What for and Why Пер с рус

                What for and Why?          
            It’s for something that the stars are shining,
            It’s for something that so damp are mists,
            It’s for something that spring rains are whining,
            It’s for something that the Earth exists.

            It’s for something that a pretty moth knows
            How to find a plant that so sweet is,
            It’s for something man is born and grows
            And all his life in quests and searches lives.

            It’s for something all has its ‘own life span
            And to the end of it will come and die,
            Turn to ashes easily we all can.
            What for then do we live and why?

            What for and Why?
            There is no answer yet.
            But to ask a question may be even wiser
            Than the answer finally to get.
                (русский вариант см. на стр. 151-200)
