lesson writ99

It pretty women with she son teenager
Ask to me where I take my the etnic braclete.
I talk hem all logistic world globalyc trade
I buy it very long.
Me often ask a strangers people about me tings
Why it question.
I princip don’t have no one a expensive ting.
Yeah ting it kind you can find in trash.
“everything suits a scoundrel” - that's how I dress
And I don’t compelled worry about no one with this ting.

But I don’t catch up in flash - will be given for her it ting.
I not tactiless no through time but every one time.
I offered her the bracelete an second later than it need.
She refused. Say what find heself same.
It slow reaction. It sad me.
a person liked a bracelet that costs nothing
and why not give it as a gift?
too slow.

And strange it all. Maybe it scene was don’t not for me
For her son and he must find it braclete for mom?
More what it a cheap trinket.

It literature writ kill me. it last. Now only bojeck – all phrase in kind assortment.
who voices him? I know the voice. no matter.
Anyone beginner esse not effective.
I hoop I was entertained the audience.

Don’t hoop to case there not no one
Really? a pardon. Tailor live yes?
Bojeck stile not very suit for a girl by the way.
After I see what was silence Elizabeth
such silence is only for the heirs of the crown
nobody it don’t worry
the tea?
Why offer that don’t exist?
it is not polite
