1. 18. Евгений Онегин Eugene Onegin English transl
Волшебный край! там в стары годы,
Сатиры смелый властелин,
Блистал Фонвизин, друг свободы,
И переимчивый Княжнин;
Там Озеров невольны дани
Народных слез, рукоплесканий
С младой Семеновой делил;
Там наш Катенин воскресил
Корнеля гений величавый;
Там вывел колкий Шаховской
Своих комедий шумный рой,
Там и Дидло венчался славой,
Там, там под сению кулис
Младые дни мои неслись.
* * *
Chapter I-XVIII
In days of yore, a realm so fair,
Where satire's lord, with wit so rare,
Fonvizin* shone, a friend to those
Who yearned for freedom's flame to close.
Knyazhnin, quick to learn and seize,
A master of the changing breeze,
Ozerov shared with Semenova,
The tears and cheers that ruled their sway.
Katenin, with Corneille's might,
Breathed life anew into the night,
While Shakhovskoy, with laughter's sting,
A swarm of comedies did bring.
And Didlo's** fame, a shining star,
Beneath the proscenium's archway far,
There, in the theatre's embrace,
My youthful days found time and space.
* In the 19th century, Fonvizin was not only an initiator of Russian comedy but also a great admirer of ballet.
** Didelot - a renowned ballet dancer and ballet-master from France, greatly influenced its development by incorporating elements of French classical ballet into Russian productions.
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