Too Much Rightwing Planning Causing Roundedsquares

OF Incitement AND Then WE CAN Also Interfere BY Violence Towards "Futureplanning" That IS SO Negative OR TOO Angular WE ARE Also People AND Have Rights AND Rights OF Life Then TOO Heavy Futureplanning Causing WE OF Negativecontra AND WE Also CAN Escalate That IS THE Situation
IT IS Causing "Such" Pressures That WE CAN DIE AND SO "Right Wing" HAS OF Being NOT AS Radical OR There Will BE Contradiction VZ Roundedsquares
BIG Siblings That ARE TOO Radical Means DON"T LET Little Siblings ANY Afection AND Continue "Futureplanning" OF Before THE Childbirth OF THE Little Will BE Forced OF LET Affect OUR Childbirth IS Important AND WE Qualitatively Will Affect AND Borusik Will Answer
