Liliputin -5154

I certainly hope that Adolf Hitler will face the music for hanging me with piano wire ... "
Admiral Wilhelm Canaris

Liliputins. What, the heck, is this?

to face the music
To accept unpleasant consequences
To accept unpleasant consequences: “After several years of cheating his employer, the embezzler finally had to face the music.”

Wilhelm Franz Canaris (1 January 1887 – 9 April 1945) was a German admiral and the chief of the Abwehr (the German military-intelligence service) from 1935 to 1944. Canaris was initially a supporter of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. Following the German invasion of Poland in 1939, however, Canaris turned against Hitler and committed acts of both passive and active resistance during the war.

Being the head of Nazi Germany's military-intelligence agency, he was in a key position to participate in resistance. As the war turned against Germany, Canaris and other military officers expanded their clandestine opposition to the leadership of Nazi Germany. By 1945, his acts of resistance and sabotage against the Nazi regime came to light and Canaris was hanged in Flossenb;rg concentration camp for high treason as the Allied forces advanced through Southern Germany.

Is the story about Hitler and the piano wire hangings a myth?

Not a myth. This happened in the Valkykie episode.
It is accepted as fact that Hitler ordered eight of the conspirators be hanged with piano wire.

This was personal for Hitler so he reportedly not only viewed films of the executions but laughed delightedly at their suffering. His already precarious mental state deteriorated significantly after the close call from the assassination attempt. His paranoia reached new heights.

Hitler was never the same after the bomb blast of July 20th. At first, everyone around him optimistically thought he had only suffered minor injuries. But by the next day, various symptoms indicated some deeper problems.

It is accepted as fact that Hitler ordered eight of the conspirators be hanged with piano wire.

Had they been dropped, piano wire would have decapitated them - that was not the point at all. They weren’t dropped - they were slowly lowered until the wire started to suffocate them tightly, and then they left them to suffocate. Actually it got so tight and small, as you’d expect with piano wire, that it got close to their neck bone - not even blood could flow. Once your blood pressure goes out of the window in situations like that, things will burst. What a horrible way to go.

It’s a disturbing story, and I’m distressed to entertain the details, but it seems to be historically accurate that this type of execution occurred to some of those who plotted the failed attempt to assassinate Hitler on July 20, 1944. It seems the Germans even filmed some of the executions, for Hitler’s later viewing.

The Horrifying Deaths Of The ‘Valkyrie’ Conspirators

No - for example, many of those sentenced to death by the so-called Peoples’ Court after the failed July 20, 1944, plot to kill Hitler were strung up on meat hooks by piano wire and their painful deaths were filmed so that Hitler could “enjoy” watching them.

Not if you’re taking about those arrested in the failed assassination bomb plot. No myth. A number of them were taken to a room that had meathooks stuck in the ceiling and were hanged from the meathooks with piano wire.
