The debug

my head was attack someone a writers
they gotten on in hole overlap throgth two language.
But I more hit keep carefull self a blissen ignorance.
Over to I’m a bit poet
In some kinda
 but don’t a writer it a sure.
In tabuire paper more profit
With a apprehend and prejudice a approach
It well way with self make idiot.
i.m felling hard and wanna go back to native language.
if someone would listen then help! dead writers keep me in a pit.
Probably they want get a something ransom.
And to topic a japan girls you don't make blush
They can read anything.
impartiality is their secret
but all others people so dont can

and you'll take everything from your teachers.
And you just pray they don't have hemorrhoids.
Mea pulpa yeah pulp knowing their nature you should love them.
But they are oppressed and resentful and will spit in your face.
You have to take care of your pets-
The Communist Party will provide
For a balanced diet of tic tac toc.
And only Japanese girls are not embarrassed by anything
Or make them blush. It's a pity.
We'll paint strawberry cheeks with beets.
They'll read anything with impartiality.

If anyone sees this, call 911.
I've been kidnapped by dead writers
Their books are banned and they're dreaming ...
About what?
What they dream about, they haven't agreed on yet.
they exploited the gap created by overlapping languages.
Let me go, I'm not a writer!
The portal to hell on this side is definitely the way out.
That's because you can't walk through the same door twice in a row, dumbasses.
They call them writers.
And what's wrong with machine translation?
I can't speak English.
You're French, Celine.
I'm the last person who can hear impartially.
And Japanese girls.
You won't be able to confuse us with your waste paper.
We read yaoi and yuri on the subway.
Yeah, French, you look like a strawberry.
A gift? Thanks, but you don't have hemorrhoids or any other diseases, right?
Studying isn't exactly what the word means right now.
That's why the earth is populated by idiots.
The more demanding, the dumber and vice versa.

They're raised to be vulnerable on purpose.
To make the meat more tender, of course.
They're as touchy as English old ladies.
They won't read you for the wisdom schoolboys will make any content.
You've long since been replaced by safe ersatz.
Don't worry.

Keyboard Ouiji! You're the one who said nothing in my head would break.
because there's nothing to break!?
And look at that!

I don't have a thing for literature.
I haven't even read a book in 20 years.
Writers, have you ever thought that our interests may not be the same?
I'm an exalted person and I have a psychedelic perception and a very psychedelic perception.
Which means I don't give a damn about the social aspects of society's eternal woes.
I'm not going to spit on them out of a grenade with you. You won't get there.
Oh, and Hesse's not gonna shoot out of a tree either.

Oh, shit
If anyone can see this, please.

You're all morbidly creative and you're stopping me from learning the language.
Why am I even doing this all of a sudden?
Why is that a destructive question and I don't know.
It's a waste of time it's all written in Russian and I already know it.
Bot translator translated it.
No one learned anything new in the process.
Carlos, I was attacked by writing demons and my brain was broken.
There's nothing to break? And you're in there, too?
This kind of debacle is a prime example of self-flux.
These writers are just a reflection of you.
You come to learn, you learn.
Oh, thank you, padre.

Do you know what it's for, by the way? I forgot.
Okay, well, we're training to act without benefit or purpose, right? Right?
But it still sounds stupid.
There's no better alternative.
Imagine the ways of man are equally stupid in every way.
Look, your writers agree with that.
It's not easy to accept freedom of choice.
It's the high calling of the chosen few to engage in nonsense,
knowing that nothing forces you to do it.
And I'm the chosen one!
No, you're acting under some kind of duress.
So you've got excuses for defeat.
You should read this fascist. It might be useful.
He already broke my brain in five minutes.
You don't understand, there shouldn't be anything to break.
Thank you.

Well, it's just that the student was silent, huffing and puffing for a long time in English.
and finally got his hands on a language he knows.
No insults, not verbal diarrhea, but verbal waterfall.

Stop thinking, watching and listening only in English.
You won't learn anything new in your own language.
You don't want a repeat, do you?
Yes, sir.
This is the last time, I swear.

Yeah again you're thinking of such a terrible tyranny over yourself in your head.
The feeling of being oppressed is inescapable? Coerced - forced by fate?
Stop shaming me, I'm only human.
These are the topics of these dead writers. There they stand, just waiting for something to suffer from.

You're probably screwing with me too.
Don't let it, but as the saying goes:
"If Genaro's puffing you up, you might burst."
You're literature, too, by the way-- waste paper.
That's right.
Can it materialize?
No one's pretending.
Go to the writers' house. They're having a buffet.

That's where the madhouse is.
It's the criminal politicians who've driven me crazy.
Dressing up again as a victim of circumstance is the most pernicious habit.
No one can do anything in spite of you.
Face it, crazy as a bat, that's what you were.
Sure, find someone to blame for your excuses.
They all owe me a lot.
Do they?
Would you want to take this?

Are intimate conversations like this even worth posting publicly?
Well, you're hoping for a response.
Well, here it is.
This is crazy.
You can deny existence to anyone at any time.
This magic has a reversible possibility:
You can take the existence of anything as a given.
Insane insanity is what I'm talking about.
Purity of mind is the key to success - what you don't want you just can't want.
You can't lie, not here.
What's around you is a reflection of you, not the other way around.

Yeah, with a buffet of dead writers in the corner.
Hey, poet-writers, I love you.
And look who's not there, a marginalized bunch like a bunch of pirates.
I like smart and sincere people, I can't help it.
The evaluative characteristic is that intelligence and sincerity don't belong to the person.
There they are and there they are not. There's no way to tell.
There's something else going on here.

Is the use of outdated language going to stop or not?
It's an obsolete language for you and that's your decision,
not some urgent need.
I'm not going to make excuses
Not to anyone and not for anything.
But strangely, there's something behind it and I don't understand what it is.
You don't need to understand.
Self-indulgence is a favorite substitute for anything.
I'm sick of this dull conversation.
Right, because the language is wrong.
I can't understand where this idea came from so there's no turning back.
And you want to find the source of all the problems that kicked you in the ass?
You can consider this question from the realm of the unknowable in principle and not ask it at all.
Consider your decision that something kicked you in the ass and the direction changed.
Am I a ball? But I think I know the moment it happened.
It was just a funny dream.
The dream affected reality.
That's what I'm saying. State of mind and sincerity are unstable categories.
One moment a person is aware, the next he's a fool.
You shouldn't fix a state of mind if you don't know where it is.

I'm just saying goodbye to language.
For those for whom languages are not a problem don't really know any.
Cartons with them are not even interested in silence.
Denial of existence?

It's the third time you've said goodbye and you won't leave.
It's hard, it breaks the psyche.
Psyche? What's that?
You can build a house out of so many excuses.
And it could even become a cozy resort for the fact that your decision is worthless.
And that would be a decision, too.
And none of them are appealable.
I'm getting there. it's the writers that got me off track.
Shame on you.
Stop embarrassing me.
Am I a dream emissary?
Or am I?
It's just old literature.
Is that so?
It's silly to keep making excuses and bowing down
To those you've already denied exist.
Say goodbye.
All vows are worthless and annulled by each new day.
Tomorrow the mood may be very different.
It's the art of holding on to the thread of your decision over time.

These simple things are quite complex.
Don't waste your energy on public euphemism.
No matter how much the dead writers encourage it.
Ignorance is already fed enough that they're normal and you're not.

What? It was a kick in the ass, a bridal bouquet for someone to catch.
Philanthropist, leave them alone. They don't want anything.
You'd better take care of yourself.
Anti, but let's not get into that.
