Startup I ll get rich 1107

I have a new idea!
I'll get rich!
And she's so grandiose
that Google will have to be trusted to translate.
(In this English language encoding,
I can’t even formulate it myself.
But I still somehow speak my native language.)
I will sell
! artificial insemination of the brain.
So that your brains give birth to strong, healthy ideas.

How has this been patented for a long time under the brand name “brain fucking”?
I was the first on earth to guess this,
Today. And go to court.
but suspicion immediately followed me:

And something else, besides artificial,
Does brain fertilization even happen?
And it turned out
There is no natural way at all.

Only artificial, like on a pig farm.
Your thoughts are strictly selected.
What? in your head are some thoughts your own? Is it true?
And are they not a consequence of artificial insemination of your brain?
Let us find out
How did you do it?

A terrible paradigm.
Were brains ever pristinely pure?
Oh, so much has been invested in education.
And if so, I'll get rich!
I'll sell then
contraceptives for the brain.

And the setting, for example, “if-then” is a logical cause-and-effect primitive structure
Your mind will never visit.
Humanity needs effective idea blockers.
I'll get rich.
What am I trying to do to you?
No, I don't have the necessary equipment.

No, this is not a metaphor, this is an allegory.
We are allegorical.
Someone must stop this inhumane process.
The cycle from conception to the birth of a thought is a few seconds
And this is a conveyor belt for the production of piglets.
And you won’t be allowed to think any other way.
Your beliefs. Only they are not yours,
But they won’t give you even a second to doubt them.

Where do I get these thoughts from?
This is a tricky question, taking into account our paradigm.
I don't know, it was dark there.
Yes, by the way, in a natural way,
This means that it still exists to fertilize brains.
You need to ask scientists about the process of idea generation.
And the fact that they are busy with this process around the clock.

But none of your beliefs are yours.
Not a single thought of yours is yours.
I will create a holding company that blocks harmful content in our heads.
No, Kaspersky, it seems, creates this harmful one on the contrary.
I will sell franchises - we will get rich.
We'll call the company "Don't fuck my brain."

But as a result of our actions, all civilizations will perish
Because there will be no more fools left in the world,
To fertilize your head with all sorts of populism.
But before that
We will have time to get rich from our anti-info funds.
Not competitors new product, our business will drown them.
Sneaky little deceivers
Advertising banners hung in people's heads,
Having previously convinced those that they had only dreamed about it.
The idea may not be new, but no one has implemented it yet.
And the “don’t fuck my brain” company will open the way for humanity to freedom.
Well, from the mind, first of all.
Don't scare investors right away.

Where do these thoughts come from?
“stop broadcasting someone else’s mind, passing it off as your own”
“I am convinced and believe...” -
please don't ever start a conversation with me with a lie.
Is this an Elon chip in the head?
No. and I don't think he's a good lover.
The fight against confessions only happens in those cases when it is necessary to establish one’s own.
He wouldn't have thought of something like that easily.
I’m telling you, I don’t know, it was dark there.
This is a metaphor of course.
We are metaphorical.

Ouija! Why are you typing this again? I can not understand.
What, the flow is simply formulated?
Damn decoder! Encryption is dead, you know?
this function has long been transferred to machines.

Artificial intelligence is an idiot
he learned to draw in airbrush style
and now he exhibits his paintings to everyone everywhere,
under the guise of achievements of science and art?
Hand-ass, try painting on the hood with an airbrush!
Yes, back to nature. What the hell, Weegee!?

I don't even read anything except the dictionary!
And I don’t look, imagine, I’m a busy person.
What are these thoughts? Whose ideas are these?
Yes, we’ve already heard excuses about “it’s dark.”

We will not get rich from this proposed venture.
And because,
a fool will never give up the privilege of being a fool.
Because it's convenient, it's safe.
I'll tell you more, he will fight for this privilege.

Write a realistic business plan, yes, that is,
aimed at the average mattress.
And you won’t find buyers in the luxury niche either.
Are they their own enemies, do you think?
And they will begin to saw off the branch on which they themselves are sitting, for the sake of the beauty of the idea?

The “don’t fuck my brains” brand can only be promoted as an alternative to brain fucking.
And there is a lot of competition in this market.
Listen, you offer crystal sobriety to a drunkard at a party,
Who has just collected money so that, on the contrary, he can finally get drunk?
Well, consider yourself already bankrupt.

They long to be deceived.
Can you offer a service in accordance with the request “entertain us”, we are seated and already waiting?
This does not contradict the concept, but clearly fits into it.
But this is a game on the dark side and there is a lot of competition.
It's disgusting.
And why exactly?
Not rhetorical, answer.
Disgusting according to existing beliefs.
There are no agreements between beliefs but the "don't fuck my brain" concept.
There are only prejudices that are not yours.
There is no point in focusing on these meanings as your boundaries.
Ouija!!! Do we really have nothing to do?
Serious conversation?
A serious conversation is not pounding water in a mortar for three hours,
And the result is one action.
What, a tea ceremony - whisking water!? In a bowl?
In short, don't fuck my brain.
Business plan is bullshit.
Are we even going to get rich then?
Probably no.
I’ve never seen keyboards become like watermelons with indignation before.

More gracefully, Ouija, we are French.
Well, I don't know since when. Easier.
The thought of the density of a black dwarf will be as weightless as feathers.
So you hate the laws of physics.
Yes, I only love those that I myself have discovered and proven.

Is getting rich your life's goal? Really? Cardinal?
And where did you get it from?
Are there other goals?
Poor. To get rich is the goal of the hungry and the poor.
Well, when I'm going to get rich, that's humor.
Oh well, I’ll warn you about jokes in advance then.
Is it better to cough?
Damn, they'll think I have chronic pneumonia.

Yes, successful from the word keep up, that is, in a hurry, in a hurry.
It doesn’t suit us to borrow meanings from the weak-minded.
Do you have kleptomania? If you took it, put it back in its place.
And stop digging through their trash.
Do you want us to make our own landfill?
And we will frolic on it.

Well, yes. Isn't that what we were doing now?
Just excellent.
So am I being asked to be ashamed?
I won't.

Is this a hoax?
We are mystical.
And in general - no.

You only need to sell happiness,
nothing else will be purchased.
I'm sure everyone knows this marketing trick.
Ouija are we ready to become scammers yet?

You can't sell something that doesn't exist.
But you can dress anything up as happiness and sell it.

Fundamental mistake. You don't see the possibilities.
There is happiness and you can even sell the excess.
If you found it yourself.
Will we get rich?
Well, first you need to find a deposit, then get happiness, and then trade it.
This business plan is even worse than the previous one.
Everything is described in the ancient fairy tale: the little humpbacked horse and the feather of the firebird.
Kleptomania again. You never know where it is described?
If you are an artist.
The barber was actually a men's hairdresser.
among other things.
I'm a lot of things.
I need a painter's muralist.

Fuckingpounding! Ouiji! stop it already! I don't have time for this.
I'm asking you to be nice !

you're gonna need it all.
and I can't even imagine the dire circumstances when it would be necessary.
maybe we're backpacking?
Yeah, we should get another donkey.
Of coherently, of course, where else to pack all your absurd stuff.
