
I thought I was dreaming. That the feminine principle died a long time ago.
 I know I radiate warmth, but no one has touched me for a long time.
 The male energy did not penetrate me. I haven't wanted anyone physically for a long time. The feminine principle has been dormant in me for a long time. After all, I am a fire and I have always known this. The doors were closed to my soul. And she didn't burn with passion.
 No one has turned me on for a long time. But a flash in the sky happened . I saw the energy of the male force.
 I became weak and was at the mercy of this game. My strong nature and power are no longer needed. I gave up this place to that energy. That she took me in her arms without shame. But I was a little shy and trembling. My body gave up for caresses and hugs. Today I opened up. Both body and soul. And I am not afraid to be vulgar, because in this vulgarity I am alive, sexy and my soul is beautiful in it. It's very funny and interesting. It's great that there are moments in life when there is inspiration. I want to breathe deeply and smile.
