
White Dandelion filled with light
Houses drowned in a puddle
An artist's vision takes flight
In the world of poetry, a subtle huddle
Shadows and light intertwine Existence cast into art On the computer, sonnets shine From coals and fire, a new start
The image, a portal to verse
Nature's tranquility, a gentle guide
Transformed into digital universe
Where words and emotions collide
Shadows and light intertwine Existence cast into art On the computer, sonnets shine From coals and fire, a new start
Network clouds, electronic waves
From the artist's mind they flow
Shadows and light, like dancers in caves
Creating beauty from what we know
Shadows and light intertwine Existence cast into art On the computer, sonnets shine From coals and fire, a new start
Sonnets born from coals and fire
A longing to be an artist of light
But sunrise still my heart inspires
A window open towards the night
Shadows and light intertwine Existence cast into art On the computer, sonnets shine From coals and fire, a new start
