2. 6. Unsent letter. Hoping for

Not thinking is impossible even for angels.
We are neither deaf nor even mute…
God has no voice to tell us the truth,
But hoping for the words of the world,
He gives us the chance to meet our destiny, –
Accident is a language of Heavens.

Not trying is shameful even for angels.
We are neither dead, nor even robotic,
God has no hand to write his intentions,
But hoping for the intuition of hearts,
He gives us the sense to feel our destiny, –
Attraction is a magnet of Heavens.

Not loving is sinful even for angels.
We are neither wolves nor even lambs...
God has no flesh to experience life,
But hoping for the intelligence of minds,
He gives us the right to accept our destiny, –
Сrossroad is an offer of Heavens.

May 27, 2024

