High Intelligence

Once drew attention, quite the sight,
A fellow boasting of his might.
Not of the inner world, but his own brain,
In self-admiration, he'd refrain.

In this, he found his due respect,
Yet Wisdom stood to interject.
With furrowed brow, the sage observed,
Amidst the pride, his thoughts disturbed.

“Your 'highest intellect', I see,
Brings forth a curious memory;
It mirrors one who once was bound,
In solitude, his pride profound.

This prisoner, enamoured of his cell,
Declared his world was grand and swell.
He spoke of freedom, vast and wide,
Yet in those walls, his dreams did hide.

A grand illusion, he’d proclaim,
For he believed that walls were fame.
So tell me, friend, what’s truly gained,
When intellect alone’s maintained?”

Thus Wisdom spoke, with truth unmasked,
And challenges of pride unasked.
For in that line of thought revealed,
The essence of true strength concealed.
