Mama-karma and a spoiled cake

In English to
«Карма-мама», Владимир Пещера

The sense?
No mess, of course!
God bless -
To have good meals
And sweet nice dreams.

To care not
For pretty ones,
Just sex - “come on!”
From time to time.
And money -
That’s damn freedom,
And all the rest
Is prison!

But this mad day,
Its fussy way
Is on my glass,
Ahead of cries
To deaf and mute vehicles,
That I am squeezed and feeble!

Bananas, poems on the skins,
Like slippy pages of my mean
And unpredicted karma.
I truly loved you, “mama”,
I truly loved, but destiny…
The drama.

Please, throw out the cake. It’s spoiled.
And I’ll  wash the dishes…

Дата - 01.06.2024
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