An external treatise on the internal in the intern
Am I a fish and am I being carried around in a bag of water?
I am a baby and not yet born.
You feel the boundaries, you should feel them.
I'll have to build ghost walls
Otherwise there is nothing to push away from.
The impulse goes into space in emptiness.
The form must be in shape.
There is no other form of movement.
Why didn't anyone tell me this?
And the “gears” didn’t come out of nowhere.
This is a transport where you find yourself inside.
Ah, Akutagawa, are the tree's leaves double-sided? Exactly!
"The gears are spinning in my head"
But they didn’t turn the dial hands.
The power of the Dragon is in the pearl under his chin.
A name is just a name.
You were a hair's breadth away from this idea:
Second border.
The whole world under a cyclist's helmet
and posts on scooters will not work.
Internal – external –
the body boundary needs a second boundary.
I'm not delusional. and in taolu there is nothing physical at all.
No, I don’t know anything about the Great Reach.
Translation? What are you saying!
We are flying in a spaceship -
It wasn't easy for Sun Wukong when
The other demons caught him between their two copper hemispheres.
I need these timpani.
They then caught him in a pot with spells
and it turned out to be too small for him
and also dissolved its contents.
This is terrible witchcraft.
We will need all this equipment to catch ourselves,
After all, I need a permanent, non-leaky second border.
Are you stealing ancient demon technology?
Come on, no one needs this road dust but me.
You took them for yourself.
Yes, bite me, sock.
The trajectory of movement is partly internal and partly external
The idea of freedom contradicts the need for a second shell.
But without it, you have nothing to build on.
and fantasizing about the whole world,
You find yourself locked within the boundaries of your body.
I didn't need her.
Yes, and it was a different world.
It's a physical movement
with several different amplitudes
and equal-speed trajectories,
But there is not a word about the physical here.
These are mental things, but there is nothing physical in taolu at all.
I need a second border.
Why didn't anyone tell me about this?
Don’t read it, this is taolu tai chi - magical and technical things.
The impulse of any action will go into emptiness,
If you don't designate anything as an obstacle for him.
Mattresses, don't tell your owners' secrets.
Mattress owners, admit it, you don't have much to say about them.
Imitating the movements of sexual intercourse is not a dance.
Physical movement is only a shadow of moving space.
Did I say moving? Don't pay attention, carry on
I understand, funny bears, this is your favorite pose.
There are several trajectories and they partially pass through your body
and partly their path is in external space.
It is also internal now, because we are in the belly of the whale.
Why didn't anyone explain the mechanics of movement to me?
This is vile.
Through your right shoulder blade, down your esophagus,
into the toe of your left foot - no need to drop the chair.
the trajectory should still make a circle around the spleen,
And hit the glass on the stand,
push off the screen and become the right fin, this is a bearing.
It doesn't matter that I don't know where the spleen is
This is a mental trajectory - all the internal organs of the body dance.
These internal surfaces are especially mobile.
They never stop.
Microvibration is life.
You probably have worms.
And any mattress will be horrified by reading it.
Well, we're just doing taolu here.
Training exercises that will never be used
for its intended purpose.
There is simply no direct purpose for magical techniques at this time.
But remember, we know them just in case.
Physical education greetings – we start from emptiness.
But now I need a second border.
Fluke! And how did I guess!
You didn’t guess it yourself and you know it.
Sorry, here's my imaginary friend Talking Sock
inserts himself into the conversation
The fact that I am a genius and I guessed the second border myself.
Don't waste words
otherwise I’ll give you another idea “about a second parachute”
and you will become entangled in the ropes of the first.
It's still a mental movement
and outwardly it does not manifest itself in any way.
No, one who is entangled in mental parachute lines is always visible.
If you push off with your ribs,
then the movement will always be sideways and get stuck in the chest.
We will move it into the basin and it will be a samba.
But it should not be interrupted anywhere otherwise
The momentum will be lost.
Consider everything as a second boundary.
This is called interaction after all-
We have something to build on.
Do you know what Tai Chi Chuan is?
Yes, this is a vulgar translation.
Without knowing the background, you get an outer shell.
Oh you can decorate it.
(Dress up a wood foam stump and watch it all day. This is love.
With a Christmas tree too)
I'm not being vulgar, I just get sideways all the time.
Repulsion from the second border,
whatever it is, it's our secret,
And we won't tell anyone about it.
Are my movements a little different from yours?
Oh, it probably seemed
I've been into ballroom dancing since I was five years old.
(heh, you might think that I remember something.
And tango, frankly speaking, is strange for children.)
But I can, yes instructions:
you will have excellent perfect posture,
if you at least stop thinking.
I - no, I never think about anything at all)
Well, here we start from ancient secret knowledge?
And you have to have too much skill,
To push away from the shadows of shifting non-existent things.
Come to your senses.
Here we start from the bottle,
and it ricochets from the third vertebra.
Yes, some kind of “blended” whiskey writes this,
Blended, and the text, accordingly, is the same.
Different essences live in different drinks.
Stop taking credit for yourself.
And feel the difference, as they say,
Oh, there she is! Well, you see, we mixed everything in one barrel:
Music, magic, word tai chi and dance
and a homogeneous mixture was obtained.
Why are you spitting, in the mixture they are all in their pure form!
Blend bouquet.
But anything suits me to push off.
The main thing is not to forget to do this.
Well, this is a completely new taolu.
It unfolds in real time.
We were trained to start from emptiness altogether,
And we have succeeded in this skill,
True, they began to look more like ghosts,
According to your habits.
Yes masters at five minutes,
but “almost” never counts, alas.
So I need a second boundary for everything
And that's why I came up with it.
The spirit is the memory of the body, as well as subtle things,
Without this idea about stability, forget about accuracy and stability.
And whiskey blend, stop making mattresses crazy.
This trajectory always returns to the mattress.
There's no need to envy them
this natural simplicity is unattainable for you.
But I can give my head in return.
And you won't find buyers.
Is this the secret knowledge of internal Wushu schools?
But of course! Anyone who heard -
I didn’t understand anything - the secret remained a secret.
Yes, I just came up with it -
a second boundary similar to the room is needed.
I can push myself off your face.
I can start from a word.
I will lean my back on the voice.
How many years did it take to realize this technique?
something is always in something.
No one said anything about this.
I invented the wheel.
Now you're making yourself claustrophobic.
Let the border be a pumpkin pot, but the momentum will be enhanced.
We don't feel the outside
we feel the inner
because we're inside now.
This is a “treatise on internal and external.”
Nobody wrote it.
Am I talking about music?
And including.
Mattresses, you don't need to know this about such speech trajectories.
Write a better poem “about him.” And he will write about you.
Are you talking about the word?
And including.
Do I knock down the door with my shoulder?
I actually have a key
But this is an interesting trajectory:
First you need to pull the handle,
yes, it is in your side.
This is a short taolu,
but I'm interested in the long ones.
I push away from everything that comes my way
Because I'm a loose load on deck.
Don't turn over!
Bad image.
Maintain at least three trajectories of movements at the same time.
Oh Shaolin forever!
We talked about rumba. Is not it so?
So I don’t know. Who's talking about what?
Materiality and illusoryness change places all the time.
Mattresses, ghosts, it's you.
Sock, stop acting like a wolf and insulting mattresses,
They didn't do anything bad to you.
We're talking about music, aren't we? Is not it so?
Butterflies in the stomach near the mattress? Stop stealing from Marquez
He simply selected a suitable image to describe the movement of worms in the esophagus.
Well, sorry, I don’t know how to describe the movement of qi in the body.
But now I need the feeling of a second boundary.
Yes, it seems that something has already devoured us.
Whiskey blend he is not a poet, understand, he is a pragmatist.
Yes, and a lot has been said about this too,
not everyone will be able to perceive,
And this is good.
Sock, stop it already.
Taolu perfectly executed - not a single clamp
The impulses were interrupted in several places,
but they were immediately picked up again.
You can assume that a skill has been mastered.
Doesn't rhyme?
- Well, this woman sits and talks,
how to play the guitar, despite the fact that,
her posture of mind and body has been studiously still for many years.
And it’s amazing how such tension
It won't crack in half yet.
Convulsions can occur spontaneously at any time.
There are no movements in it except external ones. It's just scary.
Yes, she hasn't been breathing for many years,
but it tells you how to play and move your fingers correctly.
And I thought: never do like her,
Otherwise, you will ruin your entire coordination of movements -
In the intercourse of a mattress and the owner of the mattress, a mattress is always born.
About Whiskey Blend, explanations are accepted.
You sound like a tai chi master
but pay attention to this incident:
everything you know about tai chi you know from me,
This was not in your blended inflorescence.
This is an interesting effect.
But we came together to understand the second border -
This is huge.
Look at the posture of your mind and body now.
Far from perfect.
Exactly, quiet move, elbow - table.
But we never start from anything physical at all -
The order is reverse.
I hope we haven’t accidentally revealed any other people’s secrets?
While moving?
All these secrets are road dust,
But by the way, you pocketed them for yourself.
And from an ethical and moral point of view,
Stealing road dust is also theft.
Yes! And you, the whiskey blend didn’t make it all rhyme.
This is pollen on the wings of a butterfly.
If you please.
Direct quotes
Mastered the skill of low-amplitude spasms.
This is a magical kick in the ass - you don’t even have to push off:
Are we going to earn at least something today?
Yes, at the same time we will strengthen the skill of the second border.
Phew, it only took us five hours for the coffee to get cold
To understand what can take a lifetime.
That's good.
Yes, but a happy mattress can even lead to happiness
never learn about such self-defense techniques.
About your pathological envy of unsophisticated simplicity
We'll think about it later.
That's right, let's get to work!
Let's take this as the rebound point:
We are not afraid to be fools!
Therefore, the best.
Keep in mind this is a very hard surface,
It gives the movement too much momentum.
Any rebound is extinguished in the bones of the pelvis.
Are these other people's secrets?
This is probably true.
And the mattress owners are very unhappy with you. You know it?
I'm aware. Whiskey-Сupage mattress owners are not happy with you!
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