if the career bet was lost, we will make another

(if the career bet was lost, we will make another one.
the establishment does not ask for security for the transaction in advance.
I have nothing to bet but I hope for a chance of winning.
The game of life is very gambling.
but I'm a sharpie and I have three aces up my sleeve.)

Gabriel, help me,
Now I’m going to get very drunk and that’s exactly the goal.
And tomorrow for sure
I need to get a job as a courier driver
to transport all sorts of rubbish around the city.
Do you order junk online?
I'll bring it to you.
I spend my whole life learning to transport all sorts of rubbish.
It's fresh.
But I don’t suffer from self-pity.
Gabriel, we are namesakes. I just need to
that they would hire me and everything would be fine.

The point is that there is no one to blame.
I'm smart enough to understand
that Time is not to blame.
Am I the only one who sympathizes with those born cockroaches?
Maybe yes. It's called Fate.
Transporting trash is not even the worst option.

In the world of asuras, the claim why you are asuras is absurd.
It’s true that it’s the same for the world of fools.
"Everything is for your eyes only"
Certainly. Do not touch,
unless you want to get dirty.
On the ocean
always diving into a barrel of tar is strange,
without even going into waist-deep water.

But oil is the blood of the earth, we almost drank it.
“the whole universe smells of oil” - billions of deaths -
Only a few manage to achieve such heights of understanding.
Yes, please give me a full tank of 98 octane with an octane additive.
Yes, thanks, first column.
Have you been taught to like and dislike? This is bad.

And you will look bad having such a habit,
It has a much more harmful effect on the body than smoking.
I assure you.
Yes, worse than coffee and alcohol.
Accustomed to complaining and blaming
You will never be young.
Well, the sorcerer Carlos told me this.
And the scary thing is that it’s true.
There are not even many such strict laws on Earth.
Oh, this is all about nothing, just random thoughts out loud.

There is a vaccination against this plague, of course.
She sounds cruel.
Don't take anything seriously.
The loophole for indignation and pity is closed.
So what are you going to do? What a nightmare,
you can never get sick of it.
Let's get behind the wheel, drive, and hit the gas,
We need money, these are the rules of the game.
Alcohol doesn't get me drunk, what a shame.

Gabriel, I'm not kidding, I need this job.
I don't know, drop a brick on the employer's head.
Tomorrow. And on weekends we will study guitar.
Yes, I'm grateful I wasn't born a cockroach
Yes, thank you very much for that.
Happiness and unhappiness – evaluative and comparative categories –
this is not for me.
My job is to watch the traffic lights.
Fatalism? Well of course it's him.

Russian roulette - brains on the wall.
Virus of what we could become
but they didn’t become millions of times more dangerous.
How about getting “c” rights and transferring to the tracker?
No Gabriel, imagine, I’m not ashamed to think only about money.
Cats, to hell with 3D, now we're definitely going to get rich.
To the God of the Road everyone should pray over their bowls.
I hope. It's fun, after all.

You're not changing the rules of the game
Where I ended up.
There is only a choice: leave or stay.
Yes, reality will open up like a rag curtain
and will close again behind your back.
No one will notice anything, as if,
you weren't here at all.
This is a tradition - we do not leave any traces behind us.
Yes, like thieves at night.
And why “how”?
Any time.
This happens every night.
Naive, you think that you wake up every day,
as many times as you thought you were old?
We're still free
Nobody is holding.
and what a horror it is.

But I also have a matter of urban logistical importance here.
You order all sorts of nonsense on the Internet, right?
Well, I'll bring this nonsense to your door.
The secret to fun is to embrace your destiny,
as if it were someone else's.
Amen, brothers and sisters.
Love yourself as your neighbor.

Let's pray over our bowls.
Alcohol doesn't get you drunk. What a pity.
Ruthlessness is not cruelty.
On the contrary, mutually exclusive things.
This mechanism is worth thinking seriously about.

"Ruthlessness" romances to sing
and shed tears over the melodrama
Can't get in the way on weekends.
“Ruthlessness = cruelty” is a gross manipulation of meanings,
distorting perception
I'm not a linguist, I'm a driver. (Gabriel, I hope the position is still open?)
Whiskey doesn't get you drunk at all.

Well, yes, along the way, you made an outline of a famous book.
And I feel that the cheat sheet might come in handy tomorrow.
Doesn't get you drunk at all
(I don’t dive into the oil tank of “reality”; I don’t even come out of the water.
This is an illusion, I am an illusionist. And a fatalist. Oh yes, in a good way.)
But now it’s the other way around, the task is to sober up by morning.
