How much?
Why don't you say anything.
We're so dumb we ignore it,
that anyone who says half a word can be killed,
and anyone who says a word will be killed for sure.
And you say, don't be silent, why don't you say anything,
'cause we're listening and we're so cute and dumb
We like to play dumb and nice so much.
it's really comfortable.
How many?
The honest question is always the same.
And it's addressed to specific people.
Is inflation less than a military mortgage?
Is the housing issue finally solved?
And all bank debts forgiven
for disability?
So communism has come after all? Amen!
For your long-awaited prosperity
The whole country is paying the price.
The Black Obelisk - Remarque looked at it with a smirk.
They never sold it, imagine that.
Yeah, that fool didn't read a book about those Germans,
I bet they're all with their families, like nothing's wrong,
going on vacation.
Province, what's the process, tell me,
This parsley,
What's the process, you know, I won't specify.
We're curious, just for the sake of being curious.
Well, it's just that your military mortgage prowess.
the whole country is paying for your military mortgage prowess.
Big money, yes, I realize that,
Big enough, yes, we can see that,
And for the rest of it.
To justify it to your conscience.
By any words, but rightness is usually justified
in front of the conscience always.
So it's a free-for-all.
You turn on the TV, grief is not a problem.
It doesn't matter that it's a freak show on every channel.
They need to make money too, a once-in-a-lifetime profit.
for the rest of their lives.
business. Strike while the iron is hot.
You should be understanding, gentlemen.
Maybe these bums are dreaming of Moscow apartments.
No, but in “Moscow-City”, that's supposed to be intimate.
Biryulyovo, Bottom Mnevniki - and it's fine.
for rhetoric with the appropriate intensity.
But you need to speak like a Roman orator and no less.
So that the crowd opened and did not close their mouths.
Well, maybe, but with the drive of Caligula.
Grandfather will provide a roof over the grandchildren's heads,
he'll rant like a Trotsky orator for it.
(he was killed with an axe, though)
Her husband got a payout
and she immediately trimmed their bologna to look like a poodle.
and botoxed her lips.
Your husband wore a camouflage uniform for that, honey.
What's there to discredit? It was a dream come true.
They went for a walk with the dog,
dinner and sex before bed. The sex wasn't great.
That's the last thing he remembered in one flash.
How much? You just name it.
No one's gonna laugh.
Trade secret? Per capita price?
Wow! What if someone else wants to sell, too?
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