trash note 22

(it an’t a poem but quest: what have in common though a string and a stranger?)
All writed in on a language an such “that no one speaks” my personal yes the dialect. it just study notebook. by matematic ofcours.

I have a bit time
Cuz i gotta to dictionary
I have big paper I buy it
Envy me that book can hammer nilses
But bit time.
how links a damn words with them a damn means?

Anyway only native speaker know others just pretend.
but I like answer to someone questions.
No noone answer I not know.
Say it again.
Ask to me and I say voice.

Dictionary we wanna guess to fortunate
You ofcourse. An’t never not guess to future.
It forbid codex to way a bit for all time.
Well dead execution of curse
Can tink someone other sometime will be.
The book will be open or?
A language learn natural for a childs
“Veni, Vidi, Vici.”- « Weenie, weedie, weeky» - super
But late start if soon finish.
Maybe now want ending?
Page the501
Strand; strange; stragely; strangeness; stranger; strange; stranglehold; strangler; strap; strapping;
We want rewrite it all?
I don’t it study I prone fits a glee.
Stranger and strangler this semantic plen add trast to some.
Strand and strap
Well it all a rope. Gottatocryzywelcome!
In a ship!
parachute straps?
A rope tension it are a strangers.
Just imagine
A semantic no one don’t can ignore it shadows words.
Your strap strangly you? It he a strategy.
By line and with a tension. Wow three time!
An’t enough life for.

Hair strand
I worked in tensix years a hairdresser. Cuz. That a stand have link to strange.
Stranger - no just some.
Separate curl and strap I see it link clear.
the raven and a writing desk have the same angle.
such identities are not a nonsense.
It strange like a strap.
And in the dictionary yet thousand a pages.
The area was local in strand.
You don’t’ know a statagems and I’m sorry I you strangler then.
