Перечень переводов Эмили Дикинсон

19 A sepal, petal, and a thorn http://stihi.ru/2022/02/13/4619
22 All these my banners be http://stihi.ru/2022/06/02/309
30 Adrift! A little boat adrift! http://stihi.ru/2022/05/02/146
59 A little east of Jordan http://stihi.ru/2022/01/28/451
68 Ambition cannot find him http://stihi.ru/2022/11/23/832
70 "Arcturus" is his other name http://stihi.ru/2023/08/29/7813
121 As Watchers hang upon the East http://stihi.ru/2023/09/12/873
140 An altered look about the hills http://stihi.ru/2022/12/27/777
148 All overgrown by cunning moss http://stihi.ru/2022/05/07/473
159 A little bread - a crust - a crumb http://stihi.ru/2022/01/05/1257
165 A Wounded Deer - leaps highest http://stihi.ru/2022/05/01/6519
173 A fuzzy fellow, without feet http://stihi.ru/2022/01/05/1179
174 Past Midnight! Past the Morning Star! http://stihi.ru/2023/09/12/2175
184 A transport one cannot contain http://stihi.ru/2022/03/20/1339
198 An awful Tempest mashed the air http://stihi.ru/2023/08/18/707
204 A slash of Blue http://stihi.ru/2022/02/13/4866
211 Come slowly—Eden! http://stihi.ru/2018/04/18/140
229 A Burdock - clawed my Gown http://stihi.ru/2021/11/19/258
260 I'm nobody! Who are you? http://stihi.ru/2018/03/05/986
263 Is all that pins the Soul http://stihi.ru/2022/02/13/4711
264 A Weight with Needles on the pounds http://stihi.ru/2022/03/20/7666
281 'Tis so appalling - it exhilarates http://stihi.ru/2021/10/27/3228
283 A Mien to move a Queen http://stihi.ru/2022/01/30/761
287 A clock stopped — not the mantel's http://stihi.ru/2021/11/19/1391
323 As if I asked a common Alms http://stihi.ru/2023/08/30/479
335 'Tis not that Dying hurts us so http://stihi.ru/2021/10/19/707
355 'Tis Opposites - entice http://stihi.ru/2021/10/20/1580
371 A precious - mouldering pleasure http://stihi.ru/2022/02/05/992
386 Answer July http://stihi.ru/2023/08/18/966
391 A Visitor in Marl http://stihi.ru/2022/03/20/7834
394 'Twas Love — not me http://stihi.ru/2021/11/18/789
400 A Tongue - to tell Him I am true! http://stihi.ru/2022/03/05/652
414 'Twas like a Maelstrom, with a notch http://stihi.ru/2021/11/05/5886
421 A Charm invests a face http://stihi.ru/2021/11/19/1014
440 'Tis customary as we part http://stihi.ru/2021/10/17/1028
461 A Wife -- at daybreak I shall be http://stihi.ru/2022/04/22/432
478 I had no time to hate, because http://stihi.ru/2018/03/07/7162
480 "Why do I love" You, Sir? http://stihi.ru/2021/10/17/833
519 'Twas warm - at first - like Us http://stihi.ru/2021/11/18/9056
538 'Tis true - They shut me in the Cold http://stihi.ru/2021/11/05/3584
545 Tis One by One — the Father counts
608 Afraid! Of whom am I afraid? http://stihi.ru/2022/05/02/285
652 A Prison gets to be a friend http://stihi.ru/2022/02/13/4578
666 Ah, Teneriffe! http://stihi.ru/2022/05/02/430
702 A first Mute Coming http://stihi.ru/2021/11/27/147
729 Alter! When the Hills do http://stihi.ru/2022/06/02/324
819 All I may, if small http://stihi.ru/2022/05/07/380
820 All Circumstances are the Frame http://stihi.ru/2022/05/02/466
829 Ample make this Bed http://stihi.ru/2022/11/23/884
839 Always Mine! http://stihi.ru/2022/11/23/588
841 A Moth the hue of this http://stihi.ru/2022/01/30/817
852 Apology for Her http://stihi.ru/2023/08/18/1067
854 Banish Air from Air http://stihi.ru/2023/09/12/2631
859 A doubt if it be Us http://stihi.ru/2021/11/27/118
882 A Shade upon the mind there passes http://stihi.ru/2022/02/13/4632
929 How far is it to Heaven? http://stihi.ru/2018/03/07/75
943 A Coffin - is a small Domain http://stihi.ru/2021/11/24/933
951 As Frost is best conceived http://stihi.ru/2023/08/30/445
952 A Man may make a Remark http://stihi.ru/2022/01/29/8134
959 A loss of something ever felt I http://stihi.ru/2022/01/29/8106
963 A nearness to Tremendousness http://stihi.ru/2022/02/05/679
966 All forgot for recollecting http://stihi.ru/2022/05/07/343
973 'Twas awkward, but it fitted me http://stihi.ru/2021/11/05/4781
984 Tis Anguish grander than Delight http://stihi.ru/2021/10/17/920
1096 A narrow fellow in the grass http://stihi.ru/2022/02/13/4548
1185 A little Dog that wags his tail http://stihi.ru/2022/01/21/959
1229 Because He loves Her http://stihi.ru/2023/09/13/345
1317 Abraham to kill him http://stihi.ru/2022/05/01/6550
1489 A Route of Evanescence http://stihi.ru/2022/02/13/4605
1540 As imperceptibly as Grief http://stihi.ru/2023/09/01/6412
1624 Apparently with no surprise http://stihi.ru/2023/08/28/7540
