Hello, my Harley!

Whatever the weather, whatever the day,
I drop to my garage to welcome Harley.
I dust it, get up* it, I put on the gloves.
I start it and gently then open the gas.
My heart is about to tremble and buzz.

No helmet - don't wear,the safety?
Don't care. Let wind go around
And play with the hair.
When both we are happy to run nowhere.

Whatever the weather, whatever the day,
The Sun shines much brighter when pick up Harley.
12 мая 2024. Звенигород

* get up - наводить блеск

А шлем лучше одевать... знаете ли...

Владимир Лагунов   28.07.2024 20:31     Заявить о нарушении
Я надеваю))) Это так....для образа))

Татьяна Фригович   29.07.2024 09:44   Заявить о нарушении
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