; и я
Уверенно убежден, что все, что Ты делаешь
Не может не быть хорошо; и Тебе
Будь вся честь и слава. Аминь.

(Леди Джейн Грей)

Лидия из Фиатир
Добавление краткого описания
Лидия из Фиатир — женщина-христианка, проживавшая в городе Филиппы и обращённая апостолом Павлом в ходе его миссионерского путешествия в 51—52 году.

Краткие факты Лидия из Фиатир, Дата рождения ...

Часовня и баптистерий на месте, почитаемом как место крещения Лидии из Фиатир
Деяния апостолов
Упоминается в 16 главе книги Деяний апостолов. В ходе своего второго миссионерского путешествия апостол Павел отплыл из Троады на корабле и прибыл в Македонию, впервые вступив на землю Европы. Город Филиппы стал, таким образом, первым европейским городом, где было проповедано христианство, а Лидия — первым обратившимся в христианство европейцем.

Итак, отправившись из Троады, мы прямо прибыли в Самофракию, а на другой день в Неаполь, оттуда же в Филиппы: это первый город в той части Македонии, колония. В этом городе мы пробыли несколько дней. В день же субботний мы вышли за город к реке, где, по обыкновению, был молитвенный дом, и, сев, разговаривали с собравшимися [там] женщинами. И одна женщина из города Фиатир, именем Лидия, торговавшая багряницею, чтущая Бога, слушала; и Господь отверз сердце её внимать тому, что говорил Павел. Когда же крестилась она и домашние её, то просила нас, говоря: если вы признали меня верною Господу, то войдите в дом мой и живите [у] [меня]. И убедила нас.(Деян. 16:11—15).
Согласно преданию, Лидия стала христианской диакониссой в Филиппах.

Имя Лидия означает «лидийка», то есть происходящая из исторической области Лидия в Малой Азии. Город Фиатира (Фиатиры, совр. турецкий Акхисар), бывший её родным городом, находился в Лидии неподалёку от границы с Мисией и с древних времён был одним из важных центров производства шерсти, тканей и пурпура (в Синодальном переводе — «багряница»). То, что в Фиатире производили пурпур, засвидетельствовано эпиграфически. Ткани пурпурного цвета окрашивали в Фиатире не с помощью пурпурных моллюсков, как в Тире, а с помощью корня марены красильной. Данное производство существовало в этом регионе до XIX века, когда было вытеснено анилиновыми красителями.

Неудивительно, что и переехав из Фиатиры в Филиппы, Лидия продолжала заниматься обычным для её родных мест делом — торговлей пурпуром. Торговля пурпурными тканями была выгодным делом, вероятно, Лидия была состоятельнее других уверовавших в ходе проповеди Павла и ей было легче дать у себя приют апостолам.

Река рядом с Филиппами (древние Криниды, лат. Волосы), в которой были крещены Лидия и домашние её, — Зигактис (греч. Весы), опознаваемая ныне как Ангитис, приток Стримона. В настоящее время на предполагаемом месте крещения Лидии построена часовня и устроен баптистерий.

Термин «чтущая Бога» имеет особое значение в Деяниях — Лука называет так «квази-прозелитов», то есть язычников, которые почитали Бога Израилева, принимали монотеизм, однако не становились прозелитами и не входили в иудейскую общину.

Лидия почитается в православии и католичестве святой. В Католической церкви память Лидии совершается 3 августа, в то время как в различных православных церквях её память совершается в разные дни — 27 марта, 25 июня и 20 мая.

Lydia of Thyatira
Christian saint
Lydia of Thyatira (Greek: ;;;;;) is a woman mentioned in the New Testament who is regarded as the first documented convert to Christianity in Europe. Several Christian denominations have designated her a saint.

Honored in
Episcopal Church (United States)
Catholic Church
Eastern Orthodox Church
27 January
3 August
20 May

Lydia of Thyatira and Philippi
The name, "Lydia", meaning "the Lydian woman", by which she was known indicates that she was from Lydia in Asia Minor. Though she is commonly known as "St. Lydia" or even more simply "The Woman of Purple," Lydia is given other titles: "of Thyatira," "Purpuraria," and "of Philippi ('Philippisia' in Greek)." "[Lydia's] name is an ethnicon, deriving from her place of origin". The first refers to her place of birth, which is a city in the ancient region of Lydia (modern-day Akhisar, Turkey). The second comes from the Latin word for purple and relates to her connection with purple dye. Philippi (modern-day Macedonia (Greece)) was the city in which Lydia was living when she met St. Paul and his companions. All these titles expound upon this woman's background.

New Testament narrative
Acts 16 describes Lydia as follows:

A certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, one who worshiped God, heard us; whose heart the Lord opened to listen to the things which were spoken by Paul. When she and her household were baptized, she begged us, saying, "If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house, and stay." So she persuaded us.

—;Acts 16:14–15 World English Bible
Wayne Grudem sees the story of Lydia as being an example of effectual calling.

Lydia was most likely from Greek background, since originating from Thyatira, Asia Minor, but probably romanized one, while she lived in a Roman settlement. She was evidently a well-to-do agent of a purple-dye firm in Thyatira, a city southeast of Pergamum and approximately 40 miles (64 km) inland, across the Aegean Sea from Athens. Lydia insisted on giving hospitality to Apostle Paul and his companions in Philippi. They stayed with her until their departure, through Amphipolis and Apollonia, to Thessalonica (Acts 16:40–17:1).

Paul, Silas and Timothy were traveling through the region of Philippi when they encounter "a reputable businesswoman and possibly a widow... [who] was a righteous Gentile or 'God-fearer' attracted to Judaism". "[S]he was one of a large group [considered]... sympathizers with Judaism, believers in the one God, but who had not yet become 'proselytes' or taken the final step to conversion to Judaism".

Because these encounters and events take place "in what is now Europe," Lydia is considered "the first 'European' Christian convert".

Lydia of Thyatira by Harold Copping
"Thyatira in the province of Lydia (located in what is now western Turkey) was famous for the red [variety of purple] dye". Lydia of Thyatira is most known as a "seller" or merchant of purple cloth, which is the likely reason for the Catholic Church naming her "patroness of dyers." It is unclear as to if Lydia simply dealt in the trade of purple dye or whether her business included textiles as well, though all known icons of the saint depict her with some form of purple cloth. Most portray this holy woman wearing a purple shawl or veil, which allows many historians and theologians to believe that she was a merchant of specifically purple cloth.

Social status
There is some speculation regarding Lydia's social status. Theologians disagree as to whether Lydia was a free woman or servant. "There is no direct evidence that Lydia had once been a slave, but the fact that her name is her place of origin rather than a personal name suggests this as at least a possibility". Ascough cites other examples of noble women named Lydia from the first or second centuries, so it is unlikely that she was actually a slave or servant. Furthermore, the book of Acts records, "When she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home. 'If you consider me a believer in the Lord,' she said, 'come and stay at my house.' And she persuaded us." This implies that Lydia was in charge of the household, as she was able to persuade the household to be baptised, and had authority in the home to invite Paul and his companions to stay in her house – both things that a servant would be far less able to do.

Marital status

Baptism of Lydia by Marie Ellenrieder, 1861
Because women did not possess the same equality rights as modern women, it appears unusual that Lydia would be capable of inviting a group of foreign men to her house without a man's consent. "The fact that there is no mention of a man has been used to deduce that she was a widow, but this has been challenged as a patriarchal interpretation". Lydia's evident social power exemplified by her control of a household and ownership of a house (which she offered to St. Paul and his companions) indicates that she was most likely a free woman and possibly a widow.

Feast day
Many Christian denominations recognize Lydia of Thyatira as a saint, though her feast day varies greatly. In the Catholic Church, her feast day is August 3.

The Episcopal Church honors St. Lydia in its liturgical calendar on May 21, while the Anglican Church in North America remembers St. Lydia on January 27.

Eastern Orthodox Churches remember Lydia on various days, with some jurisdictions remembering her twice during a liturgical year. Many Eastern Orthodox churches, including the Self-Ruled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, remember St. Lydia on May 20. However, some divisions of the Russian Orthodox Church (other than the Orthodox Church in America) observe both June 25 and March 27 as her feast days.

Greek icon of Lydia of Thyatira
The Lutheran community is also divided. The ELCA commemorates Sts. Lydia, Dorcas and Phoebe on January 27, while the LCMS celebrates the three women on October 25.

Devotion to St. Lydia is greater in the Orthodox Church than in the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church, and this is evident by the myriad of icons depicting this woman. The Orthodox Churches have given her the title of "Equal to the Apostles", which signifies her importance and level of holiness. There is a church located in Philippi, which many consider to be built in St. Lydia's honor. A modern baptistry is located on the traditional site in Krynides where Lydia was baptized by St. Paul near Philippi as well.

See also
Saints portal

“Deborah knew two things.  First, that the mountains flow, as everything flows. But, secondly, that they flowed before the Lord, and not before man, for the simple reason that man in his short lifetime cannot see them flowing, while the time of observation of God is infinite. We may therefore well define a nondimensional number the Deborah number D = time of relaxation/time of observation.”

Feminist theology
Junia (New Testament person)

Prophetess in the Bible
For other uses, see Deborah (disambiguation).
According to the Book of Judges, Deborah (Hebrew: ;;;;;;;;;, D;;;r;) was a prophetess of Judaism, the fourth Judge of pre-monarchic Israel and the only female judge mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. Many scholars contend that the phrase, "a woman of Lappidoth", as translated from biblical Hebrew in Judges 4:4 denotes her marital status as the wife of Lapidoth. Alternatively, "lappid" translates as "torch" or "lightning", therefore the phrase, "woman of Lappidoth" could be referencing Deborah as a "fiery woman." Deborah told Barak, an Israelite general from Kedesh in Naphtali, that God commanded him to lead an attack against the forces of Jabin king of Canaan and his military commander Sisera (Judges 4:6–7); the entire narrative is recounted in chapter 4.

Quick Facts Other names, Occupation(s) ...
Judges 5 gives the same story in poetic form. This passage, often called The Song of Deborah, may date to as early as the twelfth century BCE, and is perhaps the earliest sample of Hebrew poetry.

Bible narrative

Deborah Beneath the Palm Tree (c. 1896–1902), James Tissot

Grave near Kedesh attributed to Barak or Deborah
In the Book of Judges, it is stated that Deborah was a prophetess, a judge of Israel and the wife of Lapidoth. She rendered her judgments beneath a date palm tree between Ramah in Benjamin and Bethel in the land of Ephraim.

The people of Israel had been oppressed by Jabin, the king of Canaan, whose capital was Hazor, for twenty years. Stirred by the wretched condition of Israel she sends a message to Barak, the son of Abinoam, at Kedesh in Naphtali, and tells him that the Lord God had commanded him to muster ten thousand troops of Naphtali and Zebulun and concentrate them upon Mount Tabor, the mountain at the northern angle of the great plain of Esdraelon. At the same time she states that the Lord God of Israel will draw Sisera, commander of Jabin's army, to the Kishon River. Barak declines to go without the prophet. Deborah consents, but declares that the glory of the victory will therefore belong to a woman. As soon as the news of the rebellion reaches Sisera, he collects nine hundred chariots of iron and a host of people.

Then Deborah said, according to Judges 4:14:

"Go! This is the day the Lord has given Sisera into your hands. Has not the Lord gone ahead of you?" So Barak went down Mount Tabor, with ten thousand men following him.
As Deborah prophesied, a battle is fought (led by Barak), and Sisera is completely defeated. He escapes on foot while his army is pursued as far as Harosheth Haggoyim and destroyed. Sisera comes to the tent of Jael and lies down to rest. He asks for a drink, she gives him milk and he falls asleep. While he is asleep she hammers a tent-pin through his temple.

The Biblical account of Deborah ends with the statement that after the battle, there was peace in the land for 40 years (Judges 5:31).

The Song of Deborah
See also: Judges 5

The Song of Deborah is found in Judges 5:2–31 and is a victory hymn, sung by Deborah and Barak, about the defeat of Canaanite adversaries by some of the tribes of Israel. The song itself differs slightly from the events described in Judges 4. The song mentions six participating tribes: Ephraim, Benjamin, Machir—a group associated with the Tribe of Manasseh—Zebulun, Issachar and Naphtali, as opposed to the two tribes in Judges 4:6 (Naphtali and Zebulun) and does not mention the role of Jabin (king of Hazor). The song also rebukes three other tribes (Reuben, Dan, and Asher) for their lack of patriotism. Michael Coogan writes that for the redactors of the Song of Deborah, that the Canaanite general Sisera ends up being murdered by a woman (Jael)—the ultimate degradation—"is a further sign that Yahweh ultimately is responsible for the victory".

Though the presence of victory hymns is conventional in the Hebrew Bible, the Song of Deborah is unusual in that it is a hymn that celebrates a military victory of two women: Deborah, the prophetess and Jael, the warrior. Jael—the heroine of the Song of Deborah—shares parallels with the main character of the Book of Judith, who uses her beauty and charm to kill an Assyrian general who has besieged her city, Bethulia.

The Song of Deborah is commonly identified as among the oldest texts of the Bible, but the date of its composition is controversial. Many scholars claim a date as early as the 12th century BCE, while others claim it to be as late as the 3rd century BCE. Some hold that the song was written no earlier than the 7th century BCE.

Traditional chronology
Traditional Jewish chronology places Deborah's 40 years of judging Israel (Judges 5:31) from 1107 BC until her death in 1067 BC. The Dictionary of World Biography: The Ancient World claims that she might have lived in the period between 1200 BC to 1124 BC. Based on archaeological findings, different biblical scholars have argued that Deborah's war with Sisera best fits the context of either the second half of the 12th century BC or the second half of the 11th century BC.


See also
Battle of Mount Tabor (biblical)
The Deborah number
Handel's Deborah (Handel)


Однако некоторые из нас наткнулись на совсем другую проблему. Мы придерживались утверждения, что, выпивая, мы никому не причиняем вреда, кроме самих себя.

Этот Шаг казался таким простым. Я опознал нескольких человек, которым причинил вред, но они больше не были доступны. Тем не менее, меня беспокоил Шаг, и я избегал разговоров о нем. Со временем я научился исследовать те Шаги и области своей жизни, которые доставляли мне дискомфорт. Мои поиски выявили моих родителей, которых глубоко ранила моя изоляция от них; мой работодатель, которого беспокоили мои отсутствия, провалы в памяти, мой вспыльчивый характер; и друзья, которых я избегал без объяснения причин. Когда я осознал реальность причиненного мной вреда, Восьмой Шаг приобрел новое значение. Я больше не чувствую дискомфорта и чувствую себя чистым и легким.

Из книги Ежедневные размышления.
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Как это видит Билл #essentialsofrecovery

Достаточно ли трезвости? стр.227

Алкоголик подобен торнадо, прорывающемуся сквозь жизни других. Сердца разбиты. Сладкие отношения мертвы. Привязанности искоренены. Эгоистичные и невнимательные привычки привели в хаос в доме.

Мы чувствуем, что человек легкомыслен, когда говорит, что трезвости достаточно. Он подобен фермеру, который вышел из подвала, вызванного циклоном, и обнаружил, что его дом разрушен. Жене он заметил: «Не вижу здесь ничего плохого, ма. Разве не здорово, что ветер перестал дуть?

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^

Мы спрашиваем себя, что мы имеем в виду, когда говорим, что «причинили вред» другим людям. Какой вообще «вред» люди причиняют друг другу? Чтобы дать практическое определение слову «вред», мы могли бы назвать его результатом столкновения инстинктов, которое причиняет физический, умственный, эмоциональный или духовный вред окружающим нас людям.

1. Анонимные Алкоголики, стр.82.
2. 12 и 12, с. 80
Почему бы не подписаться на получение электронных писем со всеми ежедневными публикациями?
Или подписывайтесь на нас в Твиттере #essentialsofrecovery





My youngest daughter Alla singing song she wrote in her church (last song before her husband Leo - man on the right with acoustic guitar started talking)… I am so proud of Alla and Leo and all the things they do in support of Ukrainian people, may God bless their ministry! God loves Ukrainian people and this war will end soon if we all unite in prayer for peace not just in Ukraine and Israel but in the whole world! “James 5:16 KJV 1611 - The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Song is inspired by:
<<Revelation Chapter 19
(Original 1611 KJV Bible)>>
This is the text and a scan of the actual, original, first printing of the 1611 King James Version, the 'HE' Bible, for Revelation Chapter 19. The KJV does not get more original or authentic than this. View Revelation Chapter 19 as text-only. Click to switch to the standard King James Version of Revelation Chapter 19


1 God is praised in heauen for iudging the great whore, and auenging the blood of his Saints. 7 The marriage of the Lambe. 20 The Angel will not be worshipped. 17 The foules called to the great slaughter.

1 And after these things I heard a great voyce of much people in heauen, saying, Alleluia: saluation, and glorie, and honour, and power vnto the Lord our God:

2 For true and righteous are his iudgements, for hee hath iudged the great whore which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath auenged the blood of his seruants at her hand.

3 And againe they sayd, Alleluia: and her smoke rose vp for euer & euer.

4 And the foure and twentie Elders, and the foure beasts fell downe, and worshipped God that sate on the throne, saying, Amen, Alleluia.

5 And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God all yee his seruants, and ye that feare him, both small and great.

6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mightie thundrings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

7 Let vs bee glad and reioyce, and giue honour to him: for the mariage of the Lambe is come, and his wife hath made herselfe readie.

8 And to her was granted, that she should bee arayed in fine linnen, cleane and white: for the fine linnen is the righteousnesse of Saints.

9 And hee saith vnto mee, Write, Blessed are they which are called vnto the marriage supper of the Lambe. And he saith vnto mee, These are the true sayings of God.9

10 And I fell at his feete to worship him: And he said vnto me, See thou doe it not: I am thy fellow seruant, and of thy brethren, that haue the testimonie of Iesus, Worship God: for the testimony of Iesus, is the spirit of prophecie.10

11 And I sawe heauen opened, and behold a white horse, and hee that sate vpon him was called faithful and true, and in righteousnes hee doth iudge and make warre.

12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crownes, and hee had a name written, that no man knew but he himselfe.

13 And hee was clothed with a vesture dipt in blood, and his name is called, The word of God.13

14 And the armies which were in heauen followed him vpon white horses, clothed in fine linnen, white and cleane.

15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharpe sword, that with it hee should smite the nations: and he shal rule them with a rod of yron: and he treadeth the winepresse of the fiercenesse and wrath of Almighty God.

16 And he hath on his vesture, and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.16

17 And I saw an Angel standing in the Sunne, and hee cried with a lowd voyce, saying to all the foules that flie in the midst of heauen, Come and gather your selues together vnto the supper of the great God:

18 That yee may eate the flesh of Kings, and the flesh of Captaines, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men both free and bond, both small and great.

19 And I saw the beast, & the Kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make warre against him that sate on the horse, and against his armie.

20 And the beast was taken, & with him the false prophet, that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceiued them that had receiued the marke of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast aliue into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sate vpon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the foules were filled with their flesh.

Revelation Chapter 19 Sidenote References (from Original 1611 KJV Bible):

9 Mat.22.2.
10 Cha.22.9.
13 Esa. 63.2.
16 Chap.17. 14.

* Some content on this page courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania

 White Horse

[Lyrics, 135 bpm, 4/4] [Alla Ostapovich/Polischouk]
Holy! Holy! He’s coming on the clouds
Holy! Holy! We all fall face down
Holy! Holy! Every knee on earth will bow
Holy! Holy! When we hear that trumpet sound!
See Him coming with a strike of lightning
Thunder crashes as the white horse rides in
Elders bow as all the creatures cry out
Holy is the Lamb who was slain
He’ll be coming on a white horse
See Him coming on a white horse
Holy! Holy! He’s coming on the clouds
Holy! Holy! We all fall face down
Holy! Holy! Every knee on earth will bow
Holy! Holy! When we hear that trumpet sound!
He’ll be coming on a white horse
See Him coming on a white horse
Holy! Holy! He’s coming on the clouds
Holy! Holy! We all fall face down
Holy! Holy! Every knee on earth will bow
Holy! Holy! When we hear that trumpet sound!
Bridgegroom You’re coming
We prepare ourselves for You
We Your church are waiting
Purified cleansed by You
it's how we wait for You
we cry out to You
it's how we wait for You
we cry out to You
the elders bow to You
we join them in their song
Holy! Holy! He’s coming on the clouds
Holy! Holy! We all fall face down
Holy! Holy! Every knee on earth will bow
Holy! Holy! When we hear that trumpet sound!
See Him coming with a strike of lightning
Thunder crashes as the white horse rides in
Elders bow as all the creatures cry out
Holy is the Lamb who was slain

 White Horse [Bm, 135 bpm, 4/4] [Alla Ostapovich/Polischouk]
Bm...............G Holy!.Holy!.He’s.coming.on.the.clouds Em.............A.........F#m Holy!.Holy!.We.all.fall.face.down Bm................G Holy!.Holy!.Every.knee.on.earth.will.bow Em.............A.........F#m Holy!.Holy!.When.we.hear.that.trumpet.sound!
Bm....................G. See.Him.coming.with.a.strike.of.lightning. A......................Em..........F#m Thunder.crashes.as.the.white.horse.rides.in. Bm....................G Elders.bow.as.all.the.creatures.cry.out. F#m.........A............Bm Holy.is.the.Lamb.who.was.slain.
pre.chorus Bm.....................G KING.OF.KINGS.AND.LORD.OF.LORDS .................Em He’ll.be.coming.on.a.white.horse ....................A........F#m See.Him.coming.on.a.white.horse.
Bm...............G Holy!.Holy!.He’s.coming.on.the.clouds Em.............A.........F#m Holy!.Holy!.We.all.fall.face.down Bm................G Holy!.Holy!.Every.knee.on.earth.will.bow Em.............A.........F#m Holy!.Holy!.When.we.hear.that.trumpet.sound!
pre.chorus Bm.....................G KING.OF.KINGS.AND.LORD.OF.LORDS .................Em He’ll.be.coming.on.a.white.horse

 White Horse - ....................A........F#m
Bm...............G Holy!.Holy!.He’s.coming.on.the.clouds Em.............A.........F#m Holy!.Holy!.We.all.fall.face.down Bm................G Holy!.Holy!.Every.knee.on.earth.will.bow Em.............A.........F#m Holy!.Holy!.When.we.hear.that.trumpet.sound!
Bm.................G Bridgegroom.You’re.coming. .......Em...................A.F#m We.prepare.ourselves.for.You. Bm.................G We.Your.church.are.waiting. ....Em..................A.F#m Purified.cleansed.by.You
............G............A. it's.how.we.wait.for.You ........G/B..........A/C# we.cry.out.to.You ...........G............A it's.how.we.wait.for.You ........G.........A we.cry.out.to.You. ...........G.........A. the.elders.bow.to.You ...G..................A we.join.them.in.their.song
Bm...............G Holy!.Holy!.He’s.coming.on.the.clouds Em.............A.........F#m Holy!.Holy!.We.all.fall.face.down Bm................G Holy!.Holy!.Every.knee.on.earth.will.bow

 White Horse - Em.............A.........F#m
Bm....................G. See.Him.coming.with.a.strike.of.lightning. A......................Em..........F#m Thunder.crashes.as.the.white.horse.rides.in. Bm....................G Elders.bow.as.all.the.creatures.cry.out. F#m.........A............Bm Holy.is.the.Lamb.who.was.slain.

Prayer before the song:

We worship You Jesus Holy Lamb of God we give You all our praises in this we magnify Your Name above all names The Holy Spotless Lamb of God. We glorify You, our Bridegroom who is coming back for His Church. We wait for You Lord, purify us, cleanse us, make us holy and righteous like you Lord, as we wait for You, as we wait for Your return!

