black cloak

a black cloak behind my back
as dark as hell, as deep as lake
do you see it? is it important?
it is my game, you have not warrant

i don't hide it, it is not surprise
you will run away, if you wise
black cloak and my eyes is dark
i am not joke, it is not snark

when cloak down - you will see a wings
dark flickering of my deep sin
will you agree to dance with me?
high in dark sky - happy and free?

Ver.2 Thank to my editor (a version for lovers of right English)

In the shadows I stand, with a cloak of black
As dark as the night, as deep as a lake's track
Can you see it, does it catch your eye?
It's my secret game, with no alibi

I don't conceal it, it's no shock to me
You'll flee in fear, if wisdom you see
Black cloak, dark eyes, a sinister spark
I am no joke, this is not a lark

When the cloak falls, my wings unfurl
A dark essence surrounds, my sinful swirl
Will you join me in a dance of dark delight?
High in the sky, under moon's eerie light

Let our passion soar, in a forbidden flight
Embrace the darkness, in the dead of night
With every beat of our hearts, together we'll be
Lost in the rhythm of our twisted destiny.
