It is Not Threathnings It is Selfdefence

I Understand That Isavel Doesn"T Give Sovietic AND Reusyan People ANY Humanrights
NOT Privacy
NOT Right OF Selfdefence
NOT Protecting WE Against Violence
Doesn"T Interfere ANY Negative Towards WE
AND Supports Negative Nowards WE
Clearly SAY That THE Target IS OUR Extinction
Most Probably There IS Deadline AND A Final Date OF OUR Existance EN Isavel
"I Will Bring YOU Down" Ideology
OF "Bringing Down" Sovietic AND Reusyan Born People
Teaching Isavel Thatbirth EN Etat IS THE Nationullity
AND That Judaism ISN"T Nationnulity IT IS Only Religion AND Religion IS Literature

BAD*N YOU Antisemite AND Mizogen Which Tries OF Irradicating ANY Small Class
