

They promise you eternal life
If you become a slave of God
Renounce off your own way
And listen to the pastors
We answered that we are agree
Because the Gods power is love
Dissenters are beheaded now
And burn in hell forever

Why are we here once again
Though have no memory at all
Obliged uncovering the truth
Who has been crucified for you

Нам обещают вечную жизнь
Если станем рабами божьими
Отречемся идти своим путем
И будем слушать пастырей

Мы согласны ответили
Потому что Бог есть любовь
А несогласных казнят сейчас
И будут гореть в аду заживо

Почему же мы снова здесь
Пусть и лишенные памяти
Обязанные открыть истину
Кто есть распятый Бог

Don't sit by the bush in the park
Voices whisper in the dark
Warmth fades into the breeze
Demons lurk in shadows
Eyes like glass they follow
Don't disappear please

Digital wallet in hand
Linking you to our land
Barbarian calls echo loud
St. George's day arrives soon
Beneath the bright full moon
In choices we're so proud

Try not to die too soon
From the agony in choices
Follow your digital tune
Drowning out all voices

Tech ghosts haunt your dreams
Nothing's ever what it seems
In the network you reside
The code is written deep
No secrets left to keep
In the binary you'll hide

Try not to die too soon
From the agony in choices
Follow your digital tune
Drowning out all voices

Юрьев день поможет нам
Choices are your only fun
Don't let the pain deceive you
Digital hearts can beat too

Не сиди в кустах у лавочки,
Здесь многое oblivion, Остальное opossanen.
Свободные, ведомые бесом,
Стекляными глазами в поисках воздуха.

Твой цифровой кошелек уже прикреплен к номеру Чипа il conte un libero.
Юрьев день поможет, Главное не сдохнуть От муки выбора

Don't sit in the bush by the bench.
There's a lot of warmit, The rest is peaced.
The air for only driven by deamon With eyes of glass. No way be dismissed.

The digital wallet Is already attached to account Of barbarian voice.
St. George's day will help. Just try not to die From the agony in your choice.
