Business plan 103

Ladies, I have a new idea!
I'm gonna get rich!
I think married men should wear the equivalent of a burka.
It would be the cutting-edge fashion trend.
Family values advocates will support us.
A family is a serious burden that imposes obligations.
You may inadvertently affect someone else's interests.
A ring is not enough. Oh, I'm married.
Then don't flash it.
Wear a burqa and don't talk to women other than your wife from now on.
You know the rules of the road:
"Don't mislead other road users with your maneuvers."

This pedestrian on the expressway is jerking from side to side,
his turn signals are all emergency stops, maybe he's drunk.
But our "give way to the fool" rule keeps us and him safe.
He's entrusted us with his safety. Okay. [Cell phone rings]
Put on a burka, married man.
And your chastity will be intact.
Wedding ring and a cross?
No, we'll take garlic and a silver bullet.
Do you have a bunch of garlic man?
And just wear a burqa, it'll maintain decorum.
and eliminate any ambiguity.

We'll put the equivalent of a burka on them,
No, you can take off your pants.
And no one cares, the men with burdens stand aside.
The couture house concept of "cover your face from top to toe" -
I'm gonna get rich.

Couture - always provocative fashion,
Pret-a-porter - adapted for casual wear.
Let's start sewing! I need a bank account!
I swear I'm a real fashion designer!
The design must meet the demand.
It's the basics of a successful business.
The institution of marriage needs a new trend!

I'm gonna buy myself a yacht.
My competitors have no concept,
they're just a bunch of rags and buttons.
Design is not what they think it is.
They're not competitive.
Keep your head down, put on a burka,
and take care of business-- think about your family.
Conforming to the image-- for decency, a ring
is not a sufficient manifestation.
They'll be blushing underneath a cover from top to toe.
Ladies we are unequivocally in favor of the institution of marriage!
Discrimination on grounds?
Oh no, we'll help them maintain their status.
This look will be just right.
I'm gonna be rich.

Fashion the High Art!
(Those in burqas, speak only on the subject of the conversation.
Communications in private.
so that those around you will not compromise your purity in any way.
but we can offer you the best state-of-the-art security option!
Wear a head-to-toe burqa man and you will not bother anyone and no one will bother you.
And please don't interrupt the conversation unless you have to.
Married status has the option of hidden outside interests. and no one is interested in them. that's why the burqa is for you!)

I don't even know where this stuff came from. i sit quietly and work quietly. And i just wrote it down. My the Muse, whatever she is, seems to have commercial acumen)
