Macedonian prayer

Ego vadam ad agrum, ad viride prati, non est fortis vireta, in ea potentia est visibilis et invisibilia. Take tres laminis: rubrum, nigrum, album. Rubrum fugit per Oceanum ad insulam Buyan sub gladio; Do a Nigrum Crow in Septem quercus cum nidum ubi frenum est iurans equum heros; Et posuit alba per balteum, ubi pharetra cum sagitta Tartarsskaya est consuti. Rubrum dabit mihi gladium, nigrum et tollet de frenum iurare, alba et aperire pharetram cum sagitta. Cum gladio, Ego defendere ab hostibus  potestate, ego subjugare equitem fortium, et ego conteram hostium cum eo sagitta. Loquor populum meum cum Et verba mea fortis quasi lapis alatyr

Warriors, my brothers!
We are conducting an eternal battle, where honor and courage are worthy of legends.

Each of us is a power
Each of us is the will.
Coated and invincible.
Like the spirit of the battle field.

We control the mind and the world hears us, obeys our will. We are firm in words and in practice. We fight for those who believe in us.
And waiting for our victory. Every strike, every step, every breath is the path to our truth. Fear goes under the soles so that we get faster. We pass through the walls and ignorance, paving the way to those who go tomorrow.

Each of us is a power
Each of us is the will.
Coated and invincible.
Like the spirit of the battle field.

In the hearts, an open fire burns. In the veins -the energy of our shrines. the Priests pray for the remission of sins. The ancestors look at us from heaven. We are an united adamant spirit.

Each of us is a power
Each of us is the will.
Coated and invincible.
Like the spirit of the battle field.

We are born to create the history. the arena has to tremble from our power, and the knock of the heart echoing our determination. We are gladiators born to win, and ready to fight!
Let our names sound like symbols of courage and strength. Forward, my brothers, to immortality, triumph and glory. Forward to the victory!
