a petri dish

Their mattresses don't care, they're mattresses.
But what a crushing humiliation for the men.
Everyone's seen that ramp down.
You're all in a gang.
You didn't want that?
Who asked you?
What a humiliation for everyone.

But to avoid the burden of unbearable feelings,
I'm with you and I'm in your gang.
And that's okay.
And our law is cartel.
Our father is el Patron
and we feel for the killers together.

And this exit will be doubly humiliating,
but in a friendly community.
You didn't want to be a gangster, you wanted to be a teacher?
You were born a man for nothing.

Well, your mattress will back you up on everything.
She'll wear a feminine dress if you want,
Styled with Christian humility.
Why are you so sad and confused, dear? Oh, come on!
What humiliation? What are you talking about?

and how many happy faces there are on the street.
They're careless guest workers.
They don't know anything about anything,
What happened?
but how fortunate they are.

Their smiles are genuine, their faces glisten with joy.
It's the joy of squatters,
Settling into an abandoned estate,
in the growing hope that the landlord will never return.

No, it's only you who are humiliated, what's that got to do with us?
We don't know that word
We're happy and we have plans for our lives.
You don't. You've been humiliated to death.
Well, we'll live in your place
and we'll find a place for your women, too.

Some contemporaries were more aggressive than others
and ate them up one day in the world.
They were born with equal rights
But that's the evolutionary process of species formation.

Looks like the predators have eaten all the herbivores and have nothing left to eat.
That's what happens in these cases. I don't know biology.
Within a population of a species, half the individuals have eaten the other half.
It's a process. The young men rapidly degenerate into thugs.
And they have an innate immunity to humiliation.

Kids, this won't save you. They've already eaten everything.
Yeah, these modern-day tigers will quickly disguise you as antelopes.
Well, because they've already eaten all the previous antelopes.
If I were a squatter, I wouldn't get too excited either.

And that evolutionary branch of development was not viable.
Well, there's no arguing with evolutionary processes.
Humiliation finished it off. There was a mass die-off.

Sir Darwin, it's all on record, isn't it?
How does it have nothing to do with anything? It's all from what you said about the subspecies struggle.

Sir, I'm not a scientist, but please don't call me a profane.
No anthropology looks at the whole, and I insist on dividing it into subspecies.
Here we go, some men dressed as tigers and others as antelopes.
What's cosplay? We're talking about the death of an evolutionary branch.

What about women? What would you know about them in your Victorian era?
You're not Jack the Ripper, are you? Good.
We're from another planet. Men are our toys.  Same species?
Have you ever seen the difference?

What humiliation? "...Do-Do, please take a wider view!"
It's an evolutionary process.
It's how an amphibian got ashore out of curiosity.
Why can't you hear my knowledge of biology anymore?

Yes, and this amphibian, for the same reason, turned into a crocodile and then a monkey.
That's the power of the curious's intent, who can repeat that feat?
Well, that's where we see the small fluctuations within the enclosure.
Yeah, and some of the eggs didn't even hatch. Yes.
Well, then.
my ambition is beyond the realm of possibility, of course.
If an amphibian thought about the possible, it would be a fish and it would never be a crocodile!
What's the matter with you, Sir Darwin? Are you feeling ill?
Water! Ice! Air! Doctor!
Oh, it's the heat.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
