stream of unfiltered nonsense

Applause to Google, he translated everything! (Google can pay me for advertising?)

and sails and ships and wind
I will become your ship and you will be mine -
everything is so romantic.
but all the time is free
he spent on a porn hub.
but in this, the truth is
there is some shameful lie,

and of global size.
and with such comprehensiveness
it is difficult even to localize it.
falsehood is everywhere and for a long time.
should we pretend it's not noticeable?

how to make termites not fuck,
and build a cathedral of Gaudi architecture
cleanliness, while maintaining cleanliness in the toilets?
This is a koan from Master Pelevin.
by the way, to your health.

Bukowski didn't take cynicism that far.
to be honest, they all made no progress at all.

go to the dark net to develop these ideas.
and here cultured people gathered.
pathologically deceitful, that is, I mean.
Adherents support both her and lies.
yes, so what problems could there be?

cynicism is the utmost truthfulness, not a dirty word.
mattresses, let's be honest.

Mr. Whiskey, don't go crazy with the Ouija keyboard,
this is not a matter of your mind.
what do you mean you discovered
global male fraud?
and what about women's? apparently to incriminate too much in plain sight.
how to catch deception if nothing is hidden?
and who doesn’t know that they are all essentially swindlers
with a gambling addiction.
and this is not a topic for poetry at all.

the pickup artist whispered something in her ear
then he believed it himself.
That's why I say don't read other people's poems
the romantic innocence of these seemingly poets
You can immediately put it under the filter of shocking information.
I can feel the fakeness from a kilometer away.
Should I go to work at the police?

it can't be that social morality makes liars out of them
shameless and vile?
in the dark net with these ideas
honesty has nothing to shine here
there they will sell you bagpipes and something else
and here you are with a bare bottom
among the packed persons in chests of drawers.
Be glad that no one reads your work except bots.
this is not mine, this is a bottleneck song actually.

go to the nudist beach
and here is a poetry evening dress code chest of drawers
what does it mean to put on a wardrobe?
face control - no closet - clothes out of shape.
Have you read Nabokov? well, here you go
a person does not enter any room alone,
and with all the accumulated baggage
and all his relatives are always with him.
deceased? definitely of course too.
lover in bed? keep in mind he will never be naked.
and by the way, not alone, with phantom household members, of course.

author - Whiskey - strong alcohol.
The nominal author disclaims responsibility for what is said; an autograph is a pseudonym.
I'm not suicidal at all, to tell the truth.
 Moreover, it does not exist, but lies definitely exist.

The laughter outside the window is kind of birdlike but feminine, and I hear lies in it.
but I haven’t been able to hear laughter for a long time, it’s always fake and unbearable.
Such sensitive hearing is the gift-curse of mushrooms.
Toadstools are deadly poisonous, but you may think you've survived. but no.
I hear the sobs of your soul every time you laugh.
It’s disgusting when they shamelessly and loudly lie to you and you know about it.

Do we have anything else outrageous to dump, or is that all for today?
what about genie from a bottle?
is the language wrong? Yes, I know Google will translate it.
I shouldn't have thought so quickly.
who can juggle at such speed wanna-getta-dotta-oh mersyfuljupiter
whoever thought badly is a drug addict - and the thief’s hat is on fire. Yes,
(and pants too)
Lying makes you look like a torch-cometv, to be honest.

remove the fixation on honesty altogether
she covers up people's rejection
and aloof complacency,
which are attached to one another.
(yes, if not to say otherwise)
let them lie for their health.

(Yeah, maybe we should still say differently about the nature of these bonds?)
Who else is the most skilled liar here?
The hat is on fire, but would we rather blame the whole world for deceit?
Is your hat on fire?
burns yes.
Deceiving yourself successfully is a skill.)
The last toy was taken away.
I'll probably die soon.
Yes, it’s hard to stay without the habit of spitting around.
Without shields, you can really get bent.
Consider that there are no more problems.
like samurai?
they are mostly fiction but in general yes.
it's cruel.
human stupidity and lies are beautiful!
no this is the road from the city
and it’s better not to look back.

dw what is this! I'm not even going to go anywhere!
already? what does it mean?

for help! my alterego is driving me crazy
and took away from me the pleasure of capturing false facades!
Can you be a tourist to look at other people's facades?
finally get down to business instead.
You are not alterego, you are death.
life is a dying process.
good night plague.
Look, we've brought back your lisp!
this is a miracle, in exchange for stating “not true”
Fuck you Satan.
yes productive conversation.
I'll shake everything out of you, don't doubt it.
I'm not hiding anything.
and it does not become the champions of truth to lie.

Well, I hope it's just random letters that rhyme
and the scary beech won’t crawl out from under the bed
because I don’t understand who said all this at all.

you're lying.
as always.

creepy liar's closet.
Yes, space, then we’ll discuss the interior of the reality of a repentant liar later.
please, no insults.
This is a story simply from the first person and I am a writer.
Well, of course.
yes, and otherworldly replicas in the bodyNovels can frighten my dear readers.
You have to contrive to be out of tune in every word.
Who are you writing this for? who is the interlocutor?
For the sake of justice and the country, no more is needed - that’s all.
An honest answer to this question determines the direction.
You can delete all clumsy notes. did your poems create you?
burn them to hell and forget this burden. I will shake everything out of you, don’t doubt it.

Well, I'm tired of this fermentation of an inquisitive mind. brewer's yeast, any other tips?
we can say that this is a model of communication with a kind of dad - a question and advice.
but dad died when I was five years old, but now I can give myself my own thoughts in portions
as his seemingly incognito advice.
This kind of cosplay is not just a lie, but a real perversion.
If he hadn't died, I would have been just a different person.
Be glad you grew like a weed.
thank you, lyrical hero.

I'm going to come back to this topic.
I don’t intend to cover up big lies with fake little truths.
and I will shake everything out of you. rest assured.
I hope you're not going to poke a knife at me,
because you'll get it in your ear this way?

Mr. Whiskey, what are you writing? writers will die of envy and we were just fooling around here.
How many writers are on your conscience? answer?
shall we continue this conversation?
Well, of course.

This is all provocative.
Is it true? for kindergarten?
Little ones, we're not playing children's games here
but to grow up to them you will have to remain toddlers
Peter Pan - the flying boy? no, these are fairy tales.
reality is a scary place where you can't know anything for sure (without lying)
Well, yes.

wait, did this fat cow call me a graphomaniac?
Let's poke her in the side with a pen, there will be a non-healing wound.
this will happen to everyone who utters this word in the future, even mentally.
