English poems

maybe that is a bleeding of my heart corrector promises me blessing i have no cool coffee peace/war war or peace blessing my heart
i'm not a worrier (smile) a'm at least but a worrier (smile) a'm a little bit lesser
no bleeding for heart to be no worrier least to be of the worst of worriers
oh my sunshine you promises me the death from the depth of your heart the worst you can see the promises and confessions
i have no promises for you only rhyme in the cancelled language'
maybe it is the worst of the worlds our worst of the worlds but i love it any about
promise me any more some thing any more some catering so delightful


the better of your view i'me promising the warship of no hope
consider anything so great and hopeful and delightful
i'm dying can you see it please no save me please i'm damsel in distress so hopeful and disturbed i'm dying and i love you
all promises all sweets all damsels in distress will come and they'll kill you what do you think (no thinking)
i'm damsel in distress you see i'm loving you (smile) see i'm loving you in war and peace and later
the best of of better worlds the widest of the worlds the crushiest of worlds so wildful and delightful
no see i can'r say any more see I'm the wildest bitch and you'll forget me sooner
no promises no lie no damsels in distress no lie perhaps no stress no loving and devotion


ever ever can you see what it is what is inside you're the dead boy the eternal woe what is it inside
ever-ever can you see the eternal tree the eternity of warship
ever-ever i'm calling you i'll kill you i'll forget your remnants
ever ever can you see what is inside no can you see what is inside what is inside forever
ever ever can you see can you see can you sie no Lusie no cry what are you thinking
I'm you remnants I'm your forgotten future
ever ever can you see what you have inside your tree is awful so it's your delight and future
ever ever boy you are it is called somewhat "voyna" have no future have no hope it is called somewhat "narod"
