Liliputin -5670

If President is pardoning himself for breaking the law, it is not illegal, because pardoning is within his core presidential powers ... "
Donald J. Trump

Liliputins. What, the heck, is this?


Why did Nixon say, "When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal"?

Many apologists have answered your question, citing context, Nixon’s expertise, the distortions of the movie and other excuses to soften the quote. What he meant was what he meant. That he, as president, could do what he wanted.

The movie had it right. This was the “gotcha” moment when a man revealed in a single statement the attitude of his entire presidency — that he and the White House were above the law. This hubris is what brought him down. Please remember, America, that although Nixon was fairly liberal by current GOP standards, although he started the EPA and went to China and all that, his men BROKE INTO Democratic party headquarters. They raised, with his tacit approval, hundreds of thousand in hush money. They broke into Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiarist’s office. They had an Enemies List. Nixon ordered the FBI to back off on Watergate (are you listening, James Comey fans?) and that was the “smoking gun” that brought him down. ALL of this is encapsulated in the single sentence — “when the president does it, it is not illegal.” Well. . . NO. If it’s illegal for me to do it, it is ILLEGAL for the president to do it. Or else we have no democracy.
