1-02. что и как влияет на звук акустического инстр

Или- зачем переделка? Я преследую следующие причины!
Первое- корпус по высоте надо Увеличить и довести до 40-60 мм, как сейчас принято! Можно это сделать стандартно- сделать бока гитары из фанеры! Боковины называются – обечайки! Но опыт с акустикой показал, что выгнуть фанеру в типичный вид- груши не так то просто! При сборке корпуса из двух половинок фанера стремится распрямиться, и нужны приспособления в которых можно сказать- Формуется корпус инструмента. А так ли уж важно иметь боковины из фанеры! Пусть будет -–гибрид, но сделать обечайки из трех, четырех слоев фанеры технологически проще, и не надо придумывать некие формы для –Прессовки
корпуса. Но пора разобраться Практически..
Or what for alteration? I pursue the following reasons!
The first case on height is necessary To increase and to finish till 40-60 mm, as now it is accepted! It is possible it to make standardly to make sides of a guitar of plywood! Боковины are called - обечайки! But the experience with acoustics has shown what to curve plywood in a typical kind of a pear not so that simply! At assembly of the case from two половинок the plywood aspires to be straightened, and the adaptations in which are necessary it is possible to say(have an effect) Формуется the case of the tool. Whether and so important to have боковины / left  -right size guitars from plywood! Let there will be - a hybrid, but to make обечайки/ left  -right size guitars of three, four layers of plywood technologically easier, and it is not necessary to think out the certain forms for -Прессовки
Cases. But it is time to understand Practically..
As however and other tools, such as скрипок! The receptions - are identical, but it is more fog in this business now напущено, " on интернетено ", than at us here it(him) on Nile! All is as though clear, that that it is not clear, and with скрипками Страдивари, Амати and Гварнери- конек:
Not познаваемо! Not осязаемо! Not for your mind(wit)! Magic,in a word, and unique(sole) you Withdraw in thickness дна, and top at скрипок. Present there is such book, and there measurements of All known tools! And how you represent it? Do not think, that I now shall tell AS a JOKE. There is a video of certain Well Their equipped workshop. The top that is in this case guitars undertakes дека,, and a certain technique from said is applied. You know what Thickness of top and bottom very much, very much, and very dear(expensive) violin! I say(have an effect) changes from 5 mm, up to approximately 2. 6 mm at the centre top деки and дна, and it is necessary to say a pair of words, and you Saw it, but did not understand, violin, its(her) case an Acoustic lens, that is and дно and top Convex! I in a floor акустиках almost all -ФОРМОВАЛ camber, пропаривал plywood preparation in linen корыте, and under self-made пресс from two дверок from a Typical case, as on kitchen! Дверки- are standard on the sizes at a case, or book shelf, as well as wall furniture! Yes, all is simple! As the glass lens strengthens brightness, if it is an eyepiece of the field-glass or telescope, collecting There is more light, than pupil, and the convex case strengthens a sound, and he stronger! In a nature analogue, chicken egg!
That is in first: with cuts on each side, as змейки, that are called - эфы, and with a support under strings, as at the tool such as a violin! It is compelled, and is connected what to do(make) top with a round aperture, голосником, already in a case элнктро of a guitar is problematic! But, and when see, that the regulators of a timbre and loudness, are fixed on a slice, that changes, is easily bent as strange. It is connected that a little звукоснимателей it is necessary to mark along cases, and the aperture, голосник to displace from the centre of the case as is not simple! Can prevent рипы! What them then to cut? As that they, these рейки are not looked in голоснике! There is still discrepancy in a way of extraction of a sound on top деке at guitars, and tools such as скрипок! Business that at a violin top лека is as though suspended, there there is a certain emphasis, that rests other end in дно of the case! It is connected that the string sounds from Pressing a bow, and on that a sound leaves serially them рип! There is still complexity, that it is difficult to take into account. See! At guitars, if найьт their drawing all known of acoustics and электро of a guitar have in the Internet the drawing, струнодержатель has height about 15 mm on the average, and bottom порожек is very close to Termination(ending) strings. So a certain Pressure on top деку turns out, and if to divide(share), for example all 6 steel strings, that about 80-100 kgs, and 650 Мензура, that is lever, and from the end of a string up to bottom порожка approximately 40 mm, by a Rule of the lever, are the same forces, that исползуют, for example in a breakage, raising a heavy subject! 650/ 40 -16 times smaller effort, but 100/ 16 = 7 kgs, also are pressed by(with) they not by All area струнодержателя, and on a line, his(its) Forward side! It also is defect at скрипок, when under a support under strings Is pressed through top дека! That is why, I also have refused, the first guitar had эфы, the top is strong коробит by a tension of strings! Well, top дека Is cut up, is weakened! Actually most simple, use Similar! The sizes дек, that is case, also do not overestimate strongly in Height it(him), if want to use that System рип, that is balanced, and certainly, years and hundreds guitars is checked up. And so at us a classical small guitar with the sizes Шиховской of a guitar, and the signature stamp, let - with adjustment under other case, and струнодержатель from this guitar, and that with the case to do(make), is necessary to think!!
 That is, their certain kind and arrangement on top деке and day! A rule not complex(difficult)! Парность, also can certain concessions. And so, рипы glue almost opposite to dream top декеу and from below, but as a rule about small Displacement at the top view, within the limits of 1- 2 see. I am guided as under the drawings акустик about the Internet, and is real on certain cases from Шховских of guitars, what are broken up to me, and often - are thrown out in such condition as to repair the broken case? And so, now there are two kinds рип, actually three or four парыпараллельных рип, and system "fan". Растопырьте the fingers, also impose on top in area струнодержателя! These рипы, they thin in section no more than 1 см, and there is a fan, but it(he) technologically is more difficult for making! In first, under струнодержатель with another строныц the plate and in not is pasted буковая, instead of in епхнюю ленкеу two screws are screwed, that hold струнодержатель! Glue применют joiner's and he not so at э strongly holds. Except for a that - fan, it is necessary to paste analogue of strings, and everyone пружинку on мето, and немего подркезать, натроить " in the note ". As strings at guitars! But if настроойку of the tool check simply: game or on chords, adjustment of a fan on корткому to film to not understand. And it is simple - рипы, here it is simply necessary to receive Наиболе Beautiful , Strong sound, and here you, yours ишим- the tool! On this this guitar not at once will be closed дном, and правильнро- рипы in the beginning will be placed in Рознве of a place, to As them подрезают and why, on a course, as it should Be made to me, instead of теоретизировать! Though certain laws exist.
By mass manufacture of guitars there is a pattern, in him -прорези, рипы are inserted in them, both прижим and склейка! But so массово and about Identical guitars will receive on sounding! And, it is not bad! But example! Variability. At me up to three Шиховок is acquired, or is restored after them искурочили! And in one is Slanting рипа- it is system Шерцера, and in other cases three pair рипы till three above and day! Means, at One case is THAT, and the drawing on these guitars, but рипы glue on any other business? These questions extremely завпутаны in the Internet, but nevertheless certain very rough calculations on this question, I have found them, but all depends on Result, and to hear a guitar not so and difficultly! Also it is not necessary here to hope on ненкий "musical" inherent, only to high musician, hearing! The general provisions,
And it: their Section, and срез from the ends! Well, and from an arrangement at the bottom, and top! Here all very much запрутано, there is no literature, and Dependence I yet have not felt. Business that on different models, I while about acoustics, the displacement рип on top деке, and at the bottom Rather each other carries chaotic character! That, on top деке pair рипа is displaced to дну, bottom овалу, on a revolution! But all will learn(find out,recognize) only in practice! And, for this purpose the case, for check of two parameters also gets over.
1. Рипы it is possible to change on length, and Height, it is especially important! It is possible to understand only from
Practice, and for my acoustics, it was already made! Height рип, and срез from edges(territories), also Set a sound of the tool, but to check up it it is possible in practice only, and it is good! For a floor акустик this question is not worked, and дно of the tool it is simple, that that like сковородки, is clean from рип!
On Шиховка, it рейка approximately by section 1 Х 1.5 centimeters! But on certain Шиховках, nevertheless There are срез with канцов, but small, centimeter three! What for! It can be understood only Logically. A hose! Though a sound wave, it not water in порливочном a hose, but nevertheless зажав the end, we Increase pressure, and the water jet beats on some meters. In it, the Crack, that образют two парныые рипы will be involved! So not absolutely clearly what for to glue рипы on pine top деке at guitars with plastic копрусом! At them дно not имееит ваступов, that is - рип, smooth it!? Now concerning Среза of their ends. At некотрых of the Large guitars рипа срезается from the Centre to edge(territory) on no! That is are two triangles combined by tops. So the maximum basses, that is Feedback from thick strings Are squeezed out. Here sound Is not compressed, and is certain Разряжение at sides! It have understood from practice and making the tool!
See on рипы, the part them is visible through голосник, остаьнын- зеркалце lower(omit) in копрус! All is copied, but it is necessary to know certain reasons, why in a guitar именено so! Complex(difficult) systems very much круаных of guitars we begin to not assort, as there is a lot of tree on рипах Зажмет top деку! Or it is not necessary to copy system top жеки from 12 string guitars! There - рипы- the power(force) element, is necessary simply To strengthen rather thin top!.... 1-02......

….Как впрочем, и другим инструментам, типа скрипок! Приемы – одинаковы, но тумана в этом деле сейчас напущено, “ на интернетено” больше, чем у нас тут его на Ниле! Все как бы ясно, что ни чего не ясно, а с скрипками Страдивари, Амати и Гварнери- конек:
-Не познаваемо! Не осязаемо! Не для вашего ума! Волшебство, одним словом, и единственное- вас Уводят в толщину дна, и верха у скрипок. Представьте- есть такая книга, и там обмеры Всех известных инструментов! И как вы это представляете? Не подумай, что я сейчас расскажу КАК ШУТКУ. Есть видео некой Хорошо Их оснащенной мастерской. Берется дека, верх то есть в данном случае –гитары, и применяется некая методика из сказанного. Вы знаете- какова Толщина верха и низа очень, очень, и очень дорогой скрипки! Скажу- колеблется от 5 мм, до примерно 2. 6 мм в центре верхней деки и дна, и надо сказать пару слов, а  вы это Видели, но не понимали, скрипка, ее корпус- Акустическая линза, то есть и дно и верх- Выпуклые! Я в полу акустиках почти всех -ФОРМОВАЛ выпуклость, пропаривал фанерную заготовку в бельевом корыте, и под- самодельный пресс      из двух дверок от Типичного шкафа, как на кухне! Дверки- стандартны по размерам у шкафа, или книжной полки, как и стенки мебельной! Да, все просто! Как стеклянная линза усиливает яркость, если это окуляр бинокля или телескопа, собирая Больше света, чем зрачок, так и выпуклый корпус усиливает звук, и он более прочный! В природе- аналог, куриное яйцо!
То есть во первых: с вырезами по бокам, как змейки, что называются – эфы, и с подставкой под струны, как у инструмента типа скрипки! Это вынужденно, и связано с тем, что делать верх с круглым отверстием, голосником, уже в случае элнктро гитары проблематично! Но, и когда видишь, что регуляторы тембра и громкости, закреплены на кусочке, что колеблется, легко изгибается так же странно. Это связано с тем, что несколько звукоснимателей надо разметить вдоль корпуса, а отверстие, голосник сместить от центра корпуса так же не просто! Могут помешать рипы! Что их тогда, перерезать? Как то они, эти рейки не смотрятся в голоснике! Есть еще несоответствие в способе извлечения звука на верхней деке у гитар, и инструментов типа скрипок! Дело в том, что у скрипки верхняя лека как бы подвешена, там есть некий упор, что упирается другим концом в дно корпуса! Это связано с тем, что струна звучит от Нажима смычка, и по тому звуке выходит поочередно их рип! Есть еще сложность, что трудно учесть. Посмотри! У гитар, если найти их чертеж- все известные акустики и электро гитары имеют в Интернет чертеж, то струнодержатель имеет высоту около 15 мм в среднем, и нижний порожек очень близко к Окончанию струн. Так получается некое Давление на верхнюю деку, и если разделить, например всех 6 стальных струн, что около 80-100 килограмм, и 650 Мензура, то есть рычаг, а от конца струны до нижнего порожка примерно 40 мм, то по Правилу рычага, это те же силы, что используют, например в ломе, приподнимая тяжелый предмет! 650/ 40 –16 раз меньшее усилие, но 100/ 16 = 7 килограмм, и давят они не Всей площадью струнодержателя, а по линии, его Передней гранью! Это и есть дефект у скрипок, когда под подставкой под струны Продавливается верхняя дека! Вот почему, я и отказался, первая гитара имела эфы, верх сильно коробит натяжением струн! Ну, верхняя дека же Изрезана, ослаблена! Собственно- самое простое, используй Аналогичное! Размеры дек, то есть корпуса, и не завышай сильно в Высоте его, если хочешь использовать ту Систему рип, что продумана, и конечно, годами и сотнями гитар проверена. И так у нас классическая небольшая гитара с размерами Шиховской гитары, и гриф, пусть - с подгонкой под другой корпус, и струнодержатель от этой гитары, а вот что с корпусом делать, стоит подумать!!
 То есть, некий их вид и расположение на верхней деке и дне! Правило не сложное! Парность, и может некие уступки. и так, рипы клеят почти напротив на верхнюю деку и снизу, но как правило с небольшим Смещение при виде сверху, в пределах 1- 2 см.  Я ориентируюсь как по чертежам акустик с Интернет, так и реально по неким корпусам от Шховских гитар, что сломаны еще до меня, и часто – выкинуты в таком состоянии, так как отремонтировать разбитый корпус? И так, сейчас существуют два вида рип, собственно три или четыре пары параллельных рип, и система “ веер”. Растопырьте свои пальцы, и наложите на верх в районе струнодержателя! Эти рипы, они тоньше- в сечении не более 1 см, и есть “ веер”, но его технологически труднее сделать! Во первых, под струнодержатель с другой строны приклеивается буковая пластинка и в нее, а не в вернюю деку ввертываются два шурупа, что держат струнодержатель! Клей применют столярный и он не так уж сильно держит. Кроме того,веер, аналог струн, и каждую пружинку надо приклеить именно на свое мето, и немнго подрезать, натроить “ в ноту”. Как струны у гитар! Но если настройку инструмента проверяют просто: играя или на аккордах, то настройку веера по короткому фильму не понять. А вот просто – рипы, тут просто- надо получить Наиболее Красивый, Сильный звук, и тут ты, твои уши- инструмент! По этому эта гитара не сразу закроется дном, а правиль,о- рипы в начале поместятся в Розные места, к Как их подрезают и почему, по ходу, так как это надо Сделать именно мне, а не теоретизировать! Хотя некие закономерности существуют.
При массовом производстве гитар есть шаблон, в нем –прорези, рипы вставляются в них, и прижим и склейка! Но так массово и примерно Одинаковые гитары получат по звучанию! И, то не плохо! Но вот пример! Изменчивость. У меня до трех Шиховок приобретено, или восстановлено после того, как их искурочили! И в одних есть Косая рипа- это система Шерцера, а в других корпусах три парные рипы, по три наверху, и дне! Значит, при Одном корпусе- есть же ТУ, и чертеж на эти гитары, но рипы клеят по разному? Эти вопросы чрезвычайно запутаны в Интернет, но все же некие очень грубые прикидки по этому вопросу, я их нашел, но все зависит от Результата, а прослушать гитару не так уж и сложно! И не стоит тут уповать на некий “ музыкальный” присущий, только высокому музыканту, слух! Вот общие положения,
А. Это: их Сечение, и срез с концов! Ну, и из расположении  на дне, и верху! Тут все очень запутано, нет литературы,  и Зависимость я пока не почувствовал. Дело в том, что на разных моделях, я пока про акустики, смещение рип на верхней деке, и на дне Относительно друг друга носит хаотический характер! То, на верхней деке парная рипа смещена к дну, нижнему овалу, то на оборот! Но все- узнаешь только на практике!  А, для этого, и перебирается корпус, для проверки двух параметров.
1. Рипы можно изменять по длине, и Высота, это особенно важно! Это можно понять только из
практики, и для моей акустики, это уже было  сделано! Высота рип, и срез с краев, и Задают звук инструмента, но проверить это можно на практике только, и это хорошо! Для полу акустик этот вопрос не проработан, и дно инструмента- просто, что то вроде сковородки, чисто от рип!
На Шиховка, это  рейка примерно сечением 1 Х 1.5 сантиметра! Но на неких Шиховках, все же Есть срез с канцов, но небольшой, сантиметра три! Зачем! Это можно понять только Логически. Шланг! Хоть звуковая волна, это не вода в поливочном шланге, но все же зажав конец, мы Увеличиваем давление, и водяная струя бьет на несколько метров. В этом, задействуется  Щель, что образют две парныые рипы! Так что не совсем понятно- зачем клеить рипы на сосновой верхней деке у гитар с пластмассовым копрусом! У них дно не имееит ваступов, то есть – рип, гладкое оно!? Теперь по поводу Среза их концов. У некотрых Больших гитар  рипа срезается от Центра к краю на нет! То есть – это два треугольника сложенные вершинами. Так Выжимаются максимально басы, то есть Отдача от толстых струн. Тут звук не Сжат, а есть некое Разряжение у боков! Это поняли из практики и изготавливая инструмента!
Посмотри на рипы, часть их видно через голосник, остаьнын- зеркальце опусти в копрус! Все копируется, но надо знать некие причины того, почему в гитаре именено так! Сложные системы очень круаных гитар мы не станем разбирать, так как много дерева на рипах Зажмет верхнюю деку! Или не стоит копировать систему верхней жеки у 12 струнной гитары! Там – рипы- силовой элемент, надо просто Усилить относительно тонкий верх!….1-02……
Or what for alteration? I pursue the following reasons!
The first case on height is necessary To increase and to finish till 40-60 mm, as now it is accepted! It is possible it to make standardly to make sides of a guitar of plywood! Боковины are called - обечайки! But the experience with acoustics has shown what to curve plywood in a typical kind of a pear not so that simply! At assembly of the case from two половинок the plywood aspires to be straightened, and the adaptations in which are necessary it is possible to say(have an effect) Формуется the case of the tool. Whether and so important to have боковины from plywood! Let there will be - a hybrid, but to make обечайки of three, four layers of plywood technologically easier, and it is not necessary to think out the certain forms for -Прессовки
Cases. But it is time to understand Practically..
Or what for alteration? I pursue the following reasons!
The first case on height is necessary To increase and to finish till 40-60 mm, as now it is accepted! It is possible it to make standardly to make sides of a guitar of plywood! Боковины are called - обечайки! But the experience with acoustics has shown what to curve plywood in a typical kind of a pear not so that simply! At assembly of the case from two половинок the plywood aspires to be straightened, and the adaptations in which are necessary it is possible to say (have an effect) Формуется the case of the tool. Whether and so important to have боковины / left -right size guitars from plywood! Let there will be - a hybrid, but to make обечайки/ left -right size guitars of three, four layers of plywood technologically easier, and it is not necessary to think out the certain forms for -Прессовки
Cases. But it is time to understand Practically..
As however and other tools, such as скрипок! The receptions - are identical, but it is more fog in this business now напущено, " on интернетено ", than at us here it (him) on Nile! All is as though clear, that that it is not clear, and with скрипками Страдивари, Амати and Гварнери- конек:
Not познаваемо! Not осязаемо! Not for your mind (wit)! Magic, in a word, and unique (sole) you Withdraw in thickness дна, and top at скрипок. Present there is such book, and there measurements of All known tools! And how you represent it? Do not think, that I now shall tell AS a JOKE. There is a video of certain Well Their equipped workshop. The top that is in this case guitars undertakes дека, and a certain technique from said is applied. You know what Thickness of top and bottom very much, very much, and very dear (expensive) violin! I say (have an effect) changes from 5 mm, up to approximately 2. 6 mm at the centre top деки and дна, and it is necessary to say a pair of words, and you Saw it, but did not understand, violin, its (her) case an Acoustic lens, that is and дно and top Convex! I in a floor акустиках almost all -ФОРМОВАЛ camber, пропаривал plywood preparation in linen корыте, and under self-made пресс from two дверок from a Typical case, as on kitchen! Дверки- are standard on the sizes at a case, or book shelf, as well as wall furniture! Yes, all is simple! As the glass lens strengthens brightness, if it is an eyepiece of the field-glass or telescope, collecting There is more light, than pupil, and the convex case strengthens a sound, and he stronger! In a nature analogue, chicken egg!
That is in first: with cuts on each side, as змейки, that are called - эфы, and with a support under strings, as at the tool such as a violin! It is compelled, and is connected what to do (make) top with a round aperture, голосником, already in a case элнктро of a guitar is problematic! But, and when see, that the regulators of a timbre and loudness, are fixed on a slice, that changes, is easily bent as strange. It is connected that a little звукоснимателей it is necessary to mark along cases, and the aperture, голосник to displace from the centre of the case as is not simple! Can prevent рипы! What them then to cut? As that they, these рейки are not looked in голоснике! There is still discrepancy in a way of extraction of a sound on top деке at guitars, and tools such as скрипок! Business that at a violin top лека is as though suspended, there there is a certain emphasis, that rests other end in дно of the case! It is connected that the string sounds from Pressing a bow, and on that a sound leaves serially them рип! There is still complexity, that it is difficult to take into account. See! At guitars, if найьт their drawing all known of acoustics and электро of a guitar have in the Internet the drawing, струнодержатель has height about 15 mm on the average, and bottom порожек is very close to Termination (ending) strings. So a certain Pressure on top деку turns out, and if to divide (share), for example all 6 steel strings, that about 80-100 kgs, and 650 Мензура, that is lever, and from the end of a string up to bottom порожка approximately 40 mm, by a Rule of the lever, are the same forces, that исползуют, for example in a breakage, raising a heavy subject! 650/ 40 -16 times smaller effort, but 100/ 16 = 7 kgs, also are pressed by (with) they not by All area струнодержателя, and on a line, his (its) Forward side! It also is defect at скрипок, when under a support under strings Is pressed through top дека! That is why, I also have refused, the first guitar had эфы, the top is strong коробит by a tension of strings! Well, top дека Is cut up, is weakened! Actually most simple, use Similar! The sizes дек, that is case, also do not overestimate strongly in Height it (him), if want to use that System рип, that is balanced, and certainly, years and hundreds guitars is checked up. And so at us a classical small guitar with the sizes Шиховской of a guitar, and the signature stamp, let - with adjustment under other case, and струнодержатель from this guitar, and that with the case to do (make), is necessary to think!!
 That is, their certain kind and arrangement on top деке and day! A rule not complex (difficult)! Парность, also can certain concessions. And so, рипы glue almost opposite to dream top декеу and from below, but as a rule about small Displacement at the top view, within the limits of 1- 2 see. I am guided as under the drawings акустик about the Internet, and is real on certain cases from Шховских of guitars, what are broken up to me, and often - are thrown out in such condition as to repair the broken case? And so, now there are two kinds рип, actually three or four парыпараллельных рип, and system "fan". Растопырьте the fingers, also impose on top in area струнодержателя! These рипы, they thin in section no more than 1 см, and there is a fan, but it (he) technologically is more difficult for making! In first, under струнодержатель with another строныц the plate and in not is pasted буковая, instead of in епхнюю ленкеу two screws are screwed, that hold струнодержатель! Glue применют joiner's and he not so at э strongly holds. Except for a that - fan, it is necessary to paste analogue of strings, and everyone пружинку on мето, and немего подркезать, натроить " in the note ". As strings at guitars! But if настроойку of the tool check simply: game or on chords, adjustment of a fan on корткому to film to not understand. And it is simple - рипы, here it is simply necessary to receive Наиболе Beautiful , Strong sound, and here you, yours ишим- the tool! On this this guitar not at once will be closed дном, and правильнро- рипы in the beginning will be placed in Рознве of a place, to As them подрезают and why, on a course, as it should Be made to me, instead of теоретизировать! Though certain laws exist.
By mass manufacture of guitars there is a pattern, in him -прорези, рипы are inserted in them, both прижим and склейка! But so массово and about Identical guitars will receive on sounding! And, it is not bad! But example! Variability. At me up to three Шиховок is acquired, or is restored after them искурочили! And in one is Slanting рипа- it is system Шерцера, and in other cases three pair рипы till three above and day! Means, at One case is THAT, and the drawing on these guitars, but рипы glue on any other business? These questions extremely завпутаны in the Internet, but nevertheless certain very rough calculations on this question, I have found them, but all depends on Result, and to hear a guitar not so and difficultly! Also it is not necessary here to hope on ненкий "musical" inherent, only to high musician, hearing! The general provisions,
And it: their Section, and срез from the ends! Well, and from an arrangement at the bottom, and top! Here all very much запрутано, there is no literature, and Dependence I yet have not felt. Business that on different models, I while about acoustics, the displacement рип on top деке, and at the bottom Rather each other carries chaotic character! That, on top деке pair рипа is displaced to дну, bottom овалу, on a revolution! But all will learn (find out, recognize) only in practice! And, for this purpose the case, for check of two parameters also gets over.
1. Рипы it is possible to change on length, and Height, it is especially important! It is possible to understand only from
Practice, and for my acoustics, it was already made! Height рип, and срез from edges (territories), also Set a sound of the tool, but to check up it it is possible in practice only, and it is good! For a floor акустик this question is not worked, and дно of the tool it is simple, that that like сковородки, is clean from рип!
On Шиховка, it рейка approximately by section 1 Х 1.5 centimeters! But on certain Шиховках, nevertheless There are срез with канцов, but small, centimeter three! What for! It can be understood only Logically. A hose! Though a sound wave, it not water in порливочном a hose, but nevertheless зажав the end, we Increase pressure, and the water jet beats on some meters. In it, the Crack, that образют two парныые рипы will be involved! So not absolutely clearly what for to glue рипы on pine top деке at guitars with plastic копрусом! At them дно not имееит ваступов, that is - рип, smooth it!? Now concerning Среза of their ends. At некотрых of the Large guitars рипа срезается from the Centre to edge (territory) on no! That is are two triangles combined by tops. So the maximum basses, that is Feedback from thick strings Are squeezed out. Here sound Is not compressed, and is certain Разряжение at sides! It have understood from practice and making the tool!
See on рипы, the part them is visible through голосник, остаьнын- зеркалце lower (omit) in копрус! All is copied, but it is necessary to know certain reasons, why in a guitar именено so! Complex (difficult) systems very much круаных of guitars we begin to not assort, as there is a lot of tree on рипах Зажмет top деку! Or it is not necessary to copy system top жеки from 12 string guitars! There - рипы- the power (force) element, is necessary simply To strengthen rather thin top!.... 1-02......

.... As however, and other tools, such as скрипок! The receptions - are identical, but it is more fog in this business now напущено, " on интернетено ", than at us here it(him) on Nile! All is as though clear, that that it is not clear, and with скрипками Страдивари, Амати and Гварнери- конек:
Not познаваемо! Not осязаемо! Not for your mind(wit)! Magic,in a word, and unique(sole) you Withdraw in thickness дна, and top at скрипок. Present there is such book, and there measurements of All known tools! And how you represent it? Do not think, that I now shall tell AS a JOKE. There is a video of certain Well Their equipped workshop. The top that is in this case guitars undertakes дека,, and a certain technique from said is applied. You know what Thickness of top and bottom very much, very much, and very dear(expensive) violin! I say(have an effect) changes from 5 mm, up to approximately 2. 6 mm at the centre top деки and дна, and it is necessary to say a pair of words, and you Saw it, but did not understand, violin, its(her) case an Acoustic lens, that is and дно and top Convex! I in a floor акустиках almost all -ФОРМОВАЛ camber, пропаривал plywood preparation in linen корыте, and under self-made пресс from two дверок from a Typical case, as on kitchen! Дверки- are standard on the sizes at a case, or book shelf, as well as wall furniture! Yes, all is simple! As the glass lens strengthens brightness, if it is an eyepiece of the field-glass or telescope, collecting There is more light, than pupil, and the convex case strengthens a sound, and he stronger! In a nature analogue, chicken egg!
That is in first: with cuts on each side, as змейки, that are called - эфы, and with a support under strings, as at the tool such as a violin! It is compelled, and is connected what to do(make) top with a round aperture, голосником, already in a case элнктро of a guitar is problematic! But, and when see, that the regulators of a timbre and loudness, are fixed on a slice, that changes, is easily bent as strange. It is connected that a little звукоснимателей it is necessary to mark along cases, and the aperture, голосник to displace from the centre of the case as is not simple! Can prevent рипы! What them then to cut? As that they, these рейки are not looked in голоснике! There is still discrepancy in a way of extraction of a sound on top деке at guitars, and tools such as скрипок! Business that at a violin top лека is as though suspended, there there is a certain emphasis, that rests other end in дно of the case! It is connected that the string sounds from Pressing a bow, and on that a sound leaves serially them рип! There is still complexity, that it is difficult to take into account. See! At guitars if to find their drawing all known of acoustics and электро of a guitar have in the Internet the drawing, струнодержатель has height about 15 mm on the average, and bottom порожек is very close to Termination(ending) strings. So a certain Pressure on top деку turns out, and if to divide(share), for example all 6 steel strings, that about 80-100 kgs, and 650 Мензура, that is lever, and from the end of a string up to bottom порожка approximately 40 mm, by a Rule of the lever, it is the same forces, that use, for example in a breakage, raising a heavy subject! 650/ 40 -16 times smaller effort, but 100/ 16 = 7 kgs, also are pressed by(with) they not by All area струнодержателя, and on a line, his(its) Forward side! It also is defect at скрипок, when under a support under strings Is pressed through top дека! That is why, I also have refused, the first guitar had эфы, the top is strong коробит by a tension of strings! Well, top дека Is cut up, is weakened! Actually most simple, use Similar! The sizes дек, that is case, also do not overestimate strongly in Height it(him), if want to use that System рип, that is balanced, and certainly, years and hundreds guitars is checked up. And so at us a classical small guitar with the sizes Шиховской of a guitar, and the signature stamp, let - with adjustment under other case, and струнодержатель from this guitar, and that with the case to do(make), is necessary to think!!
 That is, their certain kind and arrangement on top деке and day! A rule not complex(difficult)! Парность, also can certain concessions. And so, рипы glue almost opposite(almost on the contrary) on top деку and from below, but as a rule about small Displacement at the top view, within the limits of 1- 2 see. I am guided as under the drawings акустик about the Internet, and is real on certain cases from Шховских of guitars, what are broken up to me, and often - are thrown out in such condition as to repair the broken case? And so, now there are two kinds рип, actually three or four pair parallel рип, and system "fan". Растопырьте the fingers, also impose on top in area струнодержателя! These рипы, they thin in section no more than 1 см, and there is "fan", but it(he) technologically is more difficult for making! In first, under струнодержатель with another строны the plate and in it(her) is pasted буковая, instead of in вернюю деку two screws are screwed, that hold струнодержатель! Glue применют joiner's and he not so strongly holds. Besides a fan, analogue of strings, and everyone пружинку it is necessary to paste on мето, and немнго to cut, натроить " in the note ". As strings at guitars! But if adjustment of the tool check simply: playing or on chords, adjustment of a fan on short film to not understand. And it is simple - рипы, here it is simply necessary to receive the most Beautiful, Strong sound, and here you, yours уши- the tool! On this this guitar not at once will be closed дном, and правиль, about рипы in the beginning will be placed in Розные of a place, to As them подрезают and why, on a course, as it should Be made to me, instead of теоретизировать! Though certain laws exist.
By mass manufacture of guitars there is a pattern, in him -прорези, рипы are inserted in them, both прижим and склейка! But so массово and about Identical guitars will receive on sounding! And, it is not bad! But example! Variability. At me up to three Шиховок is acquired, or is restored after them искурочили! And in one is Slanting рипа- it is system Шерцера, and in other cases three pair рипы, till three above, and day! Means, at One case is THAT, and the drawing on these guitars, but рипы glue on any other business? These questions extremely confusing in the Internet, but nevertheless certain very rough calculations on this question, I have found them, but all depends on Result, and to hear a guitar not so and difficultly! Also it is not necessary here to hope on certain "musical" inherent, only to high musician, hearing! The general provisions,
А. It: their Section, and срез from the ends! Well, and from an arrangement at the bottom, and top! Here all very much confusing, there is no literature, and Dependence I yet have not felt. Business that on different models, I while about acoustics, the displacement рип on top деке, and at the bottom Rather each other carries chaotic character! That, on top деке pair рипа is displaced to дну, bottom овалу, on a revolution! But all will learn(find out,recognize) only in practice! And, for this purpose, case, for check of two parameters also gets over.
1. Рипы it is possible to change on length, and Height, it is especially important! It is possible to understand only from
Practice, and for my acoustics, it was already made! Height рип, and срез from edges(territories), also Set a sound of the tool, but to check up it it is possible in practice only, and it is good! For a floor акустик this question is not worked, and дно of the tool it is simple, that that like сковородки, is clean from рип!
On Шиховка, it рейка approximately by section 1 Х 1.5 centimeters! But on certain Шиховках, nevertheless There are срез with канцов, but small, centimeter three! What for! It can be understood only Logically. A hose! Though a sound wave, it not water in поливочном a hose, but nevertheless зажав the end, we Increase pressure, and the water jet beats on some meters. In it, the Crack, that образют two парныые рипы will be involved! So not absolutely clearly what for to glue рипы on pine top деке at guitars with plastic копрусом! At them дно not имееит ваступов, that is - рип, smooth it!? Now concerning Среза of their ends. At некотрых of the Large guitars рипа срезается from the Centre to edge(territory) on no! That is are two triangles combined by tops. So the maximum basses, that is Feedback from thick strings Are squeezed out. Here sound Is not compressed, and is certain Разряжение at sides! It have understood from practice and making the tool!
See on рипы, the part them is visible through голосник, остаьнын- зеркальце lower(omit) in копрус! All is copied, but it is necessary to know certain reasons, why in a guitar именено so! Complex(difficult) systems very much круаных of guitars we begin to not assort, as there is a lot of tree on рипах Зажмет top деку! Or it is not necessary to copy system top жеки from 12 string guitars! There - рипы- the power(force) element, is necessary simply To strengthen rather thin top!.... 1-02......
